My sweet momma has already started cooking. She only has 13 more days to get ready:) She asked what I'd like to eat. This is definitely a southern thing. We decided on garlic cheese grits and pork roast, maybe some fried apples and deviled eggs. Nothing fatty about that! I'll have to fast on the plane. Not hard to do these days.
It's always hard leaving my boys. At 10 and 12 they're old enough to take care of themselves but a mom just has to fuss, you know. I pray over them before I leave (and my china cabinet and every other breakable thing I own). Not really but you know how it is with all that testosterone floating around and no feminine influence. My husband will be here but not really as men don't multi-task well and he sometimes forgets to referee sufficiently and things get ugly. Yes, that's a run-on sentence. Can you tell I'm a little nervous about this trip?
A literary agent I know just took a literary pilgrimage of sorts to Ann of Green Gable's Prince Edward Island. I love all of L.M. Montgomery's books but my favorite is her adult novel, The Blue Castle. If you love romance this book should be in your library like mine. It's an amazing read from an amazing woman. It's available on Amazon and has a multitude of 5 star reviews.
Do you like to travel? If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?
The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page. -Saint Augustine
Two roads diverged in a wood and I - I took the one less traveled by and that has made all the difference. -Robert Frost
We must go beyond books, go out into the bypaths and untrodden depths of the wilderness and travel and explore and tell the world the glories of our journey. -John Hope Franklin
Anywhere in the world? I would have to choose England. I would also love to see France---specifically the Louvre and Versailles---but the whole language barrier would be intimidating.
ReplyDeleteNo matter. George has assured me that we will not be visiting either of these places! The only other countries he's open to are Canada (for hunting, of course!) and Belize where our friends are missionaries.
There's so much to see here in the US. I'd like to go to a lot of places but I don't like urban, crowded places. That's why when we were in Kentucky we didn't drive fifteen extra miles to see the Ohio River and Cincinnati---People thought we were crazy but it just wasn't important to us!
Your mom's cooking sounds delish! We'll have to plan a stop at her house next time we're in the state ;-)
You don't live in extreme western Washington...that would be me. LOL
ReplyDeleteWell, any beach! Then the West. If money and time were no object, Australia for sure! But the flight there would be horrendous so if I could blink my eyes...... Italy would be a great trip too! Maybe if I blink twice? Of course, there's no place like home!
ReplyDeleteYour posts inspire me, Laura. I'm thinking about where I'd go if I could go anywhere... Keep your posts coming. I check every day. And have a wonderful trip to the land of good food and wonderful people.
ReplyDeleteOh, England is grand, Mary! I've never been to France either but love the language.
ReplyDeleteI chuckled at George's comment! Sounds like he and Randy should get together. Belize is good - I have a pic of my brother with a snake around his neck in the jungle there during his language training!!
I'm so glad you liked Kentucky when you were there. And you 3 had better stop in Berea next time - my mom is big on hospitality and loves company:)
LOL, indeed, Tonia! You are even further west than I am and then there are those poor souls out in Neah Bay! I stand corrected:)
ReplyDeleteThe beach is always high on my list - North Carolina beaches are the best! Australia sounds great but very far like you said. Italy is heavenly. I liked Venice but those canals were stinky:( I'd love to go to Greece for some reason. Might be a good setting for a novel:)
Hope Kentucky is sunny and autumn-like for you today!
Bless you, Myrna! I really am looking forward to seeing my folks and being home, if only for 4 days. Ky in the fall is one of His best gifts - lots of color and still fairly warm temps.
ReplyDeleteI'm not surprised you are still thinking about a place to travel. So many people point to Port Angeles/western Washington as the place they want to come. You sound content just where you are and that's a wonderful thing:)
Thank you so much for stopping by and reading! That means so much.
Scotland ever awaits : )
ReplyDeleteHave a lovely visit to Kentucky!
gcwhiskas at aol dot com
YES, Virginia! Scotland! Right behind Lael and Ian:)
ReplyDeleteAnywhere? Well, I'd choose the Celtic fringe of the British Isles, Scotland and Wales in particular. In this country, the setting of my new WIP, the Mohawk Valley of NY, and the Adirondacks.
ReplyDeleteOh boy, you've got some good eats to look forward to. I miss that southern cookin'!
ReplyDeleteI've always heard the Adirondacks are beyond beautiful. A fine place to set a novel! I look forward to eharing more about your WIP!
Once in Kentucky I promise I'll eat enough for two - you and me:)
I would pick Austria, Italy or Jerusalem. Do I really have to pick one? :-) I love love love to travel. How is it I married a man who is a homebody? I think God has a strange sense of humor. LOL
ReplyDeleteCute picture!
ReplyDeleteI've never had grits! Is that a very Oregonian thing to say?
I bet your Momma is so excited to have you come home for a visit. The food sounds amazing.
I'll be praying for your china cabinet also. Remember I have 2 boys (10 and 13) and a big husband, so I know how nerve-wracking it is to leave your home behind in the care of boys.
