By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. ~Hebrews 11:8
Abraham "did not know where he was going" - it simply was enough for him to know he went with God. He did not lean as much on the promises as he did on the Promiser. And he did not look at the difficulties of his circumstances but looked to His King - the eternal, limitless, invisible, wise, and only God - who had reached down from His throne to direct his path and who would certainly prove Himself.
O glorious faith! Your works and possibilities are these: contentment to set sail with the orders still sealed, due to unwavering confidence in the wisdom of the Lord High Admiral; and a willingness to get up, leave everything, and follow Christ.
In no way is it enough to set our cheerfully with God on any venture of faith. You must also be willing to take your ideas of what the journey will be like and tear them into tiny pieces, for nothing on the itinerary will happen as you expect.
Your Guide will not keep to any beaten path. He will lead you through ways you would never have dreamed your eyes would see. He knows no fear, and He expects you to fear nothing while He is with you.
~Streams in the Desert by L. B. Cowman
You are so right about taking your vision of the journey and shredding it! He has got a plan and it doesn't relly matter what we think our's is, unless it is in line with His plan. God bless you today!
ReplyDeleteCarrie, I almost highlighted that part of the devotional in boldface as it just leapt out at me! Unpredictablity is His speciality, I think:) Bless you today!
ReplyDeleteLaura, that was beautiful and I could tell how how near it is to your heart. Who would have thoughts that writers had to take so many leaps of faith? I pray that God blesses you and your work as richly as He blessed Abraham.
ReplyDeleteThank you for such an encouraging post! I am feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders this morning. What a good reminder to turn to God in prayer and just trust in Him. What ever is the right path to take I know He is leading me. It just takes such faith and trust to walk in blind obedience. I have always loved Hebrews 11:1. It just so hard to live out that verse. I guess if it was easy, then it wouldn't be called faith.
ReplyDeleteBe blessed today, Laura! :)
Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."
Oh, Laura. I am stunned.
ReplyDeleteI don't want to sound "wacky" or "nutty" or "New Age" (I am most definitely not any of those three.)
(OK, I might be a bit of a nut :-)
This post just helped me interpret an unusual dream I had a couple of months ago.
Trust God and just go where he tells me to go. I needed that reminder. Thank you and bless you for sharing.
Lorna, Beautifully said! I never felt any special connection to Abraham or this Scripture until today. Writers really do have to take so many steps into the unknown. Even when you're "in," it's still a leap of faith with that next project. I'm so thankful you're on the journey with me!
ReplyDeleteStacey, Love your verse from Hebrews. You are so right - if we didn't feel swayed by our emotions and could just stay the course (much easier said than done)! I really do understand what it's like to feel heavy-hearted like you do this morning. Praying the day just gets better and better for you with some unexpected blessings to lighten your load. Thanks so much for your words here.
ReplyDeleteMary, If you are a nut, you're my favorite kind:) But I don't believe you are! So glad the post/devotional spoke to you. I'm always amazed that when I am blessed by a Scripture or devotional, there are others who benefit, too. Yet why should I be surprised? Thanks so much for commenting. You bless me.
ReplyDeleteAmen. Thank you for the extra boost of encouragement this morning, Laura. This journey is one step of faith after another, isn't it? But I love how it is making me fix my eyes on Jesus and the Father. Isaiah 26:3 "You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you." That one stays posted by my computer these days. :)
ReplyDeleteWonderful thoughts and so very true. Thanks for sharing. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing this, Laura. You know how I love Streams in the Desert. What a beautiful piece (and the picture that you put with it). That we would have the faith to follow God's itinerary and not our own. Blessings to you today!
ReplyDeleteThat was wonderful, thank you so much for sharing it.
ReplyDeleteThe part that leapt out to me was "for nothing on the itinerary will happen as you expect." How true that is!
Since I became a Christian in 2002, I've considered Jeremiah 29:11 to be my life verse. I've discovered along the way that God's plans are almost always VERY different than my own.
In a lot of ways, life is an adventure when is best traveled when we are not in the pilot's seat.
Oh, Laura, now you and I have one more thing in common: Streams in the Desert. A friend gave me a copy over 30 years ago and it has been my constant companion ever since. In fact, on a little piece of paper she wrote "He knows no fear, and He expects you to fear nothing whle He is with you," -- part of your quote -- and I still have it! You should see how marked up my page of Streams in the Desert is for today's message! You're in my thoughts and prayers.
ReplyDeleteCarla, I know Lettie is dear to your heart - and one of your dinner guests:) I'm scared of ships but this picture makes me want to take a sea voyage - or write about one. You and I are on the same page about our favorite devotional books!
ReplyDeleteCasey, You always make me smile when your name pops up. Thanks so much for taking time to read and post. You have a ministry of encouragement and are on a journey all your own!
ReplyDeleteThat is so powerful!! I love this part: "He did not lean as much on the promises as he did on the Promiser." What a fantastic line!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Laura
Linda, I'm delighted to know we have another link! And so neat that you have this part of the devotional on a scrap of paper. How like a writer to tuck that away and never lose it:) I do the same type thing.
ReplyDeleteWhat's interesting is that my mom had this book when I was growing up. I remember looking through it back then and, in my adolescent wisdom, yawning and thinking it a bit outdated though perfect for someone my mom's age:) Imagine my surprise when I fell in love with it this week! It's been updated and revised since then but it still retains some of the old style language that I love.
I'll read it every day now and think of you as I'm doing it, knowing you're doing the same!
Great verse, Lori! And so timely for each of us. If we keep our focus on Him, we do have peace. If we trust in His perfect goodness and love, even our disappointments can turn to praise. Thanks so much for this.
ReplyDeleteLaura, my prayer for you today is that the Lord will fill your creative sails and give you a clearer picture of where He wants you to go next. And if He chooses to keep the destination from you for a while longer, I ask that He give you a sense of peace as you wait upon Him.
ReplyDeleteKeli, That's such a beautiful prayer. I'm so touched that you would think of that for me. You really understand the writing life with all its twists and turns. I'm going to write your words down and put them up where I can see them. Thanks so much for your loving, encouraging heart.
ReplyDeleteMichelle, I apologize to you - I could not load some comments today and yours was one of them and now I find it here after all! I'm truly sorry. Some of my friends have moved from Blogger to Wordpress as they've been having some of the same problems.
ReplyDeleteLet me say, your verse here is one of my favorites. I'm not good at memorizing but this one stays with me, maybe because it's something I struggle with and need to remember on an ongoing basis. I'm so glad you became a Christian in the last few years. I would love to hear your conversion story sometime if you were ever wanting to share it.
I would make a terrible pilot, I'm afraid, so your point is well taken! Your comments sure bless me!
Really great post! Dont you just love when you stumble upon something the moment that you need it? I love that feeling of getting a missing piece of information.
ReplyDeleteI just got the book "Simple Abundance" and am hoping for a bit of the same thing. I've heard rave reviews.
Hope you had an awesome friday!~
Heather, I've missed you today! So glad you've come over before day's end. Simple Abundance is a great title. It sounds like just the book you'd like. Me, too! I'm off to visit your blog. Bless you!