I thought I'd take you along on my 18th-century adventure as I get dressed for the book launch of
The Colonel's Lady in August. My gown is hanging in my closet and now I need a few "accessories" to look the part. Since I'm watching my shillings, so to speak, I'm shopping for one item a month and will post about each one when I find it. It's kind of like a treasure hunt. No running to Nordstrom or JC Penney, that's for sure!
It's long been a dream of mine to own a reproduction 18th-century gown. I found one last October for a reasonable price made by a colonial artist. The gown divinely dropped into my lap, or so it seemed:) One of those little
delight my heart moments from above. I've been thanking Him ever since! If you ever want a hands-on history lesson, try dressing as your heroine!

Here at right is my first accessory.
What one earth? you may be thinking! It just arrived and I'm loving it. I tried it on right away and it fit:) Any guesses as to what it is? No, it's not a purse... You can't see it in this picture but the fabric is pink and white striped and very feminine looking and feeling.
Next up is a
shift and then
stays. The stays have to be special made by a stays maker just like long ago. Then there are the garters, stockings, and shoes. Interestingly enough, I don't have to worry about underwear. Colonial ladies didn't wear any:)

Here is my dear friend,
Mary, and her husband, Adam, before a recent Twelfth Night ball. They live in New Hampshire in a
very old, very beautiful house. They're antique dealers and 18th-century reenactors. It's been so fun to follow them on their adventures as they live a very full life, doing historical presentations for The Mayflower Society and other historic venues.
I've purchased two items from Mary's offerings page on her website - take a peek! You might see something that warms your historical heart:)
Their next historical presentation is February 24th at the Berwick Academy in South Berwick, Maine and is titled "Dressing a Colonial Lady." I'd give anything to be there!
Fortunately, Mary has kindly given of her time and expertise to help me dress for my own event. I couldn't do it without her!
If you could pick a century, which time period appeals to you most as far as women's dress? I think you know my preference!