Two sisters...

One man...
When he chooses one, will the other destroy their love?
The Ballantyne Legacy
Coming in the fall, 2012
I've been so very excited to share my new series with you here! Since I just signed the official contract this past Saturday, I feel free to talk about it now. But since I don't want to give too much away, I'll just let you, my readers, ask questions about it:) So go ahead, make my day...
Yay!!! Congratulations!! Can you tell us what the date and locale is? That's what gets me excited for historicals personally!
ReplyDeleteAnd I most definitely meant what I said about no pressure, friend :) I'm so excited for you!!
Wait a minute---is this a movie or a book?!
ReplyDeleteI SERIOUSLY thought you were introducing some great new BBC series that you had discovered!
A book series! How fun!
OK, questions: What are the estimated times of arrival on these books? What time period do they take place in? Where are they located? What was your initial inspiration?
Congratulations, Laura---I am so happy for you!
Yes, yes, YES!!! So excited, Laura - especially since I "recognize" those familiar faces. :) First question - seriously, after THIS post, how are your fans supposed to wait until 2012?! I know The Colonel's Lady is coming & all, and I'm grateful, but're such a tease. ;) Second question...what is the time period for this series? And third question...will the entire series be about these three characters? Or do they only figure primarily in the 1st book?
ReplyDeleteHey---you stole my templates! ;-) LOL, just kidding.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the new series! What time period is this one set in?
Congratulations on signing the contract. I remember these characters best from the series, so it's good to finally see their faces. :)
ReplyDeleteWOW. Very intense (and some nice-looking photos, too.)
ReplyDeleteI have tons of questions, but I won't knock you off your feet with too many. How many books will be in your series?
Where is the setting?
And who is the hot guy? ;-)
So happy for you, for your new contract, and to be able to know you.
I am sooo excited for you and can't wait to see it when you have it published.
ReplyDeleteI am having a hard time reading much lately until I get new glasses (as soon as we get moved) I think it would be better to buy local just in case I have any problems.
Do you know a date yet for the book?
Congrats to you :)
How exciting!!! It's so good to know I have so much to look forward to! A whole SERIES!! I can't think of any original questions that haven't been asked, so I'll just wait for the answers! LOL
ReplyDeleteCooler and sunny today in KY!
I made the mistake of reading this post before I got off work. I cannot tell you how much I wanted work to just be finished so I could reply!
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, congratulations on the contract! It's for all of the books in the series, right?
Richard Armitage is just...wonderful inspiration.
What's the setting 18th or 19th century? Location? Oh, I want to know so much!
Now, I will have to be patient and wait for 2012. Have I mentioned I have no patience at all?
Laura, your news is not just exciting, it's intriguing! What is the era and setting for the story line? Can you tell us a little more about the characters?
ReplyDeleteMany congratulations! Thanks for sharing your happy news : )
Ah, Richard :) I don't really need to ask anything after seeing his picture ;-)
ReplyDeleteWonderful news, Laura - you will do a fabulous job with a series, I have no doubt.
Oh my goodness!!! How exciting!!! Congratulations!!! :D
ReplyDeleteIt sounds so dramatic, and I cannot wait to read it! Of course, we're talking two years from now, but at least I know I'll have something to look forward to... ;)
And this is a new series, right? So I have even more than one book from you to look forward to after next summer? Huzzah!
Thanks for sharing the exciting news!
On the one hand I am thrilled that there will be plenty more Laura Frantz books in my future...but on the tease you!!!!! How can I wait??????
ReplyDeleteWhen you set down to create this series did you mean to create a series? Or did it just evolve out of the first book?
I've been amazed to see that published authors have to pitch a book or series like the rest of the masses...well, I guess you get preferential consideration but still, it's not a done deal. So glad yours is though. Was it a tough sell or did your editor jump up and down and shout for joy the way we all are doing?
And what's the word count?
Will there be a dog featured in the any of the books? Perhaps one with a recurring role in all of them? LOL.
Names -- what are their names? You are so good with naming your characters.
Um...I could go on, but I guess you need time to write to book.
Hooray! Congratulations! I'm doing a little happy dance for you!
Oh, yeah, I was going to ask:
ReplyDelete*WHO* is that hot guy?
but others have answered! :-)
Oh how exciting! A series! I just can't wait!
ReplyDeleteOh thanks, Julia:) You figure in this series, you know ~ had to use that name of yours for my little girl in 1880 or so:)
ReplyDeleteDate and locale...hmmm. Would you believe I'm leaving Kentucky and moving into Pennsylvania?! The first book opens in 1785 just after the Revolutionary War.
Will try to be succinct so won't give too much away yet keep you hooked...
Thanks for the great questions!
ReplyDeleteI chuckled as the post really does read like an ad for a BBC production:) I hope it will be as rich and layered in book form.
ETA on these books is one year apart for each, beginning in fall 2012-15 (I can hear some of you groaning now as it is a series and no one likes to wait that long on a series or otherwise) but I honestly need the time:)
Love your enthusiasm. It's contagious!
Oh Ruth, leave it to you to get to the heart of it all:) The time period spans 100 years - from 1785 to 1882 or so. Since it's a multi-generational family saga, these 3 characters here form the heart of book 1, then their offspring carry the other books. It's 4 generations/4 books so you'll see the same characters to varying degrees in each book (till death do them part and that sort of thing:)
ReplyDeleteOh you are the MASTER template author, I swear!! I had to keep visiting your site to see how you set things up and believe me, my little blurb here is simply shoddy in comparison:) If folks want to see how characters and costumes are REALLY done, visit Kaye's wonderful blog! See, you're a teacher and you didn't even know you had me as an online student! That said, I wouldn't have known who Kimberly Nixon was, etc., w/o your input. As for Richard Armitage...oh my!
ReplyDeleteIt's really neat to find real-life folks that fit the ones in your head. You've been doing it a long time but I'm a bit slow at this game. And you can MORPH them! That's way over my head:0
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for your words here. Same back at ya:)
I can't believe I'm moving out of our beloved Appalachia but there you have it:( Pennsylvania isn't too wild a leap and I've spent quite a bit of time there. Am thinking of a research trip to Fort Pitt next spring.
As for the man, he is new to me, too. Since I don't watch much TV/movies, I've missed this gem:) But I think we'll be seeing Richard Armitage sightings on this blog in future as I continue this series.
Love the word "intense." Hope it IS that. Prayers appreciated for this ambitious project:)
ReplyDeleteSo good to see you here! The first book won't be out till Sept. 2012 but that will be here before you know it and you'll be settled in your new place! Bless you!
ReplyDeleteSwitching gears here... YES, the weather is better for you all and I'm so thankful! My folks fly out tomorrow and can't wait for some cooler temps.
