Wednesday, May 23, 2012

a true kentucky tale

Happy almost end of May!

I can't believe June is right around the corner. Lately with travel and a bunch of school and fiddle activities, I've been AWOL;)

But I'd be remiss as a Kentuckian and history lover if I didn't tell you about the History Channel's upcoming showing of the Hatfields and McCoys. The video trailer is absolutely mesmerizing but since it's quite dark given the subject matter, I'll just highlight a few pictures.

Since I grew up in Hatfield-McCoy territory, I've long been a student of their history and this is a must-see for me. The large cast includes Kevin Costner and Bill Paxton as clan leaders, Devil Anse Hatfield and Randall McCoy.

I've always been fascinated by the tragic Johnse-Roseanna love affair at the heart of the feud and the depths to which these families descended when driven by hatred and revenge. Sadly, the feud-mentality still exists in some parts of Appalachia. I'll be interested in seeing how true to life this miniseries is and what liberties are taken. I've already detected a difference in Roseanna. She was dark-headed, not a blonde!

On a lighter note, Devil Anse became a Christian in his later years and was baptized by a preacher who proudly boasted he'd "dunked the devil himself." He lived the remainder of his life at peace though no doubt haunted by his past.

Take a peek at the archaic but novel-worthy clan names - Ellison, Tolbert, Perry, Phamer, Selkirk, Wall, Parris, and poor Cotton Top. The women include Alifair and Levicy to name a few...
Over the long weekend, the Frantz clan is planning a BBQ on our deck, rain or shine (probably rain:) We often grill beneath an umbrella!

I'd love to know what you're doing for the long weekend:) Or if you've heard about this tragic part of Kentucky's past...?

Have a blessed end of May!


  1. I read about this in the newspaper on Sunday and got so excited! Not only a fascinating and historical story, but a stellar cast. I need to set my DVR so I don't forget!

    1. Anne, Pls see below. Doggone that reply button!

  2. Anne, I'd love to know your thoughts after watching! This is a fairly big budget period piece and they've paid meticulous attention to details, especially costumes. As historical writers, we'll be smitten by all that late 19th-century stuff:) I just have to get Costner and Dances With Wolves out of my head and prepare for that truly terrible Devil Anse... Bless you for being here!

  3. I will be very interested to watch the mini-series. Hopefully the History Channel will stream it too, since I don't have cable. Otherwise, I'm certain it will eventually hit netflix, or the library will get it.

    Having grown up in Pike county, I'm very familiar with the feud, in fact my grandfather's grandfather was involved in it. Only a minor role in a posse that went to West Virginia after the Hatfields towards the end of it.

    I'm going to my parents house over the weekend, I'm certain we'll grill sometime during the weekend. :) Wish me luck, I'll be getting acquainted with my parents new puppy, and have I mentioned I'm very afraid of dogs, lol.

    1. Michelle, My thoughts swing to you right away when I think of Pike Co and the feud. I'm absolutely fascinated that your great grand was part of it via that posse!! I'd love to sit down with my great grands and hear their thoughts on the feud as it was big news back then, just not the legend it is today. I know it was often in the papers though there was a lot of feuding going on at that time so it wasn't probably thought of the way we think about it today. The trailer is absolutely riveting but so, so dark and tragic. It wasn't filmed in KY but Romania to avoid power lines and highways, etc. Production said the landscape/terrain there is remarkably similar. It sure looks it! I'd love to hear your thoughts if you can watch. I really hope you do!

      As far as dogs go, I'm afraid of them, too! So I can understand that completely. A puppy is so cute, though, maybe it will win you over:) Happy grilling to you as I hear it's been beautiful back there!

  4. I'd seen a preview for it at the theater last week, then I read that interview with Kevin Costner in the Sunday paper. I applaud his desire to bring to light more American history. But like you I hope it's as accurate as it can be. I don't have cable, so I won't be able to see it until it comes out on DVD, but I always felt that Catherine Marshall's CHRISTY had shades of the Hatfields and McCoys and that aspect of the book actually frightened me as a girl when I first read it. I'm not familiar with the details of the romance at the heart of the H & McC story. I look forward to learning more about it. Thanks for hightlighting this, Laura. Such rich, if tragic history we both grew up surrounded by (me with Mary Surratt).

    1. You're right, Lori. Christy did have that feudish feel and that eerie, haunting overtone. I've always been amazed that Marshall nailed that so well. The love story is really intriguing but very tragic. Pics of Roseanna before and after the feud show a very changed girl. I've never cared for Johnse - but no spoilers! Oh, you've intrigued me by mentioning Mary Surratt. Now that's a name to remember:)

  5. I don't think my family has any plans for this weekend! I saw the preview for this on Tuesday (I was watching a show on sharp shooters, while the 6 month old I baby sit was napping, haha). It really looked interesting to me! As long as I remember, I am going to check it out!

