Wondering what to do in the depths of January? Aside from reading a good book, partake of some English tea and imagine yourself in Sherwood Forest:) We've just finished watching the first season of the BBC's
Robin Hood with that glorious finale of Sir Guy nearly marrying Marian (Oh, to have that lovely gown and veil!) and Robin (or was that Much?) spoiling it all... But I digress:) The whole production thus far is visually stunning. The acting is very fine. Richard Armitage steals the show. He makes a reluctant villain. I get little glimpses of him wanting to be good. All he needs is the right woman:) I'm not sure it's Marian.

At this juncture, Maid Marion isn't suffering from T.S.T.L syndrome ( Too Stupid To Live, in the words of the amazing Ruth at
Booktalk and More) - guess that comes later in season 3. I like this Marian because she's a bit voluptuous for a leading lady and I like Robin because he is charming and cocky and the perfect foil for Gizzy. Notice there are no Robin pics here and only one of poor Marian! I'm afraid I'm still suffering from the John Thornton effect... I do appreciate Much very much! He has such a touching vulnerability. The whole outlaw gang is quite charming, even Jack.

Best get back to talking books. In my mailbox today...
Within My Heart/ Tamera Alexander
God's Smuggler/Brother Andrew
Michal/Jill Eileen Smith
50 People Every Christian Should Know: Learning From Spiritual Giants of the Faith/Warren W. Wiersbe
I'd love to know what you're watching or reading right now!
DOWNTON ABBEY!!!! Watched the first episode last night and was enthralled (if I have time this week, I'm going to go back and re-watch on PBS.org before next week's episode airs). Oh, my goodness gracious, those costumes. To die for!!! Makes me want to reconsider setting my next historical series in 1851 and go for something Edwardian. Maybe the next series.
ReplyDeleteWould you believe I've had an hour at home alone? In that time I cleaned up the kitchen AND watched an episode of "Sue Thomas: FBEye." We've been devouring "Bones" episodes, and have just passed the 100th episode mark there. You'll just have to check Thursday's Inkspirational Messages to see what I'm reading and anticipating. Sorry - I wanted to list TCL, but somebody beat me to it!! I did get a plug for TFD on Kaye's blog, though! Her guest asked what characters we would like to be. I chose Lael! Hugs from a snow-expectant Kentuckian!
ReplyDeleteLovely pics! Thanks for sharing them. I've watched a few episodes of Robin Hood. I was quite taken aback that RA was the villain. I'm getting over it . . . I'm reading The Rhythm of Secrets by Patti Lacy and, on-and-off, If God Is Good by Randy Alcorn. But I keep interrupting them to re-read parts of old favorites, like George MacDonald's Unspoken Sermons and some more frivolous stuff. (Your WW book sounds good.)
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm actually in the middle of watching Downton Abbey on Masterpiece Theater online. While I was waiting for it to load, I surfed around and saw your new post! The teapot caught my eye.
I'll have to check this out! Its a long cold winter and a perfect time to check out new movies and new books! I'm still reading the book about the wives of henry VIII, but Im always up for suggestions of new books to get into! I just rewatched one of my most favorite movies ever--- Amelie-- recently and remembered why I fell in love with it in the first place! It's definitely for grown ups only, but what an amazing film...
ReplyDeleteRobin Hood sounds delicious, or at least that certain villain does! This reminds me that I've never finished watching North and South. I need to do that!
ReplyDeleteI have some rather heavy reading that I want to do this year, so I'm having to balance it out with light stuff, too. Right now I'm reading The Bartered Bride by Erica Vetsch.
You are going to LOVE Within My Heart. It made my Top Ten best list for 2010. Very good!!
ReplyDeleteHmm, what am I reading... I am finishing up Patti Lacy's Rhythmn of Secrets and a couple of Love Finds You books. But next on the stack that I am really looking forward to is one of Siri Mitchell's back list books I got for a song. :)
I was watching Last of the Mohicans the other night and it has me all fired to read one of your books. Which I do plan to do this year anyway, but much sooner! You have captured the love story in that movie so well and always reminds me of it.