Thanks for your excitement, dear friend. Readers like you are the reason I write:)
ReplyDeleteThanks! I know you like series so hopefully this one will fit the bill. Okay, dinner break, then back to answer more... Thanks so much for sharing my excitement. It means so much!
Oh. My. Goodness.
ReplyDeleteLaura!!!!!!!!!! Another contract? Revell knows what they are doing don't they? How many books?? And have you started writing the first one yet? I don't know how I am supposed to wait now! Seriously, a year for TCL and another year for this book? Why can't you write faster?? *pout*
LOL, can't wait to learn more!!!!
Oh, just another quick question, are you presented by a literay agency? Just curious.
SO EXCITED for you!!!!
This is exciting. Can't wait to see it when its published!
ReplyDeleteWell, since I abandoned Richard in my proposal that got rejected for Henry Cavill, Daniel Craig, Hugh Dancy, Lee Pace, Chris Hemsworth, and Simon Woods in my new historical proposal, I guess it's only fair that you're using him for your series that's already sold. ;-)
ReplyDeleteI remember when I used to cast my characters back in the mid-1980s by pausing the video tape in the VCR and taking a photo of the screen. Let me tell, you, not easy! Then, for years, I subscribed to/purchased every celebrity magazine out there, just for the images (yeah, others buy them "for the articles"). Now, (where I can look up minor characters in anything I watch) and image search engines are two of my favorite writing resources!
ReplyDeleteI'm not very patient either ~ must be a common Kentucky trait:) And oh, so excited you're excited! Love that it made you antsy at work. Hope you feel that way when you see it on the shelf!
Yes, the contract is for all 4 books. And it begins in 1785 Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania, then moves west. And it spans 100 years to the 1880's. So hope that piques your interest!
LAURA!!! I just finally got home after what seemed to be one of the longest days of my life, and this post is just the JOY BOOST I NEEDED!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThe plot sounds so passionate and deep, and seems to promise some serious swooning and sadly, many tears (I mean, someones heart is gonna get broken.). And I LOVE who you picked for your templates!! I recognize them all and can't wait to see how you write them!!
Now some questions...hmmm...
Will all 3 of them have a POV in the first book? If so, will they still have a voice in the upcoming books in the series? Kinda like what Julie Lessman does?
Are these sisters close friends or rivals since birth? Or does their rivalry start once the hero enters the picture?
And, not sure if someone already asked this, but what are their names??
Oh Laura, I am so blessed for you, dear friend!!! Congratulations on signing the contract!!! Such fabulous news and a wonderful gift for both author and readers :D
Praying the Lord will continue to guide and inspire you!!
Amanda Stanley
PS- Left field question here... a few weeks ago you posted a pic of Romola Garai (the beautiful red head from Amazing Grace), is she a template for any upcoming heroines? Just wondering ;)
ReplyDeleteI've never written about 2 sisters before and it's proving so interesting! They are, of course, very different, though they fall in love with the same man. And he has to make a choice between the two under some unusual circumstances:) It is intense and, to use your wonderful word, "intense" or so I hope. So glad you're a reader!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the vote of confidence with this one:) Revell does so many series that I'm one of the few stand-alone authors thus far. Maybe the only one!? At least that I can think of. I'm very excited and when I saw Mr. Armitage, everything just jelled in my romantically-inclined mind:) Did you say he has a wonderful voice? I cannot wait to start watching N&S!!
Thanks so much, Amber:) I'm glad it's 2 years away as you all will forget all about it by then and our little discussion here will seem like the wind! I never know as an author how much to reveal or hold back. I tend to err on the side of silence but Julie Lessman and Kaye Dacus are so good at sharing their work/upcoming projects, I couldn't help myself! Bless u bunches!
ReplyDeleteDeep and smooth as honey :) He does a number of audio books so I'm not the only one who thinks so!
ReplyDeleteEnjoy N & S and be sure to tell me about your favourite scenes. It has a fabulous hand touching scene - brief but so meaningful - sigh!!
Oh Kav,
ReplyDeleteI don't think you asked a single repeat question!! Well, there is a dog in the series, to be honest, and he plays a pivotal role in the first book, I kid you not:) Only he doesn't have a name of yet but alas, is a stray who lives in the barn before being elevated to plantation status. How's that for a tease? And it's true!
Submitting a proposal was a whole new ballgame to me. Since I'd not written a synopsis for any of my books before, having to do 4 took some time. My editor and I talked about future books and I had another idea I'd been considering but asked what her/Revell's needs were. She then asked if I'd consider writing a family series. The idea was intriguing but I had to come up with the details of it all ~ names, plots, story arc over 4 books, ongoing threads, family relationships and implications/complications, etc.
I spent a lot of time praying about it, asking the Lord to block it if he didn't want it to go through. So I held it all loosely but it kept being given the green light enthusiastically. So here I am. Still praying and asking for prayer as this is so different than anything I've ever done.
As for names, I had to change the hero's last name from Gallatin (already in use by another CBA author I've not read) to the old Scottish Ballantyne. I didn't think anything would have already taken Ballantyne as it is so Scots and so archaic. Thus his name is Silas Ballantyne. The sisters are Eden Lee and Elspeth Lee.
Hope I'm not overlooking anything! Thanks for such great questions!
ReplyDeleteThanks so very much. I've been doing the happy dance, too! And I've fallen in love with what I have written so far, so praying readers will, too.
ReplyDeleteI know you like series:) I love them myself! Thanks for chiming in here. Makes it so much more fun than keeping the JOY to myself:)
Rel, I'm afraid I'm still stuck on that loosening of the cravat scene:) Love your honey analogy ~ now that belongs in a book, dear Rel!
ReplyDeleteOh my Goodness!!! This is too amazing. I love all these questions and was just reading down through them wondering when you were going to give the answers... And FINALLY! I love series, I love this time period. I cannot wait. Well done, good and faithful author...
ReplyDeleteThere you are, Amanda:) Oh, such good questions. And I want to bottle that enthusiasm/JOY of yours!
ReplyDeleteLet's go backwards first...
I had picked Romola as the template for my Eden Lee but she was so dolled up I went with the more homespun girls above. But my Eden does have red hair which, if you close your eye, in the picture of Tess above, you can sort of imagine it as red.
Yes, there is some serious heart-breaking happening in this series, particularly book 1. If Richard Armitage were dumping me, I'm afraid I wouldn't make it past page 10!
There are 3 POV characters in book 1 and I bet you can guess who:) Names are Eden and Elspeth Lee and my hero is Silas Ballantyne.
The rivalry between the sisters is long term and intense (and is fueled by a transgression in their mother's past).
Prayers so appreciated, Amanda. It's such a blessing to share this with you all here!
