At last my little book made it to the big woods! Here's a quick photo by one of my boys showing my glee:) I feel like my insides are made of confetti on release days! Morrow is even prettier in person and I was oh so delighted with the back cover. The font is even perfect, not to mention the scene portrayed! Like something straight out of The Last of the Mohicans:) But I'd best not spoil it and say more.
So much goes into a book from conception to shelf. So many hopes and dreams. So many people involved. I'm always aware of those who want to be published and are waiting on this day. I know it will happen in God's time if it's right for them the way it did for me.

My mom called bright and early Kentucky time to tell me she'd gotten hers today. The FedEx truck finally rolled in this afternoon only I almost missed it as I was picking Wyatt up from school. Not sure what they do when the author isn't home:) Anyway, I tore open the package as carefully as I could, read my editor's letter which said she hopes I am delighted with the finished product (a gross understatement), and then I proceeded to touch it and smell it and examine every tiny detail from dedication to page count. Kind of like holding that new baby, as I've said before.
Hope you've gotten yours or will soon! Thanks for sharing the moment with me. So busy. And joyful. And thankful!
He who neglects the present moment throws away all he has. ~Johann von Shiller
Life in the presence of God is life at its best. Nothing in our circumstances may change - though often things do change when we are in step with His Spirit - yet the radiance of God's love within warms, strengthens, comforts, and satisfies our deepest longings. ~Janie Seltzer
Yay!!! Celebrating with you, Laura! Snoopy dancing with glee for this wonderful blessing!
ReplyDeleteLisa, So thankful for you! You have Joy written all over you - it was one of the first things I noticed when I met you:) Thanks so much for sharing with me. I can't wait to do the same dance for you!
ReplyDeleteOh, this puts a huge grin on my face! I'm so happy Morrow came today!
ReplyDeleteYou look great in the picture!
BTW, all our little discussions about Panera, resulted in me having Panera for lunch today. Thought of you, since it was the Richmond Road was I was at.
Oh you went to MY Richmond Road Panera's!! If I could have joined you I'd have brought Morrow along:) Have you ever tried their quiche? My, my. Not to mention everything else on their menu...
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for being happy right along with me, Michelle. You are a dear friend!
Congratulations, Laura! You look fantastic, and so does the book. Can't wait for my copy to come. Blessings!! Colleen
ReplyDeleteI am so excited for you! I can't wait to get mine. By the way, I love Panera. We are there on Saturday night. :)
I'm absolutely delighted for you!When I saw you holding your book I got tears in my eyes. As a matter of fact,they are still there as I type this.Hope I get mine tomorrow. It is such a joy to celebrate with you.
ReplyDeleteAhhhh, happy sigh. It's so wonderful to see you (and I can't wait for ACFW!!!) and Morrow, together at last, though of course you've never been apart but you know what I mean. I guess it really is like giving birth. The baby is always with you, but it's just not the same as holding her in your arms. Well, so I would imagine anyway, having never had a baby or a book! LOL. I'm babbling. Can't wait to get my copy.
ReplyDeleteHappy Dancing in Kentucky!!! I'm so happy for you, Laura! And the picture is just perfect.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, Paducah is building a new Panera Bread NOW! I told my hubby that "all" my author friends go there....so of course I must, as well! LOL
Congratulations, and blessings on this, your new "baby." I hope the finger and toe count came out right. ;)
Just perfect! Two lovely ladies together in one photo--Laura Frantz and Morrow Little! I will be smiling for a long while : )Congratulations!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much, Colleen! I have a terrible time with pictures but as they say, happiness is the best cosmetic - at least I'm smiling:) Can't wait to hear when you get your copy. Can't wait to see you in Indy, dear roomie!
ReplyDeleteStacey, You have good taste (or good taste buds:)
ReplyDeleteI'm so anxious to get my box of books and send some out to my giveaway winners like you! They shipped from the warehouse last Wednesday so am thinking/hoping tomorrow. As soon as I get I'll send. Bless you for commenting!
Diana, You are such a sweetheart. Thanks for being so heartfelt here. I'm thinking you'll get yours tomorrow. Will check back with you and see if you do! Praying for you and hoping you are feeling blessed. You are such a blessing!