And of course, L. M. MOntgomery is one of my favorites! When I was about 11-13 my Dad would buy me the next book in the Anne of Green Gables series each time I had a b-day or any other holiday came around. He kept it up until I had the complete set. Even the Rilla and Emily stories. They are a treasured collection on my bookshelf and I can't wait for my girls to get old enough to enjoy them!
I'll have to see if our library has The Blue Castle. Sounds great!
I've been meaning to ask where you find your delightful photos. I think you've said before, but I will pay attention this time. :)
ReplyDeleteLisa, I thought of you when I posted about my boys as I knew you have 2 of your own and probably have a big list of things broken like I do:) I think the Lord has been working on me in that area ever since I first got married. On my wedding day Randy broke my antique hand-painted dogwood hurricane lap from my granny - and he's been breaking things ever since!!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad we share a love of Thom's books and Mongomery:) I hope your library has The Blue Castle as I think you'd just love it. It's every bit as wonderful as the Ann books, just on a delightfully adult scale!
Thanks for the kind comment about the pic - it is cute and I do wish that was me:) And I bet if you tasted grits you'd spit them out:)
Hope you have a wonderful trip to Ky! I know you look forward to it. Don't worry about the boys.....I am sure they will do well but know what you mean about something getting broken or ruined in some way! Remind Randy no rough-housing, ha!! Your Mom is sure to have some yummy eats for you. I love garlic cheese grits especially after your Granny made them and you brought them to Gatlinburg that year. Wishing you a safe trip! Hi to everyone for me too! :)
ReplyDeleteHi Stacey,
ReplyDeleteOh Jerusalem sounds so wonderful - why didn't I think of that! Everyone that goes says it is a life-changing trip. And Italy and Austria would be great, too.
Our husbands must be alike as mine lives 5 miles from where he grew up and has absolutely no love of traveling. In fact, airplanes make him very sick:( He said the next time he has to go to KY he's driving! But he gets carsick, too, so am not sure how that would work.
So good to hear from you today. I hope you have a wonderful Friday!
ReplyDeleteGlad to share a great source for pics - Flickr! My brother introduced me to this amazing site where you upload photos for free. Just type in anything, like "log cabins" (or whatever) and up comes several thousand to choose from, taken from folks around the world. It's one of my favorite online things to do. When I need a break I go and peruse all those delightful pics and pick some for the blog. Have fun!
ReplyDeleteWish I was going to North Carolina to visit you next. You are the hospitality queen:) My boys still remember that trip and can't wait to see you all again in TN next year!
Hope you all are better and you do get to the mts this weekend! Thinking of you.
I'm not a big traveller, either, but I hope you have a great trip and the breakables stay intact at home!
ReplyDeleteI'll have to check that book out. I didn't know she wrote that one.
Bless you, Eileen! I so appreciate the travel wishes. I do hope you read the book. It's so well done with so many twists and turns and wonderful characters. I hated for it to end and it's one of the rare books I've read again. A true romance:)
ReplyDeleteJust got my copy of the info and layout for the Kentucky Book Fair. You got unbelievable placement...at the end of the center aisle right between Silas House and Karen Robards!
ReplyDeleteWhoa, Gin!! What a wondeful way to start my Saturday! I'm amazed and thrilled. Thanks so much for letting me know. Should be a stellar event. I know I'll learn a tremendous amount. Only 13 more days... Guess I'll get to meet Silas, after all:)
ReplyDeleteLaura, I bought your book in Barnes & Noble the other night (right here in Lexington). I was so excited to see it there on the shelf. It's wonderful! I'm only part way through, but I'm loving it.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm excited that you're coming to KY! I know your mom must be so happy. I wish we were still in Berea, so there might be a chance to meet you.
I'm looking forward to crawling into bed tonight with your book :-)
ReplyDeleteI was just thinking of you earlier today! How neat is that? I know that wonderful blog of yours is keeping you busy:) I wish I had more time to try out your wonderful recipes. I have my eye on some for the holidays!
Am so glad you found my book at a Lex. B&N! And for being thoughtful enough to write and tell me. That sure makes me smile:) I'm glad you're half way through TFD as you're coming up on the really interesting, romantic part:) Curling up with a good book sounds just wonderful to me right now! Please let me know what you think when you finish. Bless you bunches!!
Love that photo! And thanks for suggestion to read The Blue Castle.
ReplyDeleteIf I could go anywhere, Sweden. Other than that it would have to be to my story locations, like the Cotswolds and Nova Scotia. I just might get to Nova Scotia because I live in Maine and it's only a stone's throw away.
Oh yes, Carla!
ReplyDeleteThe Cotswolds sound wonderful - I'm intrigued you have a story there:) Sweden and Nova Scotia are high on my list also. I once was in Maine when I was about 10! It's one of the childhood memories that I love - we stayed in an old lodge on a lake and had popovers with jam. Beautiful place/state. You are a blessed woman!
I hope you like TBC if you get a chance to read it. If you really want an eye-opener read LM Mongtomery's diaries and letters. Better yet - don't! She led such a tragic life. But as writers we can better understand why she escaped to her fictitious world.