    1. Emma, Oh, I remember my babysitting days:) Mention babies and I'm a goner! That's why you'll find so many in my books! I hope you your fam have a great long weekend! If you could make it through that very dark History Channel preview, you'll probably make it through the miniseries. I believe it starts on Memorial Day at 9 pm and then runs for 3 nights. I'd love to hear what you think if you watch!

  6. I saw the trailer for this at the movies a few weeks ago and I thought it looked dark and gritty but these type of things also make you nervous when you know they end badly--- like the Titanic movies and mini just cant divert from what we know, lol. I'll have to look up the story too because I dont know much about it aside that there was feuding. Interesting that there was a love story involved....Im guessing it ended in a bit of Romeo & Juliet fashion?

    1. Heather, I was so hoping you'd chime in here. I actually thought you when I saw the trailer as this is the kind of raw, earthy history we're drawn to. And you're so right in the Romeo and Juliet connection. Roseanna is actually referred to as the 'Juliet of the Mountains'. But I don't want to spoil it for you if you're going to watch. Though I'm dying to tell you the rest of the story;)

      And thanks to you, I have a Kate Morton book on my Kindle! The Forgotten Garden. The title is great. Reminds me of Susanna Kearsley's The Rose Garden, a time travel. Am wondering if you've read any of hers. Now if only I can clear my desk and get to Kate:) Thanks to you!

  7. I watched the trailer again and I'm not sure if I'll be able to watch it! I'm such a big baby in my old age. Looks like a lot of killin' and fightin'! I might try though....It looks really well done though. And how interesting that it was filmed in Romania. I like the actress Jenna Malone who plays (I think) Roseanna. She played Lydia in Pride and Prejudice. There are lots of big names in this one! Might make me scared to go visit my inlaws in the Ozarks next month, haha!

    Oh, and Im so glad you got The Forgotten Garden! That was the first Morton book I read. When I got them all read I went searching for similar authors and Susanna Kearsley came up a lot, I havent read her but I think I need to to try her out! Summer is a great time for reading.

    I'd love to hear the rest of the story! Especially if you're dying to tell me, hehehe. Sometimes with these emotional things, I like to know what's coming!

    1. Heather, I really understand your reluctance. This isn't a film to be watched lightly. I'm not even sure I'll make it through. You're so right in saying it helps to know the history behind the feud as it makes it slightly less horrific when you're prepared for the worst while watching. I'll be glad to fill you in on a few details in case you decide to view. Or not!

      ****SPOILER ALERT*******
      The feud covered about 30 years, from 1861 to 1891 roughly. In total, over a dozen lives were lost on both Hatfield and McCoy sides. The 2 clans lived along the Tug River in West Virginia and Kentucky. They had LARGE families and were fiercely loyal to them. Many were veterans of the Civil War and so returned home disturbed and agitated, having seen killing become commonplace. Bad feelings were already present between the 2 sides but the stealing of a pig sent them over the edge. Coupled with the forbidden love affair between Johnse and Roseanna (in which she became pregnant and actually lived with Johnse's family for a time), the situation exploded. There were many other factors involved. At the start of the feud, a Hatfield was murdered by McCoys and in retaliation, these McCoys, all younger men, were hunted down, tied to trees, and shot. Cabins were burned, Roseanna's baby died of measles, and Johnse, a womanizer from the get-go, married her conniving cousin. Sadly, Roseanna went to live with an aunt in Pikeville and died of a broken heart, so it's said, before the age of 30. I could keep going but you get the tragic picture.

      It will difficult to fit 30 plus years of history in a 6 hour miniseries but it might succeed. Whew! I get weary thinking of all the bloodshed and bad feelings, true as it is...

      On a lighter note, Kate Morton's writing style is wonderful:)

    2. Yes, Susanna Kearsley is one of my favorite authors. I would start with her latest, The Rose Garden. But all her books are good if you don't mind paranormal lite. :)

      But I've never read Kate Morton. Will have to now.

    3. I think you'll like Morton, Lori:)

  8. For the Miniseries I am waiting till it hits Netflix on June 5th, because only one of our TV's has cable right now. Also for the Holiday weekend I am going to enjoy a three day weekend from work. Spending time with family celebrating my 25th birthday on Memorial Day. But more importantly celebrating what Memorial Day actually means, to remember those who gave their lives for us to keep our freedoms. As a family we will also go to the cemetery to put flags on service members graves including my grandfathers.

    1. Carissa, Happy early birthday to you!! It's neat your birthday falls on such a memorable holiday/weekend. It IS so important to remember those who gave our lives for our freedom and liberties. How often we forget that amidst the long weekend and start of summer, etc. We have a small service at the beach here where there's a pioneer cemetery. I love seeing the flags on graves for remembrance. I'm so glad you're near enough to visit your grandfathers' graves. My family is buried in the Berea cemetery and I visit when I can as it's so old and they were all buried in the same plot. It's a peaceful, beautiful place and would be especially so now in late spring.

      I'm glad Netflix is making it available though I say that with tongue in cheek as it won't be easy to watch. Again, Happy birthday to you! You must be over the moon now that you're out of school!!

