Yes, that's Morrow you see there on the right. And Kaye Dacus's newest ~ Ransome's Crossing. I'm so anxious to see how William and Julia are weathering both the seas and their new marriage aboard ship:). I'm still on page 80-something in Heart's Awakening. But my real focus right now, aside from Morrow's debut, is the manuscript bottom left. Yep, that's The Colonel's Lady and I'm writing the epilogue. It's due next month but I like to turn it in a couple of days early.
This summer is off to a roaring start with Morrow in stores early. Some of you have finished the book, some are reading, some like Morrow's story more than Lael's, etc. I'm hearing all sorts of interesting things! Sorting through lots of email is always an interesting experience ~ I love hearing from readers.
You have stellar vision if you spied the box of books for the giveaway. I'll announce the first of four winners next Friday, June 18. If you have your copy or are still waiting, I'd love to know. If you're done, I'd love to know what scene or character you liked best or least! (Don't worry about spoilers or mark your post with an * to serve as a warning). Hearing what readers liked always makes an author's heart sing:) If you're tiring of Morrow, I promise to throw in some historical tidbits here and there to keep us all grounded.
On a non-bookish note, Wyatt officially ended 7th grade today! My homeschooled son survived a year of public school! More amazingly, his mom did:). Now we're off to a bridal shower, a violin recital, a fiddling jam, and who knows what else this weekend.
Bless you all!
By words the mind is winged. ~Aristophanes
I love the smell of book ink in the morning. ~Umberto Eco
Ooooh! I'm loving that box of copies of Courting Morrow Little! :) I'm still eagerly awaiting a chance to read it!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to your son! My younger sister just completed 7th grade, as well. :) I can't it's almost time for her to go to high school! It doesn't seem real...
I went to a private school for first through eighth grade, so going to public school for high school was a bit of a shock. But God truly blessed me by providing wonderful teachers, fantastic friends, and a great academic program to keep me busy. ;) And now I'm loving being back at a Christian school for college! I definitely love small schools!
Anyway, have a wonderful weekend! Sounds like it will be a busy (but hopefully fun!) one!
I love the title of your post, Laura! Creativity and Clutter go together like peanutbutter and jelly in my house! I'm so excited about reading CML, and Kaye's new book, too! So much good stuff to read.
ReplyDeleteThank you for taking the time to visit my cousin's blogs today. I hope you enjoy your weekend!
Love the post, Laura. Your area looks very similar to my school room. I'm trying desperately to complete my book before the ACFW conference, so the school room may have to wait a day or two. Congrats to your son! Have a blessed weekend.
ReplyDeleteGoodness Laura, a favorite scene? Ask for the moon why doncha? I LOVED every page! But, I guess if I had to pick just one, it would definitely be the proposal scene- from the moment Red Shirt rides up to the cabin to the moment he “kissed her again, thoroughly and completely, till her knees gave way.” *sigh* There was such power-packed emotion in these pages- it was kind of the “no turning back” point for them.
ReplyDeleteRed Shirt- tender determination coupled with selfless sacrifice, loving her enough to be willing to walk away should she so choose. His strength of character, courage and humility when he knew he must confess his sins (both to God and to Morrow) because he wanted no shadow on their marriage, and his uncertainty if either would forgive him and accept him when all was revealed. Morrow- her heart first awakening to love, sure yet uncertain. She knew she had much to lose in following him, yet learns she has gained more than she could have ever imagined. She’s soft, yet stronger than she knows- a gradual strengthening forged through trial and sacrifice. She undergoes such an inspiring transformation, such a beautiful refining. Things she was too fearful to do in the beginning are what she boldly accomplishes by books end.
Throughout the story so much was said through their eyes, understood through their silence, yet there were so many questions and so much uncertainty between them. But little by little, like a tree shedding its autumn gold, they learn that TRUE love beareth, believeth, hopeth, and endureth ALL things and its only THAT kind of love that can cover a multitude of sin.
LOL- did I mention this was my favorite book ever?!