I just realized this is going to post as my better other half- Faith O'Connor. Seekerville did a really fun post today with a historical party, so of course I had to go as one of my favorite heroines. ;) I think I confused a lot of people though on other blogs! :)
At the moment I'm re-reading Jane Austen's Emma. Before that I finished reading Julie Klassen's book The Girl In the Gatehouse. TGITG wasn't my favorite JK book, but I still love her writing and plan to read her next books. She said on her FB page that she has just booked another research trip to England for this spring! Ohhhhh....how I wish I could be in England! :)
ReplyDeleteI've never seen the Robin Hood series (not quite my thing), but I do love the Little Guy action figure. C19 has several threads where members have taken their Little Guys to various places and have taken his picture. He's been everywhere! Here are three of the threads with more being on the forums.
Here's a strange piece. Someone on C19 saw this engagement announcement in The Telegraph. Do you think it's true or a joke?
Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Except my the proposal for my novella. Heading up the project with 3 other authors. Lots of work. Thanks for letting me take a little break. I think I'll go have a cup of tea. My reward when I'm done will be watching something on BBC, preferably Robin Hood with that handsome Armitage dude!
ReplyDeleteAnd I still didn't say who I was, ha!
ReplyDeleteFaith O'Connor is aka Casey. :) Back to my real self now.
Sigh, I was enjoying being such a heroine.
I'm with Kaye, I watched Downton Abbey last night and loved it and I'm about halfway through season 3 of Lark Rise to Candleford! Yay! I love films/shows that can entertain without being vulgar!
ReplyDeleteXOXO~ Renee
Laura, I have to 2nd Kaye's comment about Downton Abbey - it was absolutely enthralling! I can't wait for the show to continue on Sunday.
ReplyDeleteGlad you enjoyed Season 1 of Robin Hood! :) Makes me happy. :) And thanks for the link shout-out. You are correct, Marian doesn't "catch" T.S.T.L. until later in the show. You know how much I adore Richard Armitage/Gisborne, but I'm glad you're liking Robin too...Jonas Armstrong can be quite charming. :)
Kaye, There's a LOT of buzz about this show! You've converted me by simply talking about the costumes. I do hope you morph to mid-century at some point with a series! I'd certainly be a reader:) I remember you have a fondness for the Great Exhibition as I do. Happy viewing! I'm adding DA to my list!
ReplyDeleteI have a feeling you're snowed in this morning:) If so, I envy you! We're expecting a small storm here but I hope it dumps 3 feet on us! I LOVE snow.
What a GREAT question regarding which character you'd like to be! I'm so touched and thrilled you chose Lael!! She's not been forgotten:) That character question would make a stellar blog post, BTW. I might have to do that. And I'll be sure to check in Thursday to see what you're looking forward to reading!
Bones and STFBEye sound good - also that hour alone which is very rare for you, I'm sure. Happy reading and viewing to you, dear friend!
Renee Ann, That teapot caught my eye, too:) It's in the English pattern I love. And I really have been getting into English tea lately - with lemon and honey - it's quite a treat.
ReplyDeleteYes, RA as villain is a bit hard to swallow though he has scowling down pat. My boys LOVE this series as does Randy. I'm so thrilled to see DA is getting such rave reviews. I'll try to see if I can watch online like you. We have such limited viewing here in the woods.
George MacDonald is one of my all-time favorite authors. I love all things Scottish. Some of his quotes take my breath away:)
Heather, I've never heard of Amelie! Will have to check out. Thanks for that. You blog buddies provide endless inspiration and great ideas for watching/reading, etc. I'm afraid I'm always a little late to the party viewing-wise but get there eventually.
ReplyDeleteBTW, I'm still thinking about your lovely Queen!!
Mary, Well said! Robin Hood is a delicious show:) And I don't say that often. It's wonderfully clean and not very gory but funny even. Wish I could watch the last of N&S with you as episode 4 is my very favorite!! You're in for a treat!
ReplyDeleteI've heard of Erica and that title is familiar also. Am thinking you have a snow day where you are!
Faith - I mean Casey!
ReplyDeleteLOL! I did a double-take for sure when Faith came in:) Will have to hop over to Seekerville and see all that fun for myself! I'm sure Julie loved the fact that you doubled as Faith!! What a great idea for a blog post! I bet they had a record crowd!
So glad you watched Mohicans and think my books are reminiscent of that. Quite a compliment as that remains my favorite movie along with North&South. That cliffside scene still gives me goosebumps! And they cut the love scene with Uncas and Alice:( Grrrr....
Happy reading/writing/jewelry-making to you today!
ReplyDeleteArggghhh, can't get your link to come up as part of it is missing below - bad blogger!! You've certainly piqued my interest! If it has to do with the engagement of RA and a certain someone, I'd love to know!! And I'm chuckling at your links to the action figure. What a hoot! There are so many RA sites out there. They've even made RA wallpaper!!