Casey, You disappeared for a minute there ~ bad Blogger! Thanks for your excitement and encouragement ~ they go a long way! In a nutshell, in case you don't have time to read the comments, there are 4 books spanning 100 years in the life of one family. And yes, I have 20k written already but it's rough. And I didn't have an agent the first time round but do this time, thankfully ~ Janet Grant of Books&Such Literary.
ReplyDeleteBless u bunches!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for stopping here! Everytime you pop up I smile ~ your name belongs in a book! It's so memorable. Thanks for being my reader:)
ReplyDeleteI must admit to getting a good laugh imagining that camera aimed at that TV during that not-to-be-missed character shot:) Now that's commitment!! But then you have me trying to DRAW the people in my head ~ and I'm a horrible artist! I confess to cutting out some pics from mags in my day, too. Oh, how far we have come. Google images and the BBC sites are heavensent!
Oh Myrna,
ReplyDeleteLove the "good and faithful author" sentiments ~ that may well be on my tombstone when this is all over:) I love the 19th-century, too, so we are alike in our appreciation there. It will be quite a leap for me. I thank you for your thoughts and prayers. Knowing you are out there reading and praying helps me so much!!
Talking of the lovely Romala Garai, have you seen her in the latest BBC production of Emma? Another not to be missed show. Jonny Lee Miller makes a very dashing Mr Knightly :)
ReplyDeleteI'm adding Emma to my list! I feel so behind the times. Please let me know if there are others you recc. that I may be missing! The fact that you LOVE N&S just makes me know I will feel the same. I just about broke down and bought a TV today. Widescreen and all:) All the better to see that orchard and cravat and hand scene...
Okay, last one the recent BBC Sense & Sensibility. It is beautifully done with characters more suited to the ages of Elinor and Marianne Dashwood in the book.
ReplyDeleteDan Stevens does a fine Edward and Dominic Cooper (Mamma Mia) as Willoughby.
ReplyDeleteTHANKS!! These period dramas provide a world of inspiration:) Looking forward to doing more character spotlights with you in future. Thanks for being such a wonderful friend!
Hmmm, someone asked how long these books are. The contract spcifies 100k but I think that's a modest word count. I'm thinking upwards of 450 pages or so (hope my editor isn't reading this)! There's a lot of punch to pack into this first book especially. And it's not going to be skinny:)
ReplyDeleteI am so excited that you are writing a series!! Must I really wait until 2012? :) I will try to be patient, but am not sure if I will be able to wait patiently. If you need someone to read it ahead of time, then you know who to contact! :) I love your books and am very happy for you!!
ReplyDeleteYay, Stacey is here! You are my Texas night owl:) Thanks for sharing my excitement!! I'm so blessed to have you for a reader. And I promise to write faster:)
ReplyDeleteoh man. now i can hardly wait!!! That 2nd woman is absolutely gorgeous! So which one does he end up with??? oh, yeah, that may be a bit too much info at this point, right?
ReplyDeleteso, so ,so looking forward to this series!!
No questions. I'll just sit here and grin awhile, lovin' all of this for my Kentucky sister. :)
ReplyDeleteOoohhh...what a fun setting.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to read a story with a "Julia" in it. My name isn't too common these days so I don't meet too many. It seems like 100-200 years ago there were a lot more of us :) Anyway, that will make it extra neat.
Kentucky is a great setting and I think Pennsylvania will be great, too. Chris grew up in Scranton and he says there wasn't too much "thrill" there when he grew up but my goodness historically there is so much great history, especially in Philadelphia of course.
YAY! Woo hoo! So excited :D The brunette looks so familiar....where have I seen her?
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to get to know them :D Will this story still be set in Kentucky? How many books do you plan to be in your series? Of course I want to know all about it but I will try to reign myself in ;) yay!
I think it's great to see you sharing more about an upcoming series. It only whets the appetite. :)
ReplyDeleteBlessings on your writing today!
Laura, an epic family saga? I CAN'T WAIT!! Sounds wonderful. :)
ReplyDeleteAnd Heather...maybe you recognize the brunette, Gemma Arterton, from Masterpiece Classic's Tess of the D'Urbervilles or Lost in Austen?
ReplyDeleteSo glad you're here:) And I KNEW someone would ask that wonderful question of who wins his heart! I'm glad you like series and I'm actually doing one. It will be interesting to see how the sins of the fathers, so to speak, filter down through the generations ~ and also their redemptive choices. Sounds like a tall order! I think stand-alone novels are much more tidy and uncomplicated:) Bless you for your excitement, Lisa!
Gin, You're the greatest:) I so appreciate everyone's comments and enthusiasm. They make the writing life so much sweeter and the bumps along the way more manageable!
ReplyDeleteJulia, Interesting Chris was born in PA. I think Scranton is a mill town but may be wrong? You're so right ~ the state is SO rich in history, esp. Philadelphia which does figure in the story.
ReplyDeleteAs for Julia, it is such a pretty name and not so common anymore. I'm sorry you have to wait till book 4 to meet your namesake but I think you'll like her when you do:) I'm always wanting to call you "Jules" for some reason and we've never even met!
ReplyDeleteCan you believe I'm leaving KY for Pennsylvania? And it's a 4 book series spread over 100 years in a nutshell ~ thanks for asking:)
Bless Ruth for answering your question about Gemma Arterton as I always think of her as just "Tess" from the novel/movie. Thanks Ruth! She is a beauty.
I just got online a few minutes ago and Kaye Dacus sent me a pic where she changed Eden's brunette hair to red ~ it's beautiful and just right!! I am going to try to post it in place of my brunette Gemma above but since I'm hopelessly challenged, may mangle the whole post. Kaye, thanks so very much for doing that! I am going to print her out for inspiration:) You know just what's needed here!!
ReplyDeleteWhets the appetite is just the right verbage:) There are those who think it robs the author of inspiration or detracts from the work but I'm thinking it makes for a fun discussion and doesn't spoil things much at all. Bless you for saying so!
Praying you are glad to be back and the work goes easily this week.
ReplyDelete"Epic" is one of my favorite words and I hope I can do it justice here. You and I like the same type family sagas:) I just finished Louis L'Amour's The Sacketts (well, the first 3 books) and loved every minute. I have North&South sitting here staring at me as I type this. It certainly has an epic look about it. BTW, I've refrained from reading your review of the latter but it's getting harder the longer my TV is on hiatus:)
Most of my college friends used to call me "Jules." Chris calls me that sometimes, too :) Its from my great-great grandmother who gave my father the engagement ring to give to my mother.
ReplyDeleteTrying to play email tag. The co-op lost our registration and all the classes for 5 year olds are closed. Chris is telling me to get aggressive, hehe think he knows I won't though. But I am hoping to get her in something as she so looks forward to the classes. OK, that was a lot of blabbing for commenting on a blog :)
HI again, Laura.