Laura, you created a MAGNIFICENT, BREATHTAKING love story and now I just can’t wait to get my hands on The Colonel’s Lady!! You write the best hero’s and I’m so excited to finally get to hear one’s POV- because if they’re that amazing and perfectly described through the eyes of your heroine, I can’t imagine what’s in store for us when we get to see inside your hero’s head ;)
Oh right, almost forgot my favorite character... I love Morrow, but I LOVE Red Shirt ;)
Amanda Stanley
Okay, not having internet at home, and then every time I log in at my parents' house seeing Morrow's picture is DRIVING ME CRAZY!! ;) When I get back to work on Monday I am hoping Morrow has started to arrive at LifeWay Stores...
ReplyDeleteOh WOW! Look at all that! Look at all those MORROWS! Hehehe....I ended up ordering her this afternoon from christianbooks.com. They at least have it stock...I'm tired of waiting on Amazon. Patience is not my virtue! This must be such an exciting and exhilarating time! Yay, I am so happy for you!
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend! Enjoy these achievements! Can't wait to read the 3rd book too :)
Goodness, in my excitement I not only wrote an impossibly long comment (sorry everybody) but I forgot to congratulate your son (and you) on his graduation! I went to public school most of my life, then private school for 6th grade, and then was homeschooled for high school. So my experience was a bit backwards from most people you are homeschooled first then go to public school. Anyway, you guys must be so happy and I hope you enjoy your summer!!
ReplyDeletePraying you have a wonderful weekend- it sounds like lots of fun :)
Amanda Stanley
I am anxiously awaiting my copy as I'm doing the blog tour with Revell. I'm getting impatient!
ReplyDeleteGreetings to you from the hills of eastern Kentucky! I'm at my parents house for the weekend. My niece graduated from high school tonight! Needless to say, we're all very proud of her.
ReplyDeleteSadly, my copy of Ransomme's Crossing did not come today. I suspect it will be waiting for me when I get back to Lexington on Sunday. I'll have plenty of reading time tomorrow though. My mom has to work, and my stepdad will be going to my grandparents house to mow.
Definitely hoping Lifeway has Morrow now. I actually looked at the Wal-Mart here in Pikeville tonight, but they didn't have her.
Congrats to Wyatt on finishing 7th grade! Sounds like you have a busy weekend planned, enjoy it!
Ahh...creative clutter. Is there any other kind? Unfortunately for me, I include my dirty dishes and my piles of laundry in that list and anything else my creative brain is unable to focus on!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe that The Colonel's Lady is due so soon after Morrow's arrival. Can't wait to meet Morrow!
Um, I just realized that I CANNOT read your comments b/c I spy some spoiler material :-)
Congratulations to you and Wyatt both for weathering 7th grade. I remember 7th as being my most difficult year.
After so much work, have you any vacation plans?
I realize my comments are not making a lot of sense---This is me at 1am after a marathon reading session of Here Burns My Candle by Liz Curtis Higgs. Oh, my, what a story!
Oh, so like Amber, I noticed that box of books right off, but the manuscript is just as exciting!!!! Don't enter me, but you already know that. :)
ReplyDeleteI dislike clutter too, but that kind of clutter is so worth it, I think. :)
I was homeschool all the way through high school and it was a great experience.
Enjoy the summer (if it every gets here!!)
ReplyDeleteOh your words here about navigating all that schooling gives me hope! God really does provide us with what we need along the way.
Neat that you have a sister the same age as my Wyatt. 7th grade is pretty interesting. He has changed so much from his school picture at the start of the year - and he now weighs more than I do and is 2 inches taller!
So glad you are excited about meeting Morrow - I'm excited about giving her away! Can't wait to begin the drawings!
Carla, Your cousin is really inspirational - I became a follower right away:) Her sunny spirit is so admirable. I have a cousin with the same health issues so have an inkling of what she lives with. Glad you like my creative clutter - a nice name for a big mess:) You should see your influencer copy soon, dear friend:)
ReplyDeleteThanks, Colleen - Oh you've mentioned my dream - a schoolroom in my house! Only my husband built our house and he made it so small that there wasn't any room for one and I've regretted it for 11 years now. Happy you have yours! Especially homeschooling all those kids:) I'm so excited you're working on the goal of getting that manuscript finished by conference time. I'm sure you'll do it. Only 90 some more days!!