I'm looking forward to reading Julie's latest. The cover is so pretty. Your comments (and others) remind me that we like certain books by authors more than others. I'm always amazed that I have favorite books among individual authors, too. I'm getting mail to that effect about my 2. Will be interesting to see what is said about TCL.
Off to check some of your links! You always amaze me with what you come up with!!
They did???? I don't remember that scene! How sad. :(
ReplyDeleteAnd it was a great day!! So much fun, we even had a Scarlet O'Hara grace us with her presence. :) I don't know if Julie noticed, since I think she only visited once. I need to email her today though, so I might mention something. :)
Carla, That handsome dude, indeed:) Wish I could join you for a cup of tea. Lately it's been Constant comment for me with plenty of lemon and honey.
ReplyDeleteI'm about to go into "nothing" mode too as I'm expecting galleys for TCL any minute. Then I'll disappear for awhile. You sound like you're really working but very excited! Do you know when your first book will release? I think it's so neat you've teamed with other authors for novellas!! I'm about to read Susan's Brides trio. Can't remember the title offhand but have been saving it. I'm afraid Liz Curtis Higg's latest is going to derail me though:)
Renee, Isn't it interesting that we have to turn to the BBC for non-vulgar fare? You think Hollywood would take note! Thanks to you and others, Lark and now DA are on my list. That should provide plenty of inspiration till spring. I need to see about watching online like Renee Ann does. Anyway, bless you today!
ReplyDeleteRuth, I only regret you didn't review seasons 1 & 2 of RH!! My fear is that RA will come HERE and Hollywood will corrupt him. Then my cello-playing, self-effacing hero template will be utterly destroyed! Shudder. Glad Tolkien will keep him busy for awhile...
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to your review of DA:) If you do one...
No time to watch anything, busy with coaching, either at a practice or a game and working on a rewrite of my romantic suspense novel for submission. And I just finished up a proposal for an anthology with 3 other authors, so sitting on my hands waiting on news back for that.
ReplyDeleteI just finished Cathy Marie Hake's latest novel and currently reading Ronie Kendig's Digitalis. I still have a TBR stack leftover from last year to get through too. So hopefully I can get that done
Praying for your submissions, Winter! So glad you're one of the novella authors. They're such popular books!
ReplyDeleteHope your VB season is going well. We're deep into basketball season here. Wyatt has a game a couple of hours away.
Like you, there's never enough time to read. I am having to schedule reading time every day in order to fit it in. Otherwise I just write and don't read.
So good to hear from you! Please let me know what you hear!
Casey, OH, Scarlett! I'm still chuckling about that post of yours on GWTW. Truly, she isn't a very appealing heroine as she's so selfish. It was interesting to hear a fresh persective like yours regarding that old classic:) I think if I watched it today it would make me wince.
ReplyDeleteJules, I have a feeling, is in post-cruise recovery:) The pic of her and her family on the boat is awesome!
If you have netflix you can watch Amelie instantly!~
I am in such an old timey royal mood, lol. You never know where my interests will rove on any given day ;) makes for interesting art though!
Hope the writing is going well! When will we hear more about your series? :D
Check your blog list, Laura...Downton Abbey is definitely being reviewed! :)
ReplyDeleteHeather, Bless you! If it is a historical I'm sure to investigate:) You're so thoughtful to send the link. I wonder which queen you're on now? I have always had a sympathy for poor Ann Boleyn. When I visited the Tower of London and saw the guillotine I was quite glum:( I think my favorite wife was the one who outlived him, clever girl:) He was such a bad man!
ReplyDeleteHappy painting to you today!!
Ruth, RAVE reviews, from all appearances. I'm off to read your latest post!
ReplyDeleteHeather, OH MY! 5 Academy Award nominations! And it's French, another plus:)
ReplyDelete*Sigh*...Richard Armitage. Oh, how I love him in North & South!!! ;)
ReplyDeleteRight now I'm reading Licensed for Trouble by Susan May Warren--and I LOVE it! Very fun and very romantic! Hopefully I will finish it soon so I can write a review. :) I've got some other great books to read soon, too, which I can't wait to get to!
And I'm hoping to watch the first episode of Downton Abbey online soon! I am SO, SO excited to see it!!! Hopefully I will review this miniseries on my blog, as well. ;)
Hope you are having a wonderful day, Laura!