ReplyDeleteI was just passing along a tip for a good series.
It's the Guardians of the NOrth series by Alan Morris. I'm just starting book 3. Excellent series. Have you read it?
It revolves around a woman missionary to the Indian tribes and a man who joins the Northwest Mounted Police.
Romance and adventure abound in this series. I'm really enjoying it.
Yeah! I am so excited!! Congrats on the new contract and I can't wait to read your new series!! Happy writing :) By the way, do you known when is the Colonel's Daughter releasing?
ReplyDeleteMaybe this will help, Laura:
Oh Cassie, I wish I could tell you it's releasing next month!! I'm thinking it will be next June but haven't heard officially yet. They're working on the cover so should be able to show that to you in a month or so on the blog here:) Thanks so much for asking! And thanks for sharing my excitment. God is so good to give us books ~ and series ideas!
ReplyDeleteThat sounds so good and no, I haven't heard of it before! But will certainly look it up. Thanks so much for that. Now that I'm writing a series, it helps to read them to see how different authors handle things. Another one I've been told is very good is Kristen Hietzman's Rose Legacy Series which has just been reissued.
Bless you today!
Julia, I love hearing about your family history:) I'm named after my great-grandmother ~ important to keep those family names alive!
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry about the lost registration. Maybe that is a blessing in disguise, though? (I've been learning that hard lesson lately.) I will pray you find another program that works and will fuel her excitement for learning. She sounds so cute and ready to go! Love that age as they are so into everything and don't realize school is work. Actually school is their play:)
Kaye, You are AMAZING:) Off to play with this... Bless U!
ReplyDeleteThat's quite possible. It is one more thing on our plate. I'm going to pray for the Lord to shut the doors to the class if he doesn't want us there.
ReplyDeleteThanks for praying! I feel kind of relieved it didn't work out. It was a classically oriented group and I would have had to teach. I did get Elizabeth into a more low-key art class elsewhere. I think it will be less pressure for both of us.
ReplyDeleteOh that sounds much better and more stress-free, Julia:) My boys love art, Paul in particular. Let me know how it goes!
ReplyDeleteSo Laura...only visit my blog if you don't mind seeing screen caps from the end of North and South. Just wanted to warn you, my friend. :)
ReplyDeleteRuth, Thanks for the heads up:) I'd best wait. Don't want a single spoiler with this one as I know it will be well worth the wait! But I will definitely be over after...
ReplyDeleteAWESOMENESS! A series! Woohoo!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHahaha totally love how everyone is asking who the hottie is, Richard Armitage sure stops people in their tracks doesn't he? LOVE LOVE LOVE North and South, this really makes me want to break out the dvd and watch it for the millionth time.
I CAN'T wait for the series Laura, I know it will be terrific!
XOXO~ Renee
Oh yeah I love the Kentucky setting of your books but it will be nice to see a series set in my neck of the woods! ;-)
ReplyDeleteXOXO~ Renee
YAY, it's RENEE! I thought you might like the setting for this series:) Actually, I think you were the first one I told awhile back?! So good to see you here. And I'm not at all surprised that you are a fan of N&S as you are savvy about that sort of thing. I bet we will have some readers whipping out their DVD's this week! I'm still recovering from Rel's mention of her favorite scenes and I haven't even started watching yet:) Bless you, Renee!
ReplyDeleteLaura, forget not having a TV. Plug that DVD into your computer and watch it already! :-)
ReplyDeleteI always wondered why in the world I have an HP Pavilion Entertainment PC. This might well be the moment I've waited for:)
ReplyDeleteI am with you , Kaye - the tension is killing me! So want to know your thoughts, Laura.
ReplyDeleteAnd by the way, the fruit scene is not an orchard but a fruit bowl - you will know it when yous see it!
And here's another favourite scene, "Look back at me!"
OH REL!! I think I'm a goner... Thought the fruit scene was an orchard scene like in TFD. And now this, "Look back at me." Just scrape me off the floor along with Ruth...
ReplyDeleteYou simply MUST go over to Ruth's booktalk blog as she just reposted something incredible that she and Kaye cooked up previously:) I think you'll like it. I know I did!
Omygosh Rel! The "look back at me" scene makes me want to cry everytime!
ReplyDeleteAnd yes I remember you telling me about the series being set in PA, I just had to mention again how excited I was LOL! I'm pretty sure that this movie (or at least clips of it) is on Youtube for anyone who is curious.
XOXO~ Renee
One episode down via laptop:) Survived the hand touching teacup scene...
ReplyDeleteAnd I've only just begun!
Woo-hoo! :)
ReplyDeleteOH Laura!! The tea cup scene!!!! I thought of that scene this afternoon and just knew you'd love it (it's one of my favorites!) :D The look in his eyes totally made that scene, don't you think? Such tenderness and a wealth of emotions words could never convey *sigh* Something SO powerful passed between them when their hands touched and their eyes locked *double sigh* And I think he found Margaret's nervousness rather charming, too :)
ReplyDeleteI was wondering if you had started watching it yet, and so happy to know that you have!! Keep us posted on your progress, okay? We'd love to know what you think :D
Amanda Stanley
Woo-hoo, indeed, Ruth! It just about killed me to not move to episode 2! And I'm already dreading the END. Heaven, I'm thinking will be filled with endless BBC productions and all the time in the world:)
ReplyDeleteYou say it so well! Powerful and romantic and evocative and then all that smoldering passion even in a tiny teacup scene:) I must admit to pushing the rewind button a few times. And I thought, in pictures, that all that cotton was snow!
Am thinking my Mr. Silas Ballantyne needs to be a bit more brooding and intense... Move over Ian!
We'll have to compare favorite scenes when through, for sure!
My parents are here so viewing time is quite condensed! And the laptop doesn't quite do it justice. Am thinking a bigger screen is in order. But hey, I'm so thankful I got to watch any at all:) And can't wait for the next go round...
Thanks Laura, I kept forgetting to come back and visit (bad me) and couldn't believe there were 89 comments!!
ReplyDeleteAnywho, 4 MORE BOOKS!! I am doing hand springs!!! They sound wonderful.
I can't wait to have you on the Alley! It is going to be such fun. :)
This is a record post, Casey ~ a testament to a beloved North&South:) Thanks so much for cheering for 4 more books:) You are one of my biggest encouragers and it means so very much! You are the reason I write. Can't wait to join you up the street! Your questions are great! Bless you abundantly!
ReplyDeleteOHHH!! I'm so excited. How fun. Can't wait:)
ReplyDeleteHahaha oh my! If I couldn't watch the entire movie at one time I don't think I could bear it! You go girl for showing some self control! :-P
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of great BBC productions have you seen the 2006 version of Jane Eyre starring Ruth Wilson and Toby Stephens?? Soooooo good!
