You all are gifting me all the time and probably never think anything of it. Every time you buy one of my books or blog about it or post a review or take time to read and comment here is HUGE. I've been on the other side when no one commented and I had no readers. I'll never forget those days. They were discouraging and made me wonder if coming out of my writing closet was worthwhile. Now it's a true wonder to get to know you personally. Bless you for that privilege. God is so good to have brought us together!
Meanwhile, summer is in full swing and there are so many good books releasing. I'm going to be doing a double book giveaway of two signed copies of Kaye Dacus's wonderful The Ransome Trilogy soon. If you haven't read Ransome's Honor or Ransome's Crossing, you really must. They're Regency romances that deal with a very handsome, oh so honorable Royal Navy captain and the lovely Julia Witherington and other intriguing, very memorable characters. You'll go on a high seas adventure without leaving the comfort of your chair:)
Without further ado...
Our first blog giveaway winner is: runner10
The Family Fiction giveaway winner is: Becky Wheeler Guinn
If you want to join in an interesting discussion of The Frontiersman's Daughter, please pop in over at Amber's blog. Will be fun to see who shows up and what's said. Who knows? Captain Jack might even be there:)
What beautiful labels!!
ReplyDeleteWow!! Thanks Laura. Can't wait.
ReplyDeleteI'm still in mourning, Laura. LOL. And somewhat startled to find myself in the 21st century! What an awesome gift you got!!!! And a very clever idea. I bet you were grinning all day.
ReplyDeleteThat is so sweet! and they look beautiful. That cover really pops, doesnt it? That dress is gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteOhhh....I wanna win those books! You know I'll enter :) I cant wait! They sound fabulous! Now lets see whose chatting at that other blog ;)
I love the labels, they are beautiful!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to the winners!
I read Ransome's Crossing on Wednesday, couldn't put it down.
What a seriously thoughtful gift for a writer. I think I'd have broke down in happy tears.
ReplyDeleteI've read the first Ransome book, and have Ransome's Crossing on its way to me now. Looking forward to it! I never miss Kaye's blog posts either. She's got a teacher's heart.
Those labels are beautiful! So fun! :D And congrats to both of the winners!
ReplyDeleteAlso, thanks for letting your readers know about our book discussion! :) I'm so excited!
Talk to you soon!
Those labels are so beautiful, Laura! What a blessings!
ReplyDeleteWe are all so blessed by the encouragement you provide us through your blog and your kind words.
Oh, now I really need to read Kaye's series!! It keeps coming up!! I love the colors of the covers. I've heard they are sort of a cross between Jane Austen/Horatio Hornblower.
Have a blessed day!!
BTW, I got Audrey Eclectic's bookmarks in the mail today and they seem so fitting to place in Morrow. Beautiful bookmark for a beautiful book.
ReplyDeleteLaura, those labels look so beautiful! Goodness, thank you for showing us a pic of them. I'm blessed that you would share something like that with us :) You are worth your weight in gold and deserve all the blessings (and then some) that come your way!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to the winners! That is so sweet of your to giveaway books Laura! Thank you for the opportunity. I haven't read any of the Ransome books yet, but hope to soon ;)
See ya at Amber's BEAUTIFUL blog!
Amanda Stanley
What a beautiful gift your friend sent you! I'm just beginning The Seeker and would like to try one of the Ransome books when I finish.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Casey! I was so surprised by these! So creative and thoughtful - and useful! I've been affixing them and mailing things out right and left:)
ReplyDeleteCongrats, runner10! It's on its way to Kentucky for you:) Hope you enjoy Morrow's world! It was a JOY to write.
ReplyDeleteKav, Yes, grinning like the cheshire cat:) So glad you are missing my book! I put your name in the hat for Kaye's 2 unless you've already read them. You are so far ahead of me bookwise I have to keep running to your wonderful blog to see what I'm missing! Now THAT makes me smile:)
ReplyDeleteYou sure know the art lingo! Did you know that's what the official word is in publishing for a killer cover - one that "pops"? I'm impressed:) Your name is in the pink hat for Kaye's wonderful books. I hope to have the drawing next week (as soon as I get the books, of course)!
Laura, that cover is pretty enough to hang on the wall - and the labels are beautiful! Isn't it amazing the things, like a gift of labels, that God uses to make us know we're loved? And you are.
ReplyDeleteI've got Kaye's books coming to me from her blog, so give someone else a chance at them! Ransome's Crossing is next on my list... :)
ReplyDeleteIt's fun to see you over at Kaye's blog and other places:) She does have a teacher's heart. I think she's teaching at ACFW but I may be befuddled. I have to get over there and register this weekend like I told you I would.
Yes, this gift was a JOY, like the giver. Happy tears, indeed. It's been an emotional week (in a good way). Like those so much better than the other kind!
Amber, The book discussions you've been having are so fun and interesting! Every reader has such different perspectives - I love hearing what works for readers and what doesn't. Keep up the great work:) Bless you for including me!
