*Honeybaked ham and cranberry bliss bars! I've been asked to make garlic-cheese grits for Christmas Day brunch at Grandma's house. No complaining about that:)
*Christmas Cards! I wasn't able to send many this year but it's such a joy to go to the mailbox and receive them - and some of them have been from you!
*A new book coming out next year! I never thought my writing dream would be fulfilled so I'm still pinching myself. Hallelujah and thank you, Jesus!
*Music! Listening to my son play Christmas music on his violin, even with squeaks, puts me in the Christmas spirit.
*Books beneath the tree! They may be my favorite Christmas gift to give and receive.
*Reading and writing friends! I've never had any before now and feel doubly blessed as I've prayed for that and so many of you have opened your hearts to me. I am so very thankful!
*The gift of salvation. Everything I have flows from His love for me. Everything. My wonderful husband, my boys, books, and each and every one of you.
*Yankee Candles. Actually, any candle will do.
*Snow. This time last year we had two feet on the ground and it even snowed Christmas morning. Now it's just very wet but what a sweet memory it made.
*Children who can't wait for Christmas Day. No wonder Jesus loves children so much and included them in His book. I'm sure He feels great joy when His earthly children get excited about His birthday. I know I get excited when my boys are excited:)
What about you? Can you lengthen my list? I'd love for you to!
Laura, I'm thankful for my incredibly supportive hubby who upholds me in the tough times and rejoices with me when things are going well. I'm thankful our daughter learned so much about herself and made great friends during her first quarter away at college. I'm thankful for contest judges who liked my story and helped build my confidence. I'm grateful for much more, but I'll stop there. :-)
ReplyDeleteMy public library. I love books and the people who love books.
ReplyDeleteMy husband, Dave.
Meeting you, @laurafrantz, on Twitter and reading your special book.
How about great blogs like this one? You always put a smile on my face and get me thinking and eager to write.
ReplyDeleteAnd church...I like the fellowship of worshiping with like-minded people. I know some think church isn't necessary but I rely on the strength and spirit I feel when we're 'gathered together'.
Your new book coming out next year! LOL
A blissful week off between Christmas and New Years with nothing to do but write and read. I'm very thankful for that!
And snow? I'll share -- we have TONS!
the most Im thankful for is Jesus Christ
ReplyDeleteThen my husband and family. God is so good and even when we are down and out He is with us,
Keli, I've never met your Gwynly but have often thought he'd make a good hero:) And I'm so glad your daughter is home with you after a successful first quarter at college. That's a huge milestone. I keep thinking how thankful I'll be to hold your "Violets and Violins" in my hands! Our reasons to be thankful never end, I guess. Bless you today!
ReplyDeleteChristine, I always think of you as the library lady. Every tweet of yours about library day makes me smile:) Thanks for coming over here! You are a gifted author and lady yourself and I'm thankful to know you!
ReplyDeleteI wrote a LONG comment but got an error. I'm afraid to post again lest you got it and its waiting for approval.
ReplyDeleteThe general idea was that I was thankful for many, many things (Jesus, hubby, dogs, mountains, nature) and that I really enjoyed your book and new-found friendship.
May God shine on the release of COURTING MORROW LITTLE. I can't wait to read it!
ReplyDeleteDon't laugh - we had a mere 1/4 inch of the white stuff last night.
I agree with you completely about church/fellowship. Nothing like it. And I'm craving some quiet time to read and write myself. Hope you get some really good books this Christmas:)
And thank you for taking time to stop by my blog as you are so busy. I also was very touched by your gracious comments about TFD on Carla's blog the other day. Reading things like that helps weather the bumps in the writing life. You are a gifted writer yourself. And you truly bless me!
Edna, Love your heartfelt comments. Jesus and family truly make our time here so much sweeter. I'm so thankful for you and your giving heart! It's a joy to hear from you here, on Facebook, or anywhere. Praying you have a blessed holiday.
ReplyDeleteOh Britt, I'm sorry your comment was lost! I've had that happen a few times myself. Thank you for trying again. It's such a blessing to have met you online and have a Smoky Mountain sister:) Thanks so much for reading my book and liking it enough to want to read the next one!! You are a JOY:)
ReplyDeleteDittos to everything on your list. :D I'll just add I'm very thankful for a husband who is my greatest encourager.