P.S. My roommate loves The Last of the Mohicans, and I think I'd really like it except that I'm kind of a wuss when it comes to any violence in movies. Would it still be worth watching if I skipped the battle scenes?
I am watching Robin Hood right now too! I am getting the discs off Netflix so I am anxiously awaiting more episodes to come to my mail box! Richard Armitage is very handsome and I love that he is playing a bad guy. Can't wait to to keep watching!! Right now though I am reading Tammy Barley's new book- Faiths Reward. It is the third and final book of her Sierra Chronicles. I really love it! The characters are formed and developed so well I really love and care about what happens to these characters. I love her heroine, Jessica's spirit and wish I were more like her! Great book!!
ReplyDeleteBy the way I just read somewhere that Richard Armitage just got cast in the movie The Hobbit!
ReplyDeleteLOL, I figured I'd hear something vindictive from people who really liked that movie when I posted that. But decided I was going to anyway! I was actually surprised on how many people agreed with me. :)
ReplyDeleteBut yesterday was fun no matter what I happen to think of a certain character... :)
I think you are certainly right. Coming down off a big trip like that is never easy. But I am super excited for pictures!! :)
Well, a bit of a cold tonight and actually took a break from books. I am perusing issues of Old Schoolhouse and Home School Enrichment and tracking some ideas. I always seem to have them building up and after reading an issue I always feel more inspired about homeschooling.
ReplyDeleteAnd reading Mr. Popper's Penguins with Elizabeth and Noah.
I think that's really neat that you were a social worker. It really shows on your blog, your heart for helping others and showing Christ's love to them.
ReplyDeleteBut I'm glad you're a writer now otherwise most of us probably wouldn't have "met" you on the net.
Amber, I'm so glad to see you here! I've missed you! But I know college keeps you plenty busy - plus you're fulfilling that exercise resolution like I am. I pray that we keep walking/dancing/weight training/whatever, etc. I feel so much better when I walk! It supposedly enhances creativity so that's good for we writer-types:)
ReplyDeleteI must admit that while LOTMohicans is my favorite (well, 2nd fav now after N&S) that I "watched" the battle scenes through my hands! I just can't do blood. The battle scenes were incredibly realistic which I applaud the producers for but squeamish me... The rest of the movie is so moving and stunning. I can't wait to hear what you think about it! So just fast forward through those battle scenes.
Susan M. Warren is so gifted and I'm glad you're enjoying her book! She's an amazing writing teacher as well and always seems to be at ACFW conference.
Will be checking your blog for book and movie reviews, etc. You readers provide so much inspiration:)
Cassie, It's so fun thinking you're watching it, too:) I haven't enjoyed anything so much since...well, North&South! Yes, that Armitage man is pretty handsome. I chuckled when he was at the altar with Marian and they used his real middle name for the ceremony - Crispin. Somehow those little details intrigue me. The fact that he plays my second favorite instrument after the violin doesn't hurt! Cello, that is:)
ReplyDeleteI've seen Tammy's covers and they're so appealing. Thanks for sharing that here as I know readers will take notice. It's a wonderful thing to be able to share our love of good books!
Oh, you heard correctly about The Hobbit and RA! Only you're probably still trying to figure out how he'll morph into a dwarf or elf or whatever it is he'll be. At least we'll hear his incredible voice:)
Nice pics, Laura :) So happy to hear you enjoyed the first season of Robin Hood! I hope you plan on watching season 2 as I think it showcases the heart and emotions of our "reluctant villain" better ;)
ReplyDeleteI just finished Making Waves and I can see why you and everyone else loved it so much! What a wonderful, FUNNY read :D Once I finish Wrestling Prayer by the Ludy's, I'll be moving onto "Stepping Heavenward" by Elizabeth Prentiss. A dear friend of mine said it was her favorite and sent it to me :) I'm really excited to read it!
And I hope you enjoy Tamera Alexander's Within My Heart! After Morrow (which was my favorite fiction read of last year!) WMH was my next favorite! The emotion was powerful and the love was beautiful. I think I remember you saying you haven't read any Tamera yet, and if that is the case then you are in for a TREAT with possibly her best book yet!
Happy reading, dear Laura :)
P.S.- I let a friend of mine at church borrow The Frontiersman's Daughter and she LOVED it!! Just wanted to share that with you ;D
Julia, I'm sorry you're down with a cold. Randy and the boys have been down with them, too. I guess I'm next... Hope you feel better soon.