XOXO~ Renee
Oh my gosh, Renee, don't get me started on that production of Jane Eyre...LOVE IT!
ReplyDeleteKristen, Thanks for stopping in! Happy to hear you like series:) I'm really enjoying this first book and hope you do too! Have a blessed day down there:)
ReplyDeleteHi Renee!
ReplyDeleteThe last Jane Eyre I saw was with Timothy Dalton (is that old, or what?)! So I truly appreciate the heads up on this latest one. I must admit I'm spending too much time thinking about episode 2 of N&S. My folks are here visiting so it's been too busy for that, though we did just drag home a TV:)
Oh my, if Ruth likes it, too, then I'm a goner:) Thanks for this, both of you. You'll have me BBC educated yet...
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen all the versions of "Jane Eyre", but I absolutely adore the TV version from many years ago which starred Susannah York and George C. Scott. I was twelve years old and quite impressionable when this version was originally broadcast. I have seen it twice since then, and it has only grown in beauty and resonance. A powerhouse production in every way.
ReplyDelete"In this lovely adaptation of "Jane Eyre", George C. Scott and Susannah York make an excellent pairing, and both have strong and attractive features without the "Hollywood handsome" look, which fits in well with the story. There is some powerful chemistry between them, and Scott just might be the best Edward Rochester on film; he followed his Oscar winning role as "Patton" with this British TV drama, which received theatrical release in Europe, but was only seen on the small screen in the US.("
Virginia, Your description makes me want to add this original to my list, too! I have long been a fan of George C. Scott. I love his portrayal of Scrooge more than any I've ever seen and own that particular version. So moving and well done!.
ReplyDeleteYou all might turn me into a movie/TV fan yet:)
George C. Scott as "Scrooge" is also my favorite film version of "A Christmas Carol". Richly detailed and wonderfully brought to life with a great cast and generous production values.
ReplyDeleteGeorge also starred in another TV movie called "Country Justice" (also called "Family Rescue"), which my mom and watched many times together. If mom and I agreed on a had to be good : ) You can't take your eyes off George in this film. He is unforgettable!
From "Clayton Hayes will do anything to protect his family…even break the law. The court has given custody of Emma Hayes’ (Rachael Leigh Cook, Josie and The Pussycats, She’s All That) child to the baby’s father (Don Diamont, The Young and The Restless), a man who raped Emma when she was only fifteen years old. It’s up to the baby’s grandfather, Clayton Hayes (George C. Scott, Patton) to prevent the child from being handed over until Emma can convince the court to reverse the order. A stunning dramatic performance by George C. Scott as the powerful, yet tender, coal miner who is a tower of strength in the face of adversity."
ReplyDeleteI've not seen Country Justice and it sounds like a treasure! Thanks for this. Sounds very dramatic just from the blurb. I tend to prefer drama over anything humorous, etc.
Glad we agree about Scott's Scrooge:) If I think of any I think you'd like, I'll pass it on. But you seem light years ahead of me!
Oh Laura, I so understand about having to stop while watching N&S. I had to also. It was almost 11:30 pm when I finished the first disc the other night. I knew I couldn't put the second one in, and I was good girl and didn't. However, I did think I'd probably get up early yesterday and finish it. I should have known better, I am definitely not a morning person.
ReplyDeleteI'm hoping I'll get to finish it tonight. I have so many thoughts swirling around about it. Might end up having to write a review of it this weekend.
Oh Michelle, PLEASE do a review:) I know I'm not the only one who would enjoy it! So watch and pin those swirling thoughts down on paper if you can... I promise to do mine once I watch, too.
ReplyDeleteDear Laura,
ReplyDeleteI'm just poking my head in here, trying to get back to normal again, and am so excited to see you introducing your new series! Many blessings . . . I know it will be wonderful.
P.S. Thank you so very much for all your thoughts and prayers for me and my family.
Carla, So thankful you're back. I've missed you a great deal. We were actually cross-posting here as I just left a comment for you on FB. Please know my thoughts are so often with you at this difficult, emotional time. Love and prayers to you.
ReplyDeleteHahaha Ruth! I really don't think there is a BBC production that I've seen that I haven't loved...including Doctor Who but that's another thing all together. :-P
ReplyDeleteEnjoy N&S Laura, you should just make the family watch it with you.
XOXO~ Renee
ReplyDeleteThis might sound silly but I am savoring just watching it alone first:) But I know Randy will love it right along with me. And we just broke down and bought a TV so now, no excuses!!
Not silly at all! I actually prefer to watch movies by myself especially sad ones so people won't see me cry and get worried LOL!
ReplyDeleteI hope you enjoy the rest of the movie on your new tv!
XOXO~ Renee
I so understand, Laura! I watched it on my own first, too :)
ReplyDeleteI'm excited for you - even if that seems a little weird!!!
So are you loving his voice?
Renee, I don't feel quite so silly now, thank you so very much:) I never really realized how much more I enjoy watching alone for the very reasons you mention here. And I can't wait to get back to it! It's fun to know you've seen it and love it, too. I'm not a big movie fan but this one is just right for my historical loving heart! You are a GEM!
ReplyDeleteRel, I think this movie should come with a "VOICE WARNING"! I just about melted in my chair, as Amanda so succinctly said, when he first opened his mouth:) If there was ever a hero's voice...
ReplyDeleteLove sharing all this movie drama with you. Somehow it satisfies on a level that a book doesn't! I can't believe I just said that:)!
Oh yes!!!! RA's voice is AHHHmazing, he's the perfect hero.
ReplyDeleteXOXO~ Renee
LOL! Maybe it is just the Richard factor - hehehe!
ReplyDeleteEven reading a children's story he is mesmerising - LOL! Check this out -
Glad you are enjoying it :) Love the updates!
Just finished watching episode 2. OH MY! I was wondering why my chest hurt ~ I KEPT FORGETTING TO BREATHE!! The dinner party scene, the balcony scene, the fruit scene...
ReplyDeleteI knew John was hopelessly in love with her when he greeted her at the party and she clasped his hand (GO, MARGARET!) ~ a thousand things were in that look he gave her. I'm surprised she stayed standing.
John's sister, Fanny, provides some humorous moments with her hysterics. I get so tickled watching her:) I REALLY like John's mother.
The balcony scene is my favorite so far ~ so much drama and passion ~ I would have gladly been hit in the head with a rock for him!
But I am so very angry/disappointed with Margaret here at the end when John shows a great deal of courage in declaring his feelings/intentions and she ~ well, this is not her finest moment. In fact, by the end of the scene when he's back to mumbling about the fruit, I was ready to throw the whole basket at her!
