June will be dedicated to family. Here's hoping some warm weather is on the way! Time for sleeping in, cookouts, gardening, tending kitties (our twin cats just had a double batch!), and just being together. Wyatt is 14 and Paul is 11. Children grow up so fast. I sense the Lord telling me to savor every second.

This charming scene at right is Elfreth's Alley, the oldest street in America, and the very spot Morrow's Aunt Etta had her dress shop in Courting Morrow Little. We'll visit here and Betsy Ross's home, Franklin's print shop, Christ Church, City Tavern, Valley Forge, and other historic places. After leaving Philadelphia, I'll take the train to Pittsburgh where I'll be staying with my college roommate and her family. You can plan on my spending a lot of time at Fort Pitt, Red Shirt and Ezekial Click's old haunt, or what is left of it. Since my new series figures prominently in both Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, this is a huge blessing.

August is a bit of a blur! I'll be having a launch party right here as well as other places. Please join me as I give away copies of The Colonel's Lady each week and also spotlight author friends MaryLu Tyndall, Kaye Dacus, and Sarah Sundin who are also releasing historicals that month. Lots of fun and prizes!
I'm wishing you His best blessings as you start this summer season - and a bounty of good books!
Ever been to Philadelphia or Pittsburgh? Do you have any favorite spots there? Are you staying home this summer or planning a getaway? I'd love to know either way!
Last but not least, the winner, per random. org, of An Unlikely Suitor by Nancy Moser is....
If you can send me your snail mail address I'll mail that right out. Bless you all!