ReplyDeleteLove that you make reading a priority with Elizabeth and Noah. That's such a gift. I'm always amazed at how many homes don't have that. There's a huge link between parental reading and children's academic skills/reading levels, etc. Plus you're opening a whole world to them by doing so.
You are so kind to say that about my blog/social work background. I will say that social work those 8 years was heartbreaking, especially since I worked with abused children primarily and then those who ran the gamut from severely psychotic to mildly depressed. It gave me a great deal of compassion for people. There's so much going on with people behind the surface that is hidden. So many hurting people! That's why Jesus is the Master Restorer and Healer. I've seen amazing things happen when Christ heals the mind with His truth.
BTW, I thought of you as I've been reading this Warren W. Wiersbe book (50 People Every Christian Should Know). Have you ever read about Katherine von Bora (Kitty), Martin Luther's wife? I'm so fascinated by their story and find it so book-worthy!! Having a nun and monk marry is quite an inciting incident to propel a novel forward:) Especially since she was snuck out of the convent in a herring barrel, that is!
Casey, LOL! I think Faith O'Conner wins out over Scarlet O'Hara anyday:)
ReplyDeleteThat Robin Hood looked really good. Sorry I missed it.
ReplyDeleteI recently read Within My Heart by Tamera Alexander and really loved it.
Right now I'm reading The Search by Suzanne Woods Fisher. Another great book.
Have a great week.
Trinity Rose
Amanda! I've been waiting for you, dearie:) And I'm beyond THRILLED that you shared TFD! That's what every author dreams of - readers who care enough to share with friends! I'm so glad she enjoyed it, too. That just makes my whole week:) Bless you!!
ReplyDeleteI'm about 30 pages into Within My Heart and yes, it's my first TA book:) I did start Rekindled last year but was sidelined by edits and had to return it to the library. This time I have my own copy and I'm glad. I'll read it with greater pleasure knowing you loved it so much.
About Robin Hood season 2... We just watched the first episode of it last night and wow! Seems like season 1 was a bit tame and now they've pulled out all the stops:) I'm looking forward to seeing Guy get a little better, a little more redeemable (until he commits murder, that is, in season 3!) - I must confess I discovered that on Ruth's blog as I couldn't stand it and peeked! She's good at issuing spoiler alerts but this girl couldn't wait!
So glad you liked Making Waves!! I just finished A Great Catch for endorsement and you are in for such a treat! Lorna has such a wonderful, funny voice and I'm so happy she's my friend!! My husband even thinks the cover is great!
The Ludy books sound wonderful once again and I'm glad you're talking about them here. Stepping Heavenward by Prentiss will be another winner! I'm so glad you and others here enrich your spiritual lives with reading material like you do!
Anyway, bless you till we meet again, dear Amanda!
Trinity Rose, I know you're a huge book lover so you're right at home here:) I'm really appreciative of you asking me to be on your blog when you did:)
ReplyDeleteIt's great to see another thumbs up for Within My Heart. I think I'm going to love it. And I've read Suzanne's first book, The Choice and it kept me turning pages! I've always thought Revell does a stunning job on her covers. This latest one with the woman holding the flower (a rose?) is so pretty and appealing.
Hope your snow is melted - it's snowing wildly here! Praying you have a week of blessings ahead.
I just have to add, you're so unfair putting Richard up here. I keep coming back to drool over him, then I don't get any writing done. LOL!
ReplyDeleteLOL, Winter! Me, too:) It should be illegal for a man to be that handsome - and then have a killer voice! Would you believe the photo montage at right is WALLPAPER!? Seems like RA has some adoring, creative fans!
ReplyDeleteOh, yes I can believe that the RA image is wallpaper. There are loads of period drama lovers that have whole wallpaper, avatar, and signature line contests. I was in a large chain used bookstore and started laughing when my sister pointed out something to me. There tacked to the bookcase in the period drama DVD/VHS section was a wallpaper that I have seen online of Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet from the 1995 BBC/A&E 5 hour production of Pride and Prejudice!
ReplyDeleteI KNEW you would know all about this! It would be fun to have a whole "period drama" room full of such things. I'm afraid my dear hubby wouldn't approve of any RA wallpaper though:) I find the whole contest aspect fascinating! I'm trying to imagine Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth on wallpaper! You and your sister(s) sound like you have fun together. Makes me wish I had one!
