Friday, September 30, 2011
a little more romance
Some of you watched the prequel to this a couple of weeks ago. I must admit "Love's Everlasting Courage" looks interesting, maybe even more dramatic and romantic:) I promised to post when it was time to watch so here 'tis.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
a prayerful day

The prayer room at ACFW in St. Louis was a busy place. I doubt it was ever empty. Someone was always on hand to pray with you, if needed. I often saw people praying in the hallways and other places. Very open and heartfelt. I have an author friend who is a master at this. Her prayers are really big bear hugs. She grabs you and doesn't let go till the praying is through:) You feel throughly covered!
Some of you who read this blog are going through heart-wrenching situations that are testing your head and heart to the limits. Many at conference were there despite overwhelming trials and physical problems. I've felt the prayer support of you readers when I needed it most - through edits and illness and family emergencies. It's sometimes hard to blog transparently about needs but I feel the Lord calls us to openness. No request is too small. Sometimes even small things distract and worry us so!
Are you in need of prayer today? Can you share a bit in a comment here or simply leave your name? God doesn't need specifics as He knows every need to the tiniest detail. Whatever you're comfortable with works. As we close out September and enter into an unknown autumn, I promise to pray for you daily.

Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire? ~Corrie Ten Boom
You may pray for an hour and still not pray. You may meet God for a moment and then be in touch with Him all day. ~Fredrik Wisloff
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
home from st. lou!

Bless you all. You were missed!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
off to St. Lou...

Prayers appreciated for safe travel, health, and open doors. My heart is with those who are coming to interest publishers in their work - it's thrilling and frightening and overwhelming at the same time. But I'm living proof it can happen - and sometimes in the way you least expect it!
See you next week!
May the Lord watch between you and me when we are absent one from another. ~Genesis 31:49
book trip
Thursday, September 15, 2011
love begins

Our 17th anniversary is Saturday and we're celebrating by going out to dinner and watching this movie, Love Begins. Randy will probably fall asleep on me as it's a romantic one but it looks quite good, don't you think? Anyway, here's hoping for 17 more wonderful years. And more movies like these:)
Have a blessed weekend...
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
close the door
Left alone! What different emotions these words bring to mind for each of us! To some they mean loneliness and grief, but to others they may mean rest and quiet. To be left alone without God would be too horrible for words, while being left alone with him is a taste of heaven! And if His followers spent more time alone with Him, we would have spiritual giants again.
Our Master set an example for us. Remember how often He went to be alone with God? And there was a powerful purpose behind His command, "When you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray." (Matt. 6:6).
Earnestly desire to get alone with God. If we neglect to do so, we not only rob ourselves of a blessing but rob others as well, since we will have no blessing to pass on to them. It may mean that we do less outward, visible work, but the work we do will have more depth and power. Another wonderful result will be that people will see "no one except Jesus" (Matt. 17:8) in our lives.
~Streams in the Dessert
devotional post
Sunday, September 11, 2011
what's next...

On September 1st I submitted the first book in my new series, The Ballantyne Legacy, to my editor. She'll read it and see if there are any changes to be made. Yes, it's a skittish wait. I've had 2 books that didn't have edits/editorial letters and one that required several weeks of rewrites. I'll leave you to guess which was which;)
Right now Revell is deciding on a title for this new book and the art team is considering the cover. I've been asked for my preferences regarding both and I was able to give some suggestions. I think this next one will look very different than the previous three. I should have both title and cover for you this fall. Then next year you'll see it on shelves. Stay tuned for some historical fireworks with this new series! Am hoping it gives you a sleepless night or two...
I've also begun book 2 in the series. This time I've had to leave my beloved 18th-century behind and make the leap into the 19th. The story begins in 1822 and I'm finding it oh so...civilized. Am just a few chapters in and already the characters are taking me places I had no intention of going... And not a fort or soldier or settler in sight!