ReplyDeleteAmanda, OH. MY. WORD! You are such a fine writer, dear friend! If I'd written that well at 20-something, it wouldn't have taken 40 years for me to get published, let me tell you! Wow. Am going to write all that down for my scrapbook as I don't think I can print it out on blogger. That sure blessed me this morning. What a wonderful way to wake up. You really understood what I was trying to do in the story - the layers and meaning. When writing, the author never knows if the reader is going to "get it" or not. Some don't, of course, BUT YOU DID:) Bless you for every word here. What an encouragement you are!!
ReplyDeleteIt has been an interesting experience writing from the hero's perspective. This is the shortest time frame in a book ever. Lael's story covered about 8 years, Morrow's only 3, and TCL takes about 6 months!
Bless you, dear Amanda. You sure bless me!
Ruth, So glad you're scouting out Morrow:) I think she appeared at a Lifeway in Kentucky just yesterday - but can't remember the store now! I know publicity sent out blog tour invitations this week. Hope you didn't miss that! Praying your move is going very well though I know it puts a crimp in your schedule. Miss your blog posts immensely:)
ReplyDeleteTHERE ARE FOURTEEN COPIES IN MY CHRISTIAN BOOKSTORE RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Forget the writing, forget the gardening, who cares if I have dog bunnies never mind dust bunnies...I'M HEADED ON A ROAD TRIP. YEEEEEEEHAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHeather, Thanks so much for ordering! It means so much when people take time and spend their hard-earned wages to buy my books. I am still trying to adjust to the business side of things. Selling books is not why I write yet I can't write unless they sell. What a strange place publishing is. If I had my way I'd give all my books away. The selling aspect goes against my nature. Anyway, your support means so much. Praying you get that book soon and you like it as much as Lael's story! It's a wee bit shorter. But has a bit more action, I'm thinking:) Bless you in that OK sun this weekend!
ReplyDeleteOh Mary, Here Burns My Candle is going to be a hard act to follow! I haven't read that one yet. Liz's Grace in Thine Eyes tore me up for weeks! Have you read that one yet - Davina's story? Only an author as fine as she could have a mute heroine and make it sing!!
ReplyDeleteNotice I didn't take pics of my overflowing laundry pile:) Or my kitchen! I have been feeling the need for a mini-vacation so just booked a weekend away week after next. Don't want to spoil it for you as I'm going to post about it! I think you'll love where I'm headed:) Can't wait to share it. Your beach trip sounded so wonderful on your blog. I would carry the sweet memory of that with me all summer long!
Amanda, That's so neat you did schooling in reverse! I think it is often so wise to keep a student home for high school. We are holding our breath regarding Wyatt. I always say I reserve the option of pulling him out and homeschooling again if things don't go well. So many temptations out there. My brother in Spain homeschools his teen boys. One is graduating and returning to the states (Ohio) for Bible college next month. Prayers appreciated for my nephew, Andrew!
ReplyDeleteKav, OH MY GOODNESS! 14 copies!! So I might have some Canadian readers!!? Wow - so glad I got online this morning before this crazy day driving all over Washington State! Might you have had something to do with so many copies being ordered at your local bookstore?! I'm jumping up and down with you, my friend!!!! YIPPPPEE! Thanks for making my day:) My weekend. Nope, my week:)
ReplyDeleteMichelle, You sound as busy as me. Am wondering how long it takes you to drive from Lexington to Pikeville? It didn't take me long to drive my granny over to Virginia on our trips. Thanks for looking for Morrow where you are. Am wondering if Walmart and Sam's Club are keeping to that July 1 release date like Amazon. Just looked over at my blogroll and Kaye Dacus must be celebrating as her header is "THEY'RE HERE!" or something like that! Love all this book fuss! Have a wonderful weekend at home!
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend with your boys! It's sunny down here, hopefully your getting some of it up your way!