Sounds like you are enjoying Robin Hood. I watched the first two seasons several years ago, and loved it. Robin Hood was my introduction to RA. I've always liked gray characters, so I absolutely loved Guy, and surprisingly I loved Robin too! I've still not watched the third season.
ReplyDeleteAs for reading, I am currently very much in an English mood. Right now I'm reading The Golden Prince by Rebecca Dean. The prince in question is Edward VIII when he was around 17-18 years old. He falls in love with an aristocrat's daughter, who of course is not a suitable bride for the Prince of Wales in 1912. It's been very good so far. I've just about finished it.
ReplyDeleteHave you been reading my blogger draft folder?? Just kidding, but you'll be seeing a new regular theme on my blog pretty soon. :)
I actually haven't read much Luther, but Chris took Renaissance/Reformation in college so we do have those major volumes lying around somewhere, I think.
Laura ~I'm always late to the party :) Glad you are enjoying Robin Hood - enjoy season 2 as 3 is not much chop! I'm quite a fan of Will Scarlett and love his journey with....!!!!
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I have been away and got some good reading done including Dale Cramer's Paradise Valley, Ginny Yttrup's Words (what a debut novel!)and CS Lakin's Someone to Blame. Tucked into Rachel Hauck's Dining with Joy for now :)
While camping my sis in law and I watched the first two eps of N&S with our teen girls. They well know our attachment to Richie and it was a lot of fun watching with them. The laptop battery died at the moment Margaret throws her arms around John and is hit by the rock - how dramatic ;-)
Off to investigate Downtown Abbey! Thanks Kaye!
Oh, your reading material sounds so good, Michelle. Like me, you read heavily in the general market and seem to find the gems there:)
ReplyDeleteI don't think you missed much by not seeing that 3rd season on Robin Hood, per Rel here and all the previous comment by others. We finished watching the episode called "Childhood" last night when RA gets a nice dunking in that tank by Robin:) My boys loved it!
I hope you're enjoying that KY snow! Though I know it's not everyone's cup of tea it's mine. We had 6 inches night before last and then it rained by morning and took it all away:( Thinking of you and happy reading to you!
Oh Julia, Now my interest is flaring:) I'll be sure to check my blog list more regularly so i won't miss it! I'll laugh if Kitty pops us!
ReplyDeleteI don't know much about Luther either except the basics. Surely there's a good bio on him somewhere that explains those church politics in simpler terms. I love the history of the church and all the players involved, like you.
Oh Rel! What a time to cut out!! I bet you all were groaning:) I copied that passage from the novel you gave me for my writing notebook as the wording is so beautiful. I've almost memorized it!
ReplyDeleteI'm so anxious to get my hands on Dale's latest and looks like you have. I had to put Within My Heart aside as Liz's Here Burns My Candle just came - can hardly put it down! Talk about rich and brimming with detail... And she's a Kentuckian, to boot:)
I'm glad to see you here as you've been on my mind heavily the last week or so. I was planning to write you as your blog was quiet (you were camping, I bet!) and then another of your blog posts popped up! Sounds like you're enjoying your summer:)
This is way off topic, but here goes. If customers purchase your books on sale at a bookstore or even at places that buy overstock of books do the authors still get their normal cut from the sale? If there's a sale is it only the store that doesn't make the full profit? I've recently been finding some good deals on Christian fiction at an overstock store, but wondered if in buying books there I was actually cutting down on the author's profit. Whew! I hope that was plain enough. It's difficult sometimes to explain things when one is typing.
ReplyDeleteYou explained it perfectly. I'm afraid my answer is less than perfect! Books sales are quite complicated. My understanding is that once a book is out, those books that are unsold go to places like overstock and discount stores and are labeled "remainders." I could be wrong on this, however. I'm sure Kaye would know! The author takes a loss on these, at least in my type contract. But I never worry about those type things. Since I view this whole writing thing as a ministry, I don't ask many questions about the business side of things. I'm waiting to hear back from marketing on another issue about e-book sales. Book selling is very complicated and everything is changing, so something I tell you here today might be obsolete tomorrow. Personally, I LOVE sales and recently ordered my book on Amazon for a whopping $2.50 (TFD) and don't have a clue as to where that goes:)
Ooo authors must hate me since the books I do usually buy are at discount stores like Ollie's (they have TFD and CML for $4.99). I would be interested to know more about how all the marketing and sales side of books works. It's something that I never really thought about before. Thanks for sharing Laura and for giving me something to think about Sylvia!