And last but not least is my dear friend, Patti, in Kentucky. Love the shirt! I've met so many people through my books and Patti is one of the dearest. She's a voracious reader and writer herself. And has the cutest grandkids on the planet!
And now, just when you thought there couldn't possibly be another giveaway, there is! Buzz on over to Mary's at her winsome site and join in the fun. If you'd like to enter for a friend or relative, please do! I'll close comments here in hopes to see you there!
mary giveaway
Thursday, September 8, 2011

We are to take everything to God - little things, very little things, even what the world calls trivial things. Yes, we are to take everything, living all day long in holy fellowship with our heavenly Father and our precious Lord Jesus. We should develop something of a spiritual instinct, causing us to immediately turn to God when a concern keeps us awake at night. During those sleepless nights, we should speak to Him, bringing our various concerns before Him, no matter how small they may be. Also speak to the Lord about any trial you are facing or any difficulties you may have in your family or professional life.
May we take these truths to heart, instinctively walking in them, so the result will be lives that glorify God more abundantly than ever before.
~George Mueller, from Life of Trust
devotional post
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
say yes to the dress!

In just a couple of weeks I'll head to St. Louis for the annual American Christian Fiction Writers conference. The web is abuzz with what's to come there. One of the highlights is attending the gala awards banquet the last night. It's quite fun since it's a chance to shuck those jeans and t-shirts and don some serious duds...
Here's literary agent extraordinaire, Chip MacGregor, in Denver two years ago posing with yours truly. No, he's not my agent but he sure looks dashing in a kilt! The Frontiersman's Daughter had just released and he reminded me of Ian Justus, a fellow Scotsman. Only I never put poor Ian in a kilt. Now I wish I had!

I found both these two dresses for a song recently but can't decide which to wear! I even have a pair of black pumps with a blossom swirl at the toe which matches the floral pattern in either dress. Add some faux pearl earrings and a necklace and you're all set.

The black and silver dress is tea-length with a satin underdress and a sheer lace overlay that resembles a garden. I normally don't wear black but it seems so popular these days - and all I could find were black dresses!
Below are two close-ups of the one at right, both bodice and skirt. Both dresses are much prettier in person. My camera skills are also lacking but hopefully you have an idea.
I must be a girly girl as I love dressing up. And I'd love to know which dress you prefer - or maybe you'll tell me to head back to the mall... If you're going to St. Lou this year, what will you be wearing? Or are you staying home and dressing down instead?

Sunday, September 4, 2011
roxanna makes the rounds...

First stop is Colonial Quills where MaryLu Tyndall, C.J. Chase, and yours truly give away copies of our new releases - all under the guise of a historic tea party:) If you haven't read Surrender the Dawn or Redeeming the Rogue, you're in for a treat! Skip the scones and tea! Even the covers are delicious...

Next stop is Christy at SouthernSassyThings (I so love the name of this blog!) for some porch time and book talk. Christy is the consummate southern hostess. You'll soon see:)
Then you'll meet Wanda who is a history lover like me. I've been blessed to know her through Revell's blog tours and she has a wonderful, Christ-centered blog. Giveaway going on there, too.
On Tuesday and Wednesday, I'm guesting at Making Home Work. There you'll get some tips for writing despite a very busy life. Naomi Rawlings is our hostess and she's a newly contracted author - her novel, Sanctuary for a Lady, debuts next spring. I've had a peek at Naomi's writing and have to say historical lovers are in for a wonderfully written, thoughtful read!
I'll close comments here in hopes of seeing you there.
Happy Labor Day!
4 more giveaways TCL
Thursday, September 1, 2011
more quotes

For as a good old Puritan observes, Christ is beholden to none of us for our hearts. We should never come to Jesus until we feel that we cannot live without Him.
~George Whitefield
~George Whitefield
Be humble, talk little, think and pray much. ~George Whitefield
Humble saints cannot think so well of themselves as others think of them, are not in love with their own shadow, nor do they magnify their own attainments. The love of God reigning in the heart will subdue all inordinate self-love. ~Matthew Henry
True service springs from a full and joyful heart, and runs over like the broad and boundless river. ~A.B. Simpson
True service springs from a full and joyful heart, and runs over like the broad and boundless river. ~A.B. Simpson
devotional post
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