ReplyDeleteI like your babbling, Lori! Babble away:) Can't wait for Indy, too! Maybe we can all get a table together at a meal and make some time for each other. It's so busy and BIG I always regret not seeing people as often as I like (well, I've only been once and didn't know a soul when I got there and then dear Colleen showed up...) Now who's babbling!?
ReplyDeleteRegina, I love my KY readers! I can hear you cheering:) Thanks so much for your welcome words here. I am beyond envious that you are getting a Panera!!! It doesn't even exist out here. When mentioned folks just scratch their heads (or is it their armpits?)! I do live in logger land:) At any rate, I hope it goes up fast and you pick out a permanant table there. It's all WiFi, too, so we writers can pretend to get something done beside eat:) Wish I could join you when the doors open. Maybe one day!
ReplyDeleteLaura, I got my book today and I can't wait to start reading. My middle daughter is having her labor induced tomorrow (my very first grandchild), so between knitting and pacing, I'll be reading "Courting Morrow Little." Congratulations on all your blessings and here's to your book getting the acclaim it deserves!
ReplyDeleteVirginia, You have such a way with words. Thanks for such gracious thoughts! I'm so glad I have some Virginia readers like you.
ReplyDeleteI'm so thrilled for you and that first grandbaby! You must be over the moon about that:) Nothing on earth like a newborn baby. A book doesn't even come close. But I'm so happy Morrow will go with you, though you just might be so excited you can't read or knit or do much of anything at all:) Can't wait to see Facebook photos when you get them up! Prayers and thoughts with you all.
Oh and I'm so happy you got CML! My mom in Berea and my aunt in Walton got theirs today, too. Happy days:)
Yay! Now if only mine would arrive! Hugs! Carrie
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, Laura!
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to getting my copy of Morrow. I was the reviewer who lost TFD in a car fire. I bought another copy and loved it! Can't wait to read this new one.
woo hoo! i can see the confetti from here ;) what an amazing feeling it must be for you--- after so much work to see your 'idea' through to fruition. Wonderful!!!
ReplyDeleteEnjoy this time and revel in it! I keep checking Amazon to see when it will give me a shipping notice....it better be soon! A girl can only wait so long...
Yeah, Laura! What a thrill that must be. Hope you're going to do a little celebrating.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to get my copy. :)
Delighted for you, Laura :)
ReplyDeleteOh, I wish I were there to give you a big hug! I guess I'll just have to hug the book instead. I'm so happy for you, Laura. My heart if filled and overflowing. And what a lovely photo of you.
ReplyDeleteWonderful quotes!
Very Cool Laura..I Love the smell of a new book (one of the things I liked about going back to school in the Fall) But it WAY more exciting when you are the author. That must be a WONDERFUL feeling and I am happy and proud for you :)
ReplyDeleteYou made the sun come out after dark for me
Congrats Laura! I am so looking forward to reading your second book. I'm using it as a motivation tool...as soon as I get through my 1500 page NCLEX-Review book this summer I'm rewarding myself with permission to read Morrow.
ReplyDeleteLAURA YOU GOT HER!!! I am so OVERJOYED for you my friend!! You look so pretty holding her, glowing just like a new mom should :)
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry I'm so late coming to the party, but I just couldn't go to sleep without congratulating you :) I actually just got done reading it and OH MY GOODNESS! I KNEW it was going to be AMAZING but you just BLEW ME AWAY!!
Morrow is such an incredible heroine and to watch her grow from faith to faith was inspiring! And Red Shirt-*swoon* just his name alone makes my heart flutter!! Quite possibly the greatest hero ever penned, I'm serious! I can't wait to write a review tomorrow on Amazon and Christianbook :) I'd do it now but it's 2am here and I should probably get to bed, but I'm so excited having just finished the story I'm not sure I'll be able to sleep just yet ;)
Amanda Stanley
Simba and I are giving you the wave from way up north!!! It's kind of pathetic, being just the two of us, but we are enthusiastic! And I got my notice from Revell saying CML is due out July 10 -- so that caused a bit of excitement as well.