ReplyDeleteI am happy to say Morrow has been sighted at the Lifeway store in Lexington! I was in there tonight, and as I have no patience, I walked out with a copy. I've decided my other copy will be given to my mom as a birthday gift. I am about to start chapter 5, and find myself with a very interesting hypothesis. Shall have to read more later.
ReplyDeleteJulia, Well said - a cross between H. Hornblower and Jane Austen. That's a perfect pairing, huh? I'm such a Horatio fan myself and have the DVD sets. They just need a tad more romance which Kaye provides very nicely. Consider yourself entered in the drawing for her books. Can't wait to post about it! And thanks so much for your gracious words - the blessing is so mutual:)
ReplyDeleteJulia, Oh, so glad you ordered some like I did! Aren't they beautiful and unique?! I thought the same thing when I saw them (about putting them with Morrow). And they're all handcrafted one-of-a-kinds! Get busy, Heather, and make more, please:)
ReplyDeleteDiana, So glad you have Ann's book to enjoy now. I so dislike that lull between books! Please consider yourself entered in the drawing for Kaye's books here. It's really fun to give away 2 books at once to 1 reader as that means double reading pleasure. She also has some contemporary novels that look terrific adn has some great giveaways on her blog. I have it in my sidebar if you want to take a look. Anyway, happy reading to you, dear friend!
ReplyDeleteOh my, Julia, my response to your very kind comment sounded very inflated! Bless you for saying my beautiful book goes with Heather's beautiful bookmarks! I meant to say that they seem Morrow's style, not that my book is beautiful! Long day here and I am not reading what I'm writing carefully but you get the idea:)
ReplyDeleteA BIG hug to you, Michelle, for snatching Morrow up:) Glad she made it to the Lexington lifeway. Since that is home to me, I'm so happy about that! Love your gift giving idea. Some of you have been whispering about hypothesis and theories - oh my. The author is the last to know!
ReplyDeleteLove your perspective, Regina. I feel very loved this week as so many blessings have happened. Since publishing can be a rocky, emotional road, it truly helps to have some JOY on the journey. Glad you won some books, too! Kaye is so generous with her giveaways! And I so agree with you on the cover - the art team just outdid themselves on this one. It is truly a work of art! And I'd dearly love that raspberry silk dress:)
ReplyDeleteWell, I think I'm having the same problem Amber had over on her blog because I posted a comment here before and I don't think it went through? Yet, I got follow up comments sent to my email. Ugh, technology! Praying that this one shows up :)
ReplyDeleteLaura, those labels are beautiful! And you are worth your weight in gold my friend!! You are such a blessing, and I am blessed that you were blessed :)
Congratulations to the winners!
And I haven't read any of the Ransome books yet, but I hope I soon will ;)
Amanda Stanley
You have so many readers and friends. Very nice. I don't think anything like that has every happened to me. Don't enter me in the giveaway. Save those entries for your reader friends. I'll be glad to send a book if you want to give one of mine away.
ReplyDeleteConsider yourself entered in the double book drawing, dear friend! I think you'd love Kaye's books. I haven't read any of Marylu Tyndall's either and they seem to have similar themes - anything with ships and the sea intrigues me.
I am having major problems with blogger this week. My own comments won't go through at times and I have to log in to post them almost every time. Grrrr! I know what you mean! It always happens when you get your wording just right and then it disappears and you can't possibly remember what you said the first time!
Oh, those labels are wonderful but not half so wonderful as the giver!
Ann, I always love seeing you here. And you won't believe it when I tell you that just this week I was wishing I had a book of yours to spotlight here and give away! But I'm never good at asking so it remained a wish. So please send and I'd love to post about it! I've been hearing from Diana and others that they're reading The Seeker and enjoying it. I'm always glad we release together. May we have many more books in tandem:)
ReplyDeleteThose are gorgeous, Laura!
ReplyDeleteAren't these the most beautiful, practical labels! I have been affixing them to book mailers and thank you cards right and left! I think the post office groans when they see me coming nearly every day! But it sure makes me smile when I can dress up the mail with these babies:)
Sure enjoyed talking to you today, dear friend!
YAY, got Amanda's lost comment! It didn't come in under email but on blogger this time. Bless you, Amanda, for being patient and trying again!
ReplyDeleteThank you Laura!
ReplyDeleteThat is so odd with the comment. The only thing I can think of is yesterday my brother's friend created a gmail account for me and synced it with my regular email. But I posted comments on 2 other blogs today with no problems. Sorry about all the trouble blogger is giving you this week, at least we know it's no respecter of persons ;)
Anyway, I'm happy you found it and let me know so I didn't appear crazy commenting twice ;)
Praying you have a beautiful weekend with NO blog problems!!
Amanda Stanley
ReplyDeleteI've never watched Horatio, but I'm going to have to look for it at the library.
I agree with both...I think Morrow and the bookmark girls would be kindred spirits. I do think your book is beautiful and I didn't take your comment as inflated :).
Have a great weekend!
Haha! Well, I guess there's only one thing for me to do....Keep on makin' some book marks! Old timey inspired things always go well together :)
ReplyDeleteYes, Heather, you'd best keep us all well-stocked with bookmarks :)