I've been reading Streams in the Desert for my devotional each morning and it seems to be a perfect fit for my life right now. Here's a portion of today's reading:
Nothing pleases the Lord as much as praise. There is no greater evidence of faith than the virtue of genuine thanksgiving. Are you praising God enough? Are you thanking Him for the countless blessings He has bestowed on you? Are you boldly praising Him even for the trials in your life, which are actually blessings in disguise? And have you learned to praise Him in advance for answers yet to come?
Hmmm...I'm so thankful for healthy kids, a weekend away, a wedding this Saturday, the 4th of July, a stack of books to read, grilling hot dogs (even in the rain), blog buddies, a clean house, roses in bloom... Really, the list is endless when you think about it! But I have a harder time giving praise for the stomach bug last week, the birthday I forgot, credit card fraud that resulted in several expensive plane trips charged to our account, the picture that fell off the wall and shattered, the unexpected death of a friend... And then there are the praises for answers yet to come: future books, conversions of dear friends or loved ones, Christian mates for my children, safety, good health, employment, etc.
Can you praise Him for a current blessing, a trial, and a future answer yet to come? It's kind of a fun exercise and flips your perspective on the trials that come into our lives. I'm going to try to praise Him more and memorize this verse, among others. If you have a favorite praise verse, I'll add it to my list.
My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises! ~Psalm 57:7