ReplyDeleteI called my local Christian bookstore (I'm a bit fanatical about supporting local bookstores vs big block or online companies)and I'm on the order list -- and I told them they might want to get a number of extras as it will be flying off the shelves! :-)
Yay, Laura! I'm so happy, with you! Great picture...looks like your dress even matches the book.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! That's great.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, Laura! I cannot WAIT to get my hands on a copy of this book!!!
ReplyDeleteCarrie, You deserve stock in Baker after all you did for TFD! If you ever want to shelve clinical psychology, you'd make a great marketer:) Hoping that book gets to you today!
ReplyDeleteSally, I DO remember you very well - and felt so badly for you about that fire. Glad to know you didn't give up on Lael and tried again! Hope you like Morrow just as much. BTW, you have such a beautiful website/blog! It's changed since I visited you last year on the blog tour - so nice! I hope your writing/editing is going very well. It means a lot that you would take time to stop here and wish me well. I'll add your blog to my blogroll so we can keep up:)
ReplyDeleteHeather, I think Amazon will get their shipment ahead of schedule. Am glad you are antsy! Finishing Sac left a big void, I'm thinking! Alll 1,200 pages or so (can't remember exactly)! Morrow is a skinny 362:) Thanks for all your support and encouragement. This is truly a wonderful time and you make it moreso!
ReplyDeleteBrenda, I'm glad you reminded me of the celebrating part:) Sometimes I forget that. This is such a busy time of year for everyone. Will see if I can squeeze something fun in between Wyatt finishing 7th grade this week and Paul's fiddle/violin jams/recital, a baby shower, and who knows what else! Bless you in your reading and writing this week as I know you're busy, too.
ReplyDeleteRel, Hearing from you is always such a treat:) Looking forward to being your guest in July! I need to add you to my blogroll. Why haven't I done that?! I'm over at your place all the time! Hoping this week is full of blessings for you, dear friend.
ReplyDeleteCarla, Yes, hug that book:) I sure wish we weren't on opposite sides of the country. If you're ever out here our door is wide open. And I'd love to come to Maine again:) Thanks so much for being so supportive and happy for me. I think writing friends especially understand what it means to hold a finished book. The Lord gets all the credit but there are lots of helping hands along the way. Bless you bunches!
ReplyDeletePS: I've been to Panera all of twice, once in Wisconsin, once in Pennsylvania. I wish we had one. And a Trader Joe's too, while I'm wishing.
ReplyDeleteNancy, Love your words here - so poetic and heartfelt! Bless you for being proud and happy for me. That means so much! Hope you and your pets and Billy are having a wonderful start to summer!
ReplyDeleteKelly, So good to hear from you over in sunny EWA! I think of you and we miss you here but know you all are happy over there. And the weather is lots better:)
ReplyDeleteSo glad you want to read CML. I was so delighted when I heard you enjoyed TFD. Will pray you get through that big book! Wow - you are really up to something over there. But you were never one to be idle:) Bless you bunches. Love to J and A and E!
Amanda, I've been holding my breath waiting to hear from you as I do believe you are the first reader in the country! I thought of you so much the last few days and prayed that you would like the story. It's always a gamble with readers as you just don't know what reaches them or doesn't. The fact that you wrote me at 2am and told me you'd finished is an extra delight. Bless you, bless you, bless you!! I can now breathe:)
ReplyDeleteI treasure your words about what you liked in the story. And I can't thank you enough for posting reviews when you have time. I've been hearing that other readers really do rely and read reviews before picking up a book (or not). Hope your Cape Cod excursion was great and you get some sleep! You've made my day - week - month!
Kav, Glad you and Simba are on my team:) And I'm so thankful you called your Christian bookstore - I sure appreciate that! Word of mouth is such a blessing. And supporting those local booksellers is so important. We lost our Christian bookstore a few years ago and it left a big hole in our little community here. So glad you want to read Morrow. That means a lot coming from a librarian and fine fellow writer! Bless you bunches.