ReplyDeleteIt takes about 3 hours to travel from Lexington to Pikeville. So it's not that long of a trip.
ReplyDeleteI would have cracked up if the Pikeville Wal-Mart had Morrow in stock. It does seem to have a better stock of Christian fiction than the Lexington Wal-Marts though.
God definitely does provide! :) And I know what you mean about those 7th graders--my sister is several inches taller than me (although she's practically a stick!). ;) But I think that happened even before 7th grade... *sigh* Oh, well! I am who I am! :)
I HAVE MY COPY OF COURTING MORROW LITTLE!!!! It's in my hot little hands as I type...which is making me all thumbs because I don't want to put it down so excuse any typos.
ReplyDeleteGuess where it was, Laura? On the wall of honour!!!! LOL that's what I call the display wall they have at the front of the store (or, in this case at the top of the stairs where the fiction section is). Yep -- the HOT fiction section, where everyone stops first to see what's new and bestselling. I was so excited about that I SQUEALED, startling this poor teenage clerk behind the order counter. (He had this I-so-don't-want-to-be-here-today-and-now-I-have-to-deal-with-a-loonie-customer look). I've dealt with him before and I swear he's doing penance at his parents' store or something. He's sooooo deadpan, I try to get him to crack a smile, but usually suceed in scaring him away.
So, of course, since he was looking right at me I pointed out the book and said "I know her!"
Alas no-smile-guy was not impressed...and a tad clueless. "The girl on the cover?"
Duh! "No -- the author. I know THIS author!!!!!"
He gave me a look as if to say, "Well whoopdedoo am I supposed to give you a standing ovation or what?"
Pffft. I wasn't going to waste my time on ol' throwback to Neanderthal days so I pounced on a lady who was hovering in the vicinity. I could tell she was trying to figure out what was going on and I had no problems clueing her in. AND SHE BOUGHT A BOOK!!!!!! So I grabbed my copy lest there was a sudden run on Morrow and I was left without! And when I made my purchases I think I pretty much convinced the girl helping me to get a copy. LOL.
I started reading on the bus ride home and I had a PROFOUND thought!..but I'm not sure if the time frame is right. Gotta keep reading to find out.
Oh -- and when I opened the book and started reading I just slipped into bliss. The way you write, the choice of words, the descriptions...I was right there with Morrow. It's like coming home!!!!
It's here! It's here!
That's some of the nicest clutter I've seen. And I'm not a clutter person either. I live with one, though, so I know. :)
And congrats to Wyatt, and I hope Paul and you all are having a fun weekend. I've been fiddling with jam too today, but it's the kind that goes in muffins. :)
ReplyDeleteLisa, So glad we're sharing the sun today! I was at a fiddling gig all day indoors and then a bridal shower after that but stared longingly out the window:) Hope you got to the lake or at least the sprinkler in your yard. I think it's hotter for you than us up here. Trace ya places! Thanks so much for stopping in - always a treat!
ReplyDeleteKav, I got the biggest chuckle ever reading your beloved novella here - I mean, I was WITH YOU in that store, staring at that display, startling the couldn't-care-less clerk, etc!!!!!!!! If I ever doubted you were a writer (which I never did!), now I am utterly convinced that you are not only a wonderful writer but a very funny one:) Wow - hearing your experience just makes my authorial joy all the more WONDERFUL! I have yet to see CML in stores so living it vicariously through you all is such a HUGE treat. It means more than I can say (and I could say a lot) but my husband is glaring at me cuz I've been gone all day and he had to eat soup 2 nights in a row and now I'm online AGAIN....) Well, you get the idea. Bless you, bless you, bless you!!
ReplyDeleteMichelle, I guessed about 3 hours but wasn't sure. Thanks for the confirmation. I know the drive must be so pretty. Isn't it funny that some of the more rural Walmart's have better selections than the city stores? Ours here has a really nice Christian fiction display. Hoping you see her there soon:) That would make my day. Kentucky stores have been so good to me!