ReplyDeleteXOXO~ Renee
Renee, I don't blame you a bit! The cost of books is so high:( I am forever looking to buy them for less, also. I'm glad to hear mine are at Ollies! It's always discouraging when a store doesn't carry you. Do you have a kindle or e-reader, by any chance?
ReplyDeleteHere's an answer that someone has come up with to explain profit on books. Do you agree with this answer?
ITV in Great Britan is doing a new 4 part mini-series about the Titanic for the 100th anniversary of the sinking. I guess Kaye will have more Edwardian costumes to look at for another series! Oh, and the same script writer for Downton Abbey is doing the script for this series too.
If anyone is wanting to read Regency Christian fiction (besides Kaye's series of course)do read Catherine Palmer's series. There's the Miss Pickworth series with three books: The Affectionate Adversary, The Bachelor's Bargain,The Courteous Cad. Some people probably will think the first book is a little slower than the last two and may not like it as well. Even if you feel this way, please read it anyway. The other series is The English Ivy series. These books are English Ivy, Wild Heather,and Sweet Violet. This second series may be out of print, but the first one is still in print.
ReplyDeleteSylvia, Thanks so much for the link about books and sales, etc. And I have to say I am a HUGE fan of anything Titanic! A few years ago Randy and I took the ferry to Canada to see the touring exhibit in Victoria, BC. It was so moving and amazing. The hosts dressed up in period costume and pretended to be passengers/survivors. I've always been amazed at all that was salvaged. I think I've read every Titanic book ever written:) I'd forgotten about the anniversary date.
ReplyDeleteI need to look into the Catherine Palmer books. I started her first one last fall and then was sidelined with edits. Carla Gade loves her work and has read everything she's written so far, so I think. I believe CP has some new ones coming up as I've seen a pretty cover or two and the theme is Brides, if I remember correctly. But it's late and I might be addled. Thanks so much for sharing about her here! We all get such good book ideas from each other. You just never know the JOY you spread:)
Off to read your first link. Will tell you what I learn tomorrow:)
Laura, if you keep up with the Thornton effect you will just have to buy this shirt!
Oh, these are funny!
ReplyDeleteThe writing link is correct! And the author says it much better than I, plus they use all the right terms like mid-list and percentages, etc. Everyone's contract terms vary depending on their sales history (and other variables) but the author does end up with a very small slice of the pie in the end. Poverty level, as the article said, is often quite true for those who are not Stephanie Meyer and Stephen King, etc:) Fortunately, my hubby is a great supporter of the arts!
I am still chuckling (coveting?) the RA items!! Am wondering if you could only have one, which you'd choose... Thanks for making my day!
Sylvia, thank you for those RA links! Too cute! I LOVED the greeting card one and think I might just have to order :)
Laura yes I do have a Nook, Santa brought me one for Christmas :-)
ReplyDeleteAmanda, I'm so glad you checked the links:) I think we should order those greeting cards in bulk! It would be great to have all of these in a giveaway! Maybe for Valentine's Day? Hmmm... Sylvia is tooo good at this stuff:)!
ReplyDeleteI just finished reading an amazing book called "Courting Morrow Little" ;) by a wonderful new author I just discovered. I sent you and email regarding this amazing find.
ReplyDeleteStacie Gerathy
ReplyDeleteWelcome here! I just read your email and am so delighted to have you as my reader:) And so happy you enjoyed Morrow's story. I sure loved writing it! I'm about to send you an email but wanted to answer your comment here first. Bless you so much! You've made my day:)
Where have I been while you're talking BBC?
ReplyDeleteI stayed up till 1 AM last night to watch #2 of Downton Abbey because my PBS ran a fund raiser over Masterpiece. I was not pleased!
I absolutely love that last photo of RA as Sir Guy. I can watch it live via netflix on my laptop but so I use it as a reward!
Books - hmmm, finishing A Passion Denied, next is Rhythm of Secrets.
Debra, Bad PBS! We don't get it at all here in the woods:( And we're well into Robin - about halfway through with season 2:)
ReplyDeleteLove hearing about what you're reading. Julie and Patti are 2 of my favorite people!!
I'm halfway through with Liz C. Higg's Here Burns My Candle and already hate to see it end. Glad I waited to read this one late as the sequel will be out very soon so I won't forget much. Ah, what could be better...great books and good viewing:) Bless u today!