Monday, September 8, 2008

summer's end

This morning I woke up about 5am feeling invincible. I only average about one invincible day a month so the timing was good as this is the day I've been dreading for months. No, I don't have a deadline for the book. Today signaled summer's end and homeschooling again.

I looked at today's agenda and decided some major tweaking was in order if I was going to do all this: roll out of bed, pack Randy's lunch, make Starbucks coffee, have some prayer time, pry the boys out of bed, make Paul eat breakfast/make Wyatt stop eating breakfast, check email, wean myself away from book 2 which consisted of changing a word or two but evolved into a 25 page edit that lasted till 9am, haul all the schoolbooks out and blow the dust off, sharpen pencils, watch Paul tell me a flannelgraph story of Adam and Eve (Paul's interpretation) in which he builds a flannel fire under Satan and hurls lightning bolts at his head, walk 3 miles, avoid those pesky incoming phone calls, check email again to find my editor is out of office for the week, force Waytt to conjugate verbs, make lunch, look longingly out the window at the deck, decide to quit homeschooling forever, put all the books away, plop down into my chair and edit book 2 for 4 hours, talk to Mom on the phone, do some laundry and hang out on the line, grill some chicken and clean the kitchen, take my vitamins, and now, do this blog:)

I think I might have left something out. Mercy! I'm sure you have some combat stories of your own. And tomorrow we get up and do it all again.

On the day I called, You answered me;
You made me bold with strength in my soul.
Psalm 138:3

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