I couldn't resist posting a picture of a snowy fort as this is where my writing mind and heart have been over the holidays. I've also been missing you readers here, wondering what you've been up to this past month! Hoping there were some good books beneath your tree! If so, I'd love to hear about them:) One of my Kentucky aunts and uncles sent me a HUGE Mark Twain biography full of fascinating pictures. Bye bye, Daniel Boone...

Here are me and my men tucked away at a Smoky Mountain retreat part of December. We even had snow! For the last 30 years my father's family has celebrated Christmas in Tennessee and we were able to go this year and enjoy all the merriment:) The best gift of all was the big guy at left on the sofa. That's my brother, Chris, who flew in from Spain and surprised me by showing up on our doorstep. My mother said it's the first time she's ever seen me speechless:)

This was our wonderful holiday dinner ~ country ham, deep fried turkeys, cornbread stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, macaroni and cheese, strawberry pretzel salad, Red Velvet Cake and much more! Needless to say, I'll need some stays to fit into that 18
th-century gown I'm dying to tell you about...

A dear reading friend in Kentucky sent me this angel ornament and it was the first one I hung on our tree. Bless you, Patti! I so appreciate the cards folks sent my way and those of you who kept in touch via email and snail mail, etc. Also, many, many thanks for those of you who took time to post book reviews during your busy holiday! A month is a long break but it was wonderful simply spending time with my family and resting in the Lord's goodness.
I'd love to hear about your holiday and ways the Lord
blessed your socks off as my dear friend Julie
Lessman often says:) Be as long-winded as you like. A month is a long time for friends to be apart!