ReplyDeleteJulia, Thanks so much! That dress does work though I pulled it out of the back of the closet and had forgotten all about it:) So happy to have you for a reader. Now if I could just get that box of books you'll have yours by early next week:)
ReplyDeleteAdge, So good to hear from you. Hope your summer is going well - I'd love some of that deep south heat of yours:) It really is great having you as a reader and friend. Bless you for stopping by here!
ReplyDeleteRuth! Hope that move is going very well for you! And the heat is behaving. AND you are enjoying your new home. Can't wait for you to meet Morrow. Blog tour coming up:) Thinking of you and hoping this week brings lots of blessings for you!
ReplyDeleteLori, I'm glad you mentioned Trader Joe's! I think there's one in Seattle but I rarely go there. It reminds me of when my brother was in graduate school at Wheaton a few years ago (Chicago), Trader Joe's would come to the missionary compound there and give away tons of FREE stuff! Every week! It was like Christmas for them. So Trader Joe's will always have a special place in my heart. Makes me want to go...
ReplyDeleteWHAT?? 45 comments without me?? LOL, the picture is GREAT and I am grinning from ear to ear, I can't stop!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSO EXCITED, NEED I SAY MORE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!
Casey, YAY! You're here! Yep, 40 or so comments but only half count as half are mine! Thanks so much for joining in here. You are a wonderful reader and friend!
ReplyDeleteThat is so exciting! I can't wait to see the book in real-life...... I bet it's beautiful.
ReplyDeleteAnd what a nice picture of you. You look so happy and pretty sitting there with your book.
Lisa, It really is a beautiful-looking book! I especially like the back cover as the scene depicted has special significance to me. I don't know who to thank for that.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for you gracious words. Can't wait till you meet Morrow! Hoping that giveaway gets underway soon. Maybe my box of books will roll in today:)
Can't wait, Laura!!
ReplyDeleteBTW, Chris says he will admit to enjoying Anne of Green Gables and even Road to Avonlea, but Little House is going too far for him, LOL. That one I watch when he's not around so I don't have to hear the gagging noises.
I've had a lot on my mind today and it made my day to see your picture with your book finally! So glad!
Julia, I think I'm with Chris -those gagging noises are among my favorite when shows turn sappy:) Glad this post gave you a lift. I prayed for you when I read your comment. Isn't it amazing how busy and heavy some days are? Hoping the rest of the day unfolds in a good way for you. Thinking of you.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the prayer, Laura. It means a lot.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations!!! I can only imagine how thrilled you must be. :) And thank you for the encouraging words: that if it's part of God's will, other aspiring authors will get to experience the moment you are enjoying right now!
ReplyDeleteGreat picture, too! :D Thanks for sharing!
Holding your baby! I'm so excited! I can't wait to devour every page.
ReplyDeleteGreat picture of you and your "second child."
I am so happy for you and your picture looks so pretty sitting there with that beautiful book.
ReplyDeleteMay God bless
Amber, YES, I wish I had rested in the truth of this statement when I was 20-something instead of stewing over my writing for years. If we can internalize the truth of it we can REST. Thanks for your well wishes:) It's a JOY to share the JOY with you!
ReplyDeleteOh Lorna, I wish I could devour it fresh like the reader just once. Soon we'll be cooing over your arrival:) I'm so happy we get to release the same summer. God has great timing, huh?!
ReplyDeleteHi Edna, Thanks so much for your warm words. Can't wait for you to see how pretty she is in person! As soon as I get my copies I'm sending one your way. You are a dear reading friend!
ReplyDeleteYippee!! Congratulations on the arrival of your new "baby"! We are all thrilled for you. You look so beautiful in the photo and you even have the look of relief as you hold your baby after a long labor! :-)
ReplyDeleteI'm beginning to wish I had ordered CML from CBD so I would have my copy already! But my local bookstore is struggling and I am trying to give them business---they said their ETA is July 1st. I can't believe I have to wait so long! So many of your readers will probably be finished reading it by the time I get it---No spoilers in the comments, anyone, please!!
Congrats, again, dear friend. I hope the men in your life treat you to a little celebration!
Hi Mary, So glad to see you! I was afraid Peter's birthday celebration had you recuperating in a big way as I've missed your blog posts:) Don't worry - you'll have your very own copy of CML by next week:) So keep a good eye on that SC snailmail! Bless you bunches!