Needless to say, I can't wait to watch the next episode. This packs such an emotional wallop I have a headache! But in a good way:) Just wanted to thank Rel, Renee, Ruth, Michelle, Amanda, Julia and whoever else is devoted to this wonderful movie for motivating me to watch it!!! I owe U!
Oh Rel, Thanks so much for the link!! I'm off to watch right now:)
ReplyDeleteSo delighted you are loving it, Laura although I knew you would! John's mum is fantastic, isn't she? Get this, she is actually Irish (I think) and a comedienne! True - who would have guessed as she plays the stern, devoted mother so very well.
ReplyDeleteAnd I agree, you need Fanny to lighten the atmosphere from time to time. My heart aches for both of them in the fruit scene - you just want to stop them both and get them to listen what they are really saying to eachother ;-)
Laura - the best is still to come!
Rel, You've made my day! I was so hoping you'd check back in:) This drama is so well done and everything you've said is so spot on. I usually am not moved by many movies but this one has all the qualities I look for in a book. I'm so glad I bought my own copy. I've already gone back and watched the balcony and fruit and dinner party scene several times. I think I know where it's headed (Mom becomes more ill or dies, Margaret returns south, etc.). Hope John follows her. OH MY!
ReplyDeleteI find it fascinating said Mom is an Irish comic! I love her accent. She's perfect for the role. Also, I'm assuming Richard is British yet he speaks with such a distinct dialect I wouldn't be surprised if he isn't Irish himself. I haven't let myself read his bio yet.
Anyway, don't mean to tie you up. Can't wait for a quiet hour to continue the bliss:) Bless you.
Now, Laura, you aren't trying to trick me into giving away the story are you?!?! Let me say this, you are partly right but I think in for a bit of a surprise to boot!
ReplyDeleteI could talk all day long about Richard so comment away ;-) That being said, I really love the characters of Nicholas and Bessie Higgins, too. Especially Nicholas - his journey is so moving as well.
Love that you are updating your viewing as you go! See you after part 3 :)
This movie is just terrific all the way around! I'm so glad that you are loving it Laura! I really like Mrs. Thornton too, she has a kind tough exterior but I think she's really sweet at heart and totally devoted to her family!
ReplyDeleteXOXO~ Renee
Yay, Renee is here!! I was just about to tell Rel that I'm going to lock myself in my room tonight for episode 3 ~ with a box of kleenex to boot:) I watched the trailer today ~ the best really is to come! I think I'll put the trailer on tomorrow's post, just so readers will be quite tired of my infatuation with it all!
ReplyDeleteRel, you're so right ~ the Higgins story is so moving. They're so realistically portrayed. I read that Richard's own family were actually weavers and not so far removed from the workers. That was one of the reasons he felt drawn to this particular role.
Renee, I think Mrs. Thornton should have her own novel:) Love the devotion between mother and son. I am still fuming over Margaret telling John she doesn't like him at the end of scene 2. He has such pathos, wanting to be a gentleman and being put down by her. I am looking forward to see how she redeems all that by movie's end. Off to make supper and then watch! Sigh:)
Laura - you have made my work day so much brighter as I sit here working hard and think of you watching John and Margaret's story unfold - love it!
ReplyDeleteSo, did you get the "cravat" scene - my sis in law and I were watching it and both sighed out loud when the camera pans to John and he has pulled it undone when talking to his mother. How can something like that be so powerful?!
Enjoy - the plot thickens and John and Margaret will misunderstand eachother again!!
Report back, my friend!
Rel!! The cravat scene - heavens! I think that was when I stopped breathing. This movie has all those little subtleties that just move your heart in so many directions. I saw a clip of him in shirtsleeves and just about melted. And then he unties his cravat and I'm thinking, "Here, let me do that for you:)" Be back with you after tonight's episode, dear friend. Thanks to you and Renee for sharing this with me...
ReplyDeleteSo......what did you think?!
ReplyDeleteI'm being impatient, I know - just want to share your joy or angst ;-)
I have read both of your books and LOVED them. I am beyond thrilled you will be writing a series. How am I going to wait till 2012? The suspense is going to kill me :) I love the pictures.
ReplyDeleteYour timing is impeccable!! I just now finished watching episode 3 AGAIN. It was so emotionally dense and had so many deaths that I wanted to make sure I was "getting it" so haven't watched episode 4 yet. I have that sort of sick, sinking feeling that it's going to end so I am going to wait a couple of days (though I feel I can't stand it)!! Sigh.
I think it is so gloriously romantic I don't even know where to begin! Episode 3 begins and ends with such poignancy. I felt so badly for John when his mother was consoling him. I still have bad feelings toward Margaret - I mean, HEAVENS, did she have to tell him she doesn't like him after he tells her so passionately he is in love with her?! What a risk he took! That nearly killed me. Talking about living this vacariously... But then Mrs. T was wonderfully sympathetic. Strangely, I empathize with her in her dislike of Margaret! Hoping I get over that little bit of bitterness in time:(
I must admit that the final scene of episode 3 thrilled me when he turned the tables on her somewhat and told her his foolish passion for her was over and done. Sadly, I can't remember his exact words which were so perfectly said. Where does he get so much emotion?! The man is like Niagra Falls!
I ADORE Miss Latimer. I hope she stirs Margaret's nest a bit. The scene at the exhibition is so good though Margaret seriously needs to have a serious farewell talk with that very unwitty, unhandsome, unappealing would-be suitor of hers. I can't, for the life of me, figure out why he keeps reappearing.
I just read that 14 minutes was cut from each episode and am in absolute mourning!
Now that I've bored you to death with my review - lol - oh, I was very sad about Bessie's death. And I am hoping Frederick is gone for good and is safe.
Please tell me these lovebirds don't leave each other at movie's end. No spoilers, of course, but please, just tell me this:)! Bless you, Rel. Isn't it amazing that you can have so much fun with someone clear around world?! You are a GEM:)
Dear Ben ~
ReplyDeleteOh, I'm so thankful that you're a reader and enjoy my books so much. Bless you for telling me so! 2012 does seem so far away. But The Colonel's Lady is sandwiched in between there, due out next summer, which I hope you enjoy just as much! And I'm so happy you stopped by and like the look of my new series. You are the reason I write! Bless you and please stay in touch!
Laura! Let me say this - regardless of the eventual outcome the conclusion is totally satisfying!
ReplyDeleteBut dopey lawyer/suitor guy turns up again so brace yourself.
The scene with his mum is so poignant, isn't it?
Okay, back to the balcony scene - here are John's thoughts as Elizabeth Gaskell writes them in the book ~ "He could not forget the touch of her arms around his neck, impatiently felt as it had been at the time; but now the recollection of her clinging defence of him, seemed to thrill him through and through,--to melt away every resolution, all power of self-control, as if it were wax before a fire."
