Friday, October 30, 2009

colonial repast

There's something about this picture that I love. It was taken aboard an 18th-century ship and has a quality about it that doesn't look quite real. Things like these can really jump start your imagination. Before I started this 3rd book, The Locket, I kept seeing a shadowy figure of a soldier at a distance. Only I didn't know what to do with him! He just kept reappearing in my mind till I got used to the idea that he might possibly be the hero in my next book. At first I thought he was just regular army. Then I noticed he was wearing a uniform so he became a Continental officer. I was a bit dismayed because I knew very little about that aspect of 18th-century life. But my Colonel McLinn has taught me a lot:) And military life in that time period was not dull. Mix in a few spies, malarial fever, swords and muskets, black powder, a spinster of 29, and a mute child and you have quite a recipe.

A book begins with falling in love. You lose your heart to a place, a house, an avenue of trees, or with a character who walks in and takes complete possession of you. Your imagination glows, and there is the seed of your book. -Elizabeth Goudge

The winners for a copy of Courting Morrow Little and Donald Maass's The Fire in Fiction will be posted Monday. Anyone who has left a comment in the last week has been entered:) Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Laura,
    I'm looking forward to Courting Morrow Little, but now you dangle the carrot of The Locket! A definite exercise in patience....
    Really like the photo. Has depth..and the contrast is striking. Wouldn't mind having it hanging in my house somewhere!

  2. I thought the picture was a painting at first. I'd love to see that type of thing done on a book cover.

    That quote said it well about how a book begins. I have stories calling to like your officer. The characters for The Locket sound like quite an interesting recipe indeed.

  3. Laura, I'm thrilled to find your 2nd book taking shape and with a publishing date! I was so excited when I got my notification from the publisher...though how I'll wait until the summer is beyond me. I'm still in mourning over finishing TFD! LOL.

    Is the picture an actual photograph or a painting? It has a surreal quality to it and has my mind filling up with questions. What a wonderful starting point for a story.

    I love the Elizabeth Goudge quote. ..."Your imagination glows, and there is the seed of your book." Magicial. Goudge's "The Little White Horse" is one of my all time favourite books.

  4. I love this quote, too, Carla. I wish I was as poetic sounding. And I keep coming back to this beautiful picture - it would make a wonderful book cover. But I have book covers on the brain right now:)

    Have a great reading/writing day!

  5. Patti, Isn't that terrible - dangling all these books!? That's the strange thing about publishing. By the time your first book is released you are far down the road on another and have left the first far behind.

    Yes, the painting - I mean photo! In my dining room would be just fine:)

  6. Kav,
    Great to hear from you here:) And I'm just as thrilled to hear you cared enough to sign up for notifications from my pub! Praying you find Morrow as interesting as Lael! July does seem a long ways off, huh?

    Yes, this is an actual photograph but then it was touched up to resemble a painting. You are right - surreal is the perfect word.

    You've taught me something today - I know nothing about The Little White Horse! That makes me smile as it gives me a good excuse to hop on over to Amazon...

    Bless you today!