ReplyDeleteHi there! Just finished reading The Frontiersman's Daughter and I loved every minute of it. I checked it out from my local library and was searching for other books written by yourself when I happened upon this blog! As an avid reader of Christian fiction, just wanted to say how much I enjoy your distinct style. I really appreciate the fact that your characterizations did not follow the typical weepy-female-who-is-perfect-inside-and-out, and the touchy-feely-I-know-exactly- how-to-respond-to-your-every-emotional-need-male character that I read in so many other Christian novels. (I'm no writer so that comment probably makes no sense to anyone but me!) I thought that the characters, in particular the father, were very believable and very "human." I loved that Lael "fell" for a Native American Chief as he is not the typical hero-- I enjoyed the deviation from the norm! I have been recommending The Frontiersman's Daughter to all my friends :)
ReplyDeleteAnyway, didn't mean to write a book, but just wanted to say how much I loved this story-- I was sad when it was over! Can't wait to read your next book!
Laura, I LOVE that picture of you and Morrow. Thanks so much for sharing it.
ReplyDeleteHow very special of your mom to call and let you know she had your book in her hands. There's nothing like the support of our mothers, is there?
I so eager to read Morrow's story.
Keli, That was such a good idea you had - so glad you like the photo! Oftentimes I get so busy and distracted I forget to take pictures and really regret it later. I've missed so many good moments!
ReplyDeleteAnd you're so right - nothing like a mom to share the JOY right along with you. She called me again yesterday afternoon to tell me she started reading. Since she's mainly into suspense, historical romance is quite a switch! But she even cried last time thinking Ian was going to die in TFD. So maybe she's going to be a fan:)
Hope your writing is going very well. Bless you, bless you, bless you!
I am so excited for you, and for us who get to read it!! I can't wait. Enjoy:)
ReplyDeleteHi Kristen! Thanks so much for sharing my happiness. I'm still pinching myself:) Hope you are well and Vancouver is getting some sunshine!
ReplyDeleteDear New Mom, You're not the only one who was sad to see Lael's story end:) I miss those characters so much! It's always a joy to hear someone say they hated to finish the book. That's such a meaningful compliment to an author. Thanks so much for that.
ReplyDeleteI truly appreciate your comments about what made TFD work for you and why. Basically, I write books that I love but can't find to read. Not sure if that makes sense but I'm thinking you probably get that:) We seem to be looking for the same reading experience.
Anyway, I treasure your words here and thank you for spreading the word about TFD. Hope you like Morrow just as much! Please consider yourself entered in the drawing for CML - will be sending out 4 copies beginning next week in a month long drawing.
BTW, you have a really neat blog:) I had to chuckle as I am a HUGE 1900 House fan! Also loved the Texas Ranch House and the Puritan one.
Bless you for stopping by. Please stay in touch!
Mrs. Frantz, thank you so much for your response! I feel so honored! I also posted a shout-out on my blog about your book and where readers can purchase it. My friend is going to read The Frontiersman's Daughter starting tomorrow. Anyway thanks for replying to a huge fan!
ReplyDeleteNew Mom, I'm so thankful to have you as a reader! I visited your blog and can't thank you enough for the spotlight there:) What a giving, other-centered heart you have! Bless you bunches! Hope your friend enjoy's Lael's story. I sure miss my characters! Hoping you like Morrow just as much. I start giving away copies here Monday and you're in the hat:)
ReplyDeleteYour book cover is lovely, but I have to say that you are even more beautiful. I like your photo.
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy for you, Laura. And happy for me too. I'm going to have to order mind TODAY!
Britt, So good to hear from you! I hope you're getting some Tennessee sunshine there. And thanks so much for wanting to read/order my book! Your name is in the drawings which begin next week. So either way you're covered:) Bless you bunches!
ReplyDeleteGreat pic of you Laura! Congrats on the book.....I have to get my copy as I haven't just yet but will! Hope all is well with everyone....I haven't been on your blog lately but needed to catch up with it! :) Work and the kids activities have kept me really hopping. Hello to everyone from us!