Not bad, eh?!
And here is a must read site for the devoted N&S fan - Laura only when you have finished the whole show, though! This is my favourite section, Life Lessons from N&S -
Oh, and Bessie - so sad but loved the scene where you see how much Higgins loves his daughter. Beautiful!
Hugs - thanks for sharing!
Okay, can't help myself. Here are a few of the life lessons fans have written at the website I mentioned in my previous post:
ReplyDeleteSometimes a simple handshake can be as thrilling as an embrace
Never spend the afternoon ironing when you are expecting visitors the same evening
Telling someone you wish to marry them because you love them is more effective when you're not shouting and chasing them round a table.
If you really want a man to cool his ardour, accepting his invitation to dinner and turning up in a tight green frock showing all your charms to advantage isn't the right way to go about it.
Don’t necessarily rule out grown men who live with their mothers
It is generally unwise to goad a gentleman with the words, "Act like a man."
And my personal favourite.....
Beware of being in the presence of handsome men who remove their cravats ...your life will never be the same again.
Rel, You're the greatest!! To think you'd take time out of your day to comment like this! Bless you so much.
ReplyDeleteThe link looks great and I will definitely be over there when I'm done. You've scared me a bit but given me hope that the ending is OK. I don't think I've recovered from Siri's Love Pursuit and Daniel's death yet. I have this fear of unhappy endings!
The quotes here are so funny, true, and inspirational in regards to the movie. No, you DON'T tell a man to act like a man, Margaret!! I thought John took that rather well, all in all. And NO, you don't chase a woman around a table and shout your love for her:) But somehow it was so charming in all its passion!
I ordered the book off Amazon yesterday. Your excerpt here is one of the reasons I did as it shows the inner workings of John and Margaret that were missing from the movie. Leave it to a book to get to the heart of the matter! Thanks for the beautiful excerpt.
I'll be back by week's end to give you my final thoughts about the last hour once I watch. Oh, I just looked at the back of the DVD and have some deleted scenes on mine as well as an interview with RA. Now that will prolong the JOY:)
Bless you bunches today, Rel!
Okay, I just got caught up on the discussion and wanted to throw in a few thoughts.
ReplyDeleteOne of the things I love most about N&S is Martin Phipps's beautiful soundtrack. Here's my favorite piece, "Northbound Train":
Now, while I like Richard Armitage, when it comes to a voice that makes me swoon, it's Paul McGann all the way. In fact, it was his voice (and accent---okay, and the blue eyes) that first drew me to him in the Hornblower movies and gave me the inspiration that became the Ransome Trilogy.
Because I liked Anna Maxwell Martin (Bessy Higgins) so much in N&S, I went on to watch her in the lead role in Bleak House---an adaptation of Dickens's novel by the same title---which I also adore. So that's another one to add to your list. (And if you're having trouble keeping up with titles, be sure to start visiting my blog on Thursdays for my new Costume Dramas series!)
If I were ever to go back to graduate school to pursue another masters or a Ph.D., I would be sorely tempted to write my thesis/dissertation as a comparative analysis between Pride & Prejudice and North & South---because you can't deny that they have similar themes and structures, though much different styles and atmospheres.
I just hope my historical proposal gets picked up---because that will give me a great excuse to watch the Great Exhibition scene in N&S over and over and over again. And the train-station scene. Because I'll have at least one train-station scene in there, somewhere.
Laura, your readers (including me) will be so delighted with this series. It's going to be so incredible I can hardly stand it. Love the pictures and the tagline. ;)
ReplyDeleteLorna, Wonderful to see you here!! Thanks for the thumbs up:) And you'd better like that tag line, dear friend, as it is straight from your creative heart and head!!
ReplyDeleteKaye - have you read this conversation between JT and Darcy? It is very funny -
ReplyDeleteLaura - no reading it until you have finished the series :)
Kaye, I love hearing what you're tihnking/liking/up to:) And I'm not at all surprised the heft of your inspiration was Paul McGann as he nearly upstaged Horatio for me! He does have that velvety voice and his demeanor is just perfect. In fact, he is the man I think of when reading your Ransome series. No other hero will quite do!
ReplyDeleteI'm fascinated by Bessie Higgins simply by the look of her. She has such unusual features (sort of peasant-like) and fit the role in N&S so well. I'd love to see her in another production so will add this to my list.
I don't think you'll have any trouble getting your historical proposal picked up! I'm already dying to pick it up! The Great Exhibition was so well done in the film. And I'm such a train fan myself. In book 4 of this series I deal with a family in the 1880's who's made their fortune in the American railroad and hope to have a luxury car thrown in there somewhere:)
I would love to dissect N&S for a dissertation all by itself! And I've been so dissapointed that I can't find the soundtrack for purchase. If you know where I might, I'd love to hear it. Listening to music while I work is one of my favorite things to do. Endless inspiration that way:)
Praying your writing is going very well. Looking so forward to meeting you in 2 weeks!
Rel ~ LOL! Finish, you say:)? My series or N&S?! I rewatched episode 1 yesterday as it was pouring rain and I'd gotten my work done:) It's amazing what you pick up on a second viewing.
ReplyDeleteMy folks leave tomorrow and my boys start school today. Should watch episode 4 by Friday so will be back here to post about it and hope you check in, too! And I apologize for getting John's would-be Miss's name wrong! Only now I can't think of it again!
Have a great day!
Just had to say the Northbound Train track (no pun intended) is so beautiful!
ReplyDeleteSo......did you see the end? You loved it, didn't you?!
ReplyDeleteHugs - do tell, Laura :)
Oh Rel, I can't believe you just left a comment. I just finished watching episode 4 for the second time an hour ago ~ and I actually got on here and began to comment to you but my heart HURT so that I deleted everything.
ReplyDeleteReally, I don't know where to begin!! But I know you understand the overwhelmed feeling regarding this film so will just say...
I've never seen anyone with RA's range of emotion before. The last hour really did it for me (and just about did me in) as he softened so much in his relationship with Higgins and also Margaret. The scenes with him and the little boy reading were so poignant and well done. And I noticed so many little details. In his handshake with Higgins, did you notice it was Richard with the unkempt nails? Love a working man... He was just so heartbreakingly real - such a strange dichotomy between the brooding mill owner and the little boy beneath it all who so wants to please a certain someone.
And you weren't exaggerating about all those loose threads being tied up neatly by the end. The final scene at the train station blew me away! That yellow flower from the parsonage, the fact that their trains crossed paths. And the moment she kissed his hands! OH. MY. WORD. Such humility in that but it was nothing compared to the way he was looking at her. I've never seen anything like it.