ReplyDeleteCasey, I just knew you were a homeschool kid even before I knew you were a homeschool kid:) Know what I mean? And guess what? I mailed your book to you on Thursday so you should have it Monday, I'm thinking:) My filing system for giveaway winners is a bit archaic but I well remember you were the winner when I guested at Seekerville in March. And you've been so very patient! I think it's so funny that you won a copy of TFD and CML on different blogs! Someone is smiling on you from on high! Correct me if I'm wrong but I think that's how it went. And I'm so thankful to have you for a reader!
ReplyDeleteLori, YAY! My copy was here when I got home! Fun to see it and think you got yours, too. I think it must have arrived by horse and buggy as it took so long! Can't wait to visit your blog and see what you've cooked up:) Bless you bunches for that!
ReplyDeleteLaura, speaking of horse and buggy, I was driving downtown on my way to the library and there WAS a horse and buggy going right down one of our town's busy main streets. I merged over ahead of it and watched it in my mirror as I sat at the next stop light. It got all the way up to me before the light turned green, then I had to leave it behind. That was a first in 17 years here.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I'm loving the tie-in to TFD in the first few chapters of the book. And I'm wondering about a certain character gone missing... oh my. Could it be? Could it REALLY?
Don't answer that!
Are you in Amish country, Lori:) I love horse and buggy action! So glad you've made it past all my rule-breaking in the first few chapters:) Oh my, better not answer that very intriguing question of yours...
ReplyDeleteHolly, So glad to see you here! Welcome to my crazy world:) I had to chuckle at your name as I'm a mom of 2 and tired, as well:) Thanks so much for being a part of the blog tour! Love that! I'd heard from publicity that they were getting some enthusiastic responses to their invitation and I'm sure you're a part of that. BTW, you have a really neat blog yourself! You do all sorts of things on it that I wish I could do but aren't savvy enough to accomplish. A feast for these tired eyes:) Bless you for stopping in. Please come back!
ReplyDeleteHolly, I meant to say your 3 blogs! No wonder you're tired! One wears me out:)
ReplyDeleteOoooh! OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH! Lori's wondering the same thing I'm wondering!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWOW I missed a lot while I was at the beach! Congrats on finally getting your copies of CML! They look terrific sitting there amidst all the clutter LOL! I'm excited to get my copy. While I was at the beach I got an email from Revell about participating in the tour for it and I was thrilled!!! I can't wait to get my copy and read it ASAP!
ReplyDeleteNow that you have Morrow in your hands and your son has completed 7th grade you all deserve a beach vacation ;-)
XOXO~ Renee
Great minds think alike, Kav and Lori:) But I'm not sayin;!
ReplyDeleteSo glad you're back! And you're not late to the party - Morrow is early:) So glad you'll be on the blog tour! That sure makes me smile!!
Hope your beach time was wonderful! You deserve a break. We're going to get away next week for a couple of days. Stay tuned and I'll post about it. Off to your blog to catch up! Bless you bunches!
Oh HOORAY!!!!!!! I am really in need of a gooood escape and can't get Morrow off my mind. :)
ReplyDeleteAnd YES, God is very good, I could never have imagined in the wildest of moments that I would win both books. I am so honored and so thankful. I didn't get it today, maybe tomorrow??
Oh, I hope so!! THANK YOU!
I came home Friday from a business trip and Miss Little was waiting to tell me her story. I could not put the book down. How she learned to forgive, grow in her faith in the Lord and love the man how truly was her sole mate. WOW!! I hated to see the story end, so I must read it again. Laura you have been blessed with the gift of writing. The way you write brings the reader along side of the characters. Thank you for sharing your gift of writing with each one of us. Have a very blessed day.
ReplyDeleteNJ Sheryl
ReplyDeleteI can't tell you how much your words mean to me. You were one of my first readers to comment after reading TFD and I've remembered you so fondly ever since. The fact that you enjoyed Morrow's story thrills me! A writer never knows how a book is going to be received, especially after a reader enjoyed the first so much. Knowing what you liked about the story - the things you mentioned here - will be remembered by me again and again. Bless you, bless you, bless you!