ReplyDeleteBrenda, Thanks so much for taking time to read and comment here. Hats off to supportive husbands!! Surely one of God's best gifts. Am wishing you and yours all His best this Christmas. And always.
ReplyDelete- Time to sit in a dark room with the Christmas lights twinkling
ReplyDelete-curling up in bed with a book I can't put down
- God's Word, the Bible
-Doritos (not sure where that one came from... ha ha)
- hearing my children's laughter
-Godly parents and a Godly upbringing (praying that I can be the same for my kids)
-The beautiful Pacific NOrthwest
-Christmas vacation
oh, there are so many things to be thankful for!! God has blessed me so much!
Have a wonderful, sweet, quiet, Christmas with your husband and boys. I hope you get a chance to relax and soak in the Love that He has given us.
ReplyDeleteI am grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ, family, friends and my dogs. I am also so very excited as I have ordered your new book which is due for delivery in June. I sooo very much look forward to reading about Miss Morrow.
I wish you and your family a very blessed Christmas and a happy & healthy new years.
Sheryl Davis
Freehold, NJ
A contented heart.
ReplyDeleteA new character I fell in love with yesterday.
A warm home and bills paid.
My husband, turning 50 tomorrow.
Our sweet dog who gives his heart with such reckless abandon.
All the good books I read this year.
You, Laura.
Sheryl, So very glad to hear from you again:) I was just thinking about you the other day! You pop up at strategic times (ordained) just to make my heart glad, I think.
ReplyDeleteIt blesses me tremendously to know you've ordered and are ready to meet Morrow. I'm working on it again right now in the form of galleys so I'll give it some extra shine just for you:)
I pray all His best blessings on you and yours this Christmas. Enjoy that beautiful NJ snow!
Lisa, Dittos to all on your fine list, right down to the Doritos:) I know your house is bursting with fun, excitement, and thankfulness right now. Having 4 kids is a gift in itself at Christmas. I loved your post and pics of all that cookie-making fun! If I were a kid I'd want to be at your house. Bless you this wonderful season.
ReplyDeleteI was hoping you'd chime in. Your list is so like mine, right down to the character you fell in love with yesterday:) That's a praiseworthy thing if there ever was! I'm so thankful for you, too, and look forward to much good news regarding Kindred and Willa this year. Can't wait! Thank you for blessing me so much.
I enjoyed reading so many wonderful things to be thankful for! Thanks for encouraging us to pause and be thankful for the gifts of Christmas, Laura.
ReplyDeleteI'm thankful for my sons who are still exploring what they believe and praying for them to become devoted to Christ.
For the God of second chances. This is our 3rd Christmas together as a family again after my husband and I were divorced for 10 years and now we are remarried! Praise God!
That my brother and my father have reconciled after well over 20 years.
For my wonderful blogging friends and getting to rejoice with them as many of their dreams come true!
Carla, What an amazing story of you and your husband - what a testament to God's grace!! I sense a story in that! A novel, in fact. Or a nonfiction book. It's a privilege to know someone like you. When I get these galleys done I have a few thoughts/questions for you on the Partow study.
ReplyDeleteSo thankful of you about the reconciliation of your relatives. That is also a huge gift. And your sons are making their way, something every parent understands and longs for.
Bless you bunches this week and always!!
Thank you, Laura! It is so special to celebrate our family's reconciliations. God's grace is so amazing!
ReplyDeleteI look forward to talking to you more after the holidays. Many blessings and have fun with those cute boys of yours!
Will do, Carla! Will do! Bless you right back:)
ReplyDeleteI'm thankful for kitties, (as I wrote this, one of my clawed my leg, so maybe not!!)
ReplyDeleteBaking days with friends.
Christmas Eve services.
New adventures in the coming year.
and my new favorite Christmas recipe, Candy Cane Fudge (google it. It's so good!!!)
Thanks, Laura.
Merry Christmas
Kristen, I love your list:) We're headed to a Christmas Eve service ourselves tonight at 6pm. Something magical about that. A Merry Christmas to you - full of kitties and candy cane fudge and friends!