I must admit I was a bit (VERY) nervous as they seemed to be growing further apart in the last hour and I wasn't sure how it would all come together. Her meddling family and Mr. Boresome kept reappearing and making me grimace.
I've never seen anything so romantic as when they went off together, even the play of light through the train window was perfect. And I won't even begin about his being in shirtsleeves and cravatless again!!
In the interview with him his scenes are my own...
the proposal
the snowy mill courtyard/Look back at me
the final kisses at the train
After learning that he is a very fine cello player in real life, his middle name is Crispin, and he says his romantic life is very slow as he's a late bloomer... Well, I think I've met the man of my dreams:) Or at least my books!
I may think of more to comment on here later. There's so much richness and depth to the movie. I really think it is his defining role and always will be. Right now my husband is going to watch episode one with me, only he just informed me he's not sure if he'll like it.
And I'll be back, dear Rel, to report on that tomorrow:) Bless you bunches. You've made my day with your follow-up comment. So glad you've not forgotten about me here:) It's so fun to share this with you!!
Oh, Laura - I'm tearing up just reading your thoughts - it is pretty amazing, isn't it?
ReplyDeleteReassure your husband - I introduced it to my hubby, my sis-in-law and her hubby last year and the boys really got into it. Maybe they didn't feel quite the same about Richard as we did, though - LOL!
My favourite scenes, too and you can add the handshake and cravat removal scenes, too!
I love the symmetry of the beginning and end of the movie - both times she is travelling to Milton with a rose but in such different circumstances - despair v. joyous peace.
Richard will forever be JT to me, too :) I'm soooo glad you loved the ending. To see him smile as he steps off the train is simply gorgeous, given his stern face throughout the whole movie - you feel you are seeing the true John for the first time - swoon!!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us all, Laura - I've loved every minute of it! When you visit Australia one day, I'll take you to see the kangaroos and koalas but we can watch N&S together while eating vegemite sandwiches - hehehe!
Rel, Oh what a gift to wake up to your thoughts:) For my Labor Day treat today, I'm going to rewatch episode 4 again via laptop and earphones. We had so many interruptions last night I'm glad I watched it solo that way first.
ReplyDeleteI forgot to mention how I chuckled at Fanny's antics. Leave it to Fanny to marry the richest, most unattractive tradesman in Milton:) If there was ever a need for a sequel, it is NOW...
I am expecting Gaskell's book this week. I ordered 2 copies and will give one away on my blog. I might just order the DVD set and give it away also as I love the movie so much and it seems only fair to share!
Bless you today and hope it's happy in your part of the world. Those vegemite sandwiches along with N&S and some kaolas and such thrown it sounds heavenly! My granny went to Australia years ago and LOVED it (New Z), also. May I follow in her travel-loving steps!! And the invitation to my humble home is always open to you, dear friend.
I have just found your books in the last few months and I am in love with them. My favorite is the Colonel's Lady. I can't wait for the new series.
ReplyDeleteDeAnn, So happy you found me and my books! Bless you so much:) I have a special place in my heart for Roxie and Cass's story so am glad to hear you do, too. I hope you like this next series just as much. In fact, I just heard from my editor this week after she read the first book I recently turned in and she said "These are characters your readers are going to love." I hope so!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for taking time to stop here and encourage me. I reaally feel blessed to have connected this way. Please stay in touch!
Hmm, dear Laura, I'm rereading all you wrote here and thinking...pondering...the daughters and the hair color (of Eden)..and the mother's transgression from the past...hmmm..I think I have an idea but afraid to say. :) I hate being wrong! LOL! Anyways, I don't know HOW I am going to wait til September to read this...seriously....this is killing me!
ReplyDeleteAmy, You are the sweetest, cleverest thing!! How on earth did you remember that?!?! I'm really impressed. And so thankful it's on this post and not the current one!! I probably shouldn't have given that away and pray it doesn't spoil the story for you;) But I think there are enough twists and turns that you will still be surprised at how it unfolds. And your opinion matters so much to me!! I will say this was the most heart-wrenching book I've ever written. I'd love to discuss it with you once you read it. BTW, you're on my gift list for a signed copy as a thank you for all your kindnesses to me - and just for being YOU!! I think I told you that already but it's fresh on my mind as I had to submit the names to Revell recently. Anyway, LOVE your thoughts about LR. And am over the moon you love the cover!!!!
DeleteOh my goodness- I am thrilled to have figured out a secret! Reading between the lines, I'm guessing my unspoken guess is right. HEHE! Nothing is spoiled for me, that's for sure, because your writing is truly a gift and has such inspiration within the lines. Your faith just springs forth through the words in a way that blesses the reader!
ReplyDeleteI love figuring out plots...when watching a movie with my husband I have to watch what I say because of ruining it for him (always knowing what's going to happen next!). I don't have the same flair when it comes to all books, thankfully, haha. I do hate spoiling it for myself! ;) And YOUR stories always have me guessing and wanting to read more and more!
As you write about this being so heart-wrenching to have written, I'm wondering how God has spoken to you, personally- as I am sure He has through this process. And how difficult some of those writing days were for you! I will be praying for the upcoming months for you and then as your new book is released. I am so honored and humbled to be one that will receive a signed copy- that just made my day! I've been a roller coaster of emotions this week and you have blessed me, Laura! And who knows, you may have mentioned it but I don't remember. LOL. And that's typical of me. I am so forgetful! ~AMY
Amy, Love your thoughts:) So glad I haven't spoiled it for you - I would so not want to do that!! This one should keep you on your toes. It has some heartwrenching things in the storyline that simply "appeared" but when that happens I always feel, if the matter is covered in prayer, that those elements are supposed to be there, heartwrenching or not. The Lord always has a plan. Plus by now, you and other discerning readers know my stories aren't fluffy and light but more serious. But I will say that the ending is a very happy one:) In fact, (you might have already seen this comment), I so hated for the story to end that I just kept writing after I'd turned it in to my editors as I couldn't bear to stop!! It would be fun to post those lost chapters on the blog after a time if readers wanted to see the wedding and honeymoon and new life beginning type scenes. Something to think about, I guess.
ReplyDeleteLastly, this book closely mirrors my own life. But enough said!! It's an honor to send you a signed copy:) I'm so thankful for you! Bless you for your kindred spirit thoughts:) They mean so much!!
Laura- your heart shows a true writer! The fact that you kept on writing!!!!!! What a sweet thing for us, your readers, to think patiently writing and writing and writing...perhaps even to share with us later!
DeleteAmy, YOU are a true writer, too, as you understand me so well:) That scene is so sweet that I keep going back to it and wish it had been a part of the book! I will try to post that somehow after release day for those of you who want a behind the scenes peek after that final chapter in book 1. Can't wait!!
DeleteI trust your being here means you are feeling much better!! Hope so:)