Wednesday, March 18, 2009

a lush spring

We've been hearing the frogs chirping down by our creek which is a sure sign of spring. Never mind that the creek is edged in ice and snow is still falling! Those beautiful buttercups and tulips for sale at Wal-Mart and other places remind me that winter is truly waning. I can't wait to put some flowers on the deck. My mom, bless her, bought us one of those hanging tomato planters which grows upside down or something! This is not tomato-country so we get desperate for those good Kentucky tomatoes the size of grapefruits. I remember the ones from my granny's big garden - I loved the yellow kind. We'd just eat them like apples with a little salt sprinkled on.

Today we put on our running shoes and go to town for Paul's violin lesson, run some errands, and get groceries. Not a stellar writing day. But I do have a little writing news. Last night I came across a mention of my book in the March 15th issue of Library Journal and it made me smile:) Their book editor, Barbara Hoffert, wrote: "Thousands of novels are published each year, some of them debuts that promise to be fresh, fun, and maybe even the work of our next John Grisham or Marcel Proust. That's why Library Journal lists a wide-ranging selection of forthcoming novels each season."

And there, at the bottom of the page, along with some other Christian fiction titles, was this little line: Laura Frantz. The Frontiersman's Daughter. Revell. August. (Washington). It's interesting that they include the author's state at the end. Only Washington isn't my state! Kentucky would be much better. But here I am. It's always a little startling to see your name or book in print. I'm so thankful but still a bit disbelieving. I keep waiting for the wonder to fade but it never does. And He really does get all the credit:)

I cannot live without books. -Thomas Jefferson to John Adams, 1815

I write for the same reason I breathe ... because if I didn't, I would die. -Isaac Asimov

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