  9. I'm not familiar with the Hatfield/McCoy feud, but I did know about the up-coming TV series and was interested in watching it. This weekend I'm taking my son to a friend's grandson's pool party, and that should be fun. Nothing planned for Memorial Day since the hubby is working. Bless you, Laura, have a great weekend!

    1. Oh, love those pool parties, Gwen! Some of my happiest memories involve doing that with my littles. I'm such a sun lover. Sounds like you have a relaxing weekend ahead - all moms of toddlers/littles deserve that!! It's actually sunny here today and we're so thankful. Bless you for being here:)

  10. Good morning, dear Laura! I know I've heard these names before... recently actually, on DC's Sons of Guns, I think... Anyway, I don't know anything about these folks beyond their names so I'm very interested to see this movie. LOVE all those archaic names, too! :-)

    Praying the end of your May is blessed also, my friend! And, hoping the sun shines bright for your festivities, at least for your grilling - I've grilled under an umbrella due to rain an it's a little awkward, to say the least, lol!


    1. Happy almost birthday, dear Amanda:) Just a little while longer yet! I'm smiling about the Sons of Guns because my boys really like that show - anything that makes noise and smoke is right up their alley, including firecrackers! Oh, the joy of boys...

      I'd love to hear what you think if you watch those feuding clans. But at the same time I want to caution you to cover your eyes!! It's going to be quite dark. On the other hand, I can hardly wait to see how they handle the history I grew up with, tragic as it is.

      And thankfully, we have SUN today and I'm getting ready to go write on the deck - am beginning Ballantyne book 3!! We may get to leave that umbrella behind when we grill this weekend. I pray your holiday is blessed in every way. So happy to see you:)

  11. Thanks for the heads up on this special, Laura. I'm not sure we get the history channel, but Papa will check it out. Obviously, we are not TV people. :) I would also like to thank you for your short devotionals and tid bits from history you share with us here. Also, love the pictures you select to post with them. A big thank you for the time you give the blog and an even bigger thank you for you books. Lord bless your day.

    1. Mary, I hope you can watch if it seems like something you and Papa would go for. I really wanted to upload that movie trailer here but had a check about it so didn't post. I didn't want to offend anyone as it's so dark. I'd really urge readers here to go to the History Channel site and read about it. The video trailer is there and they have a fascinating interactive called "Who's Side Are You On?" that spotlights the real-life McCoys and Hatfields, etc.

      And I can't thank you enough for being faithful in reading my blog. Your presence and encouragement mean so much, Mary. Praying you and your loved ones have a blessed weekend!

  12. Hello Miss Laura!!

    This weekend we will be laying 20 bags of mulch and planting flowers. I am trying to make a backyard bird sanctuary!! I do so love birds!! I am trying to attract as many species as I can!! I also work on Monday! Alas, hospitals never close their doors for holidays! We do get holiday pay!

    I am so glad you told me about the mini-series!! I have it DVR'd as we speak! I will have to decide if I wanted to be a Hatfield or would have I preferred to be a McCoy?!?! Maybe neither!!

    I hope you have a memorable weekend!!


    I hope you have a great weekend!

    1. Oh, Miss Stacie - how I wish I was near enough to help you with all that mulch and flowers!! We are both birdie folks:) Your idea for a bird sanctuary sounds heavenly - and will lead to more of your exquisite photography!! You'll probably chuckle as my mom moved out here last year (she's a birder, too) the first thing she said was, "My, you have the BIGGEST robins out here!" We do, too. They are super-sized ones. Just HUGE! And they gobble up tons of birdseed...

      I would love to hear which side you're on as far as those 2 KY clans! Randy has always been sympathetic to those McCoys for some reason. For his birthday next week, I ordered him the book on Devil Anse which was written by one of his descendents. I'll tell you who I'm leaning toward after I watch. I'll come back and provide a running commentary here after each night...

      You're right. Hospitals never close. Praying you have lots of sunshine and fun creating your oasis till then!!

    2. Well? What did you think of last night's episode?

    3. LOL, dear Stacie:)!! Would you believe I got on here this morning and took a stab (no pun intended) on a review, then became flummoxed and ended up deleting the whole thing, thinking nobody probably watched or would come back here! Well, bless you for asking!

      Hmmm, I have many thoughts. It was DARK. DEPRESSING. RIVETING. HAUNTING. LOVE Roseanna and her desire to save herself for her husband. Love that Romania looks very much like KY. Really appreciate that Devil Anse and Randall aren't stick-figure evil but are almost redeemable at times (and then they do something vile...) Detest Johnse and always have. It makes me glad he eventually got his comeuppance with a woman "who took the powder out of his gun" as we Kentuckians say. Nancy is the ultimate villainess. Enjoy the wry humor though it's so dark you have to really hunt for it...

      The first 2 hours made me want to rewrite their history and give Roseanna the happy ending she deserved. I'm all set for tonight though I'll admit to watching several scenes through fanned hands. I am not big on blood! Randy found it fascinating but he's a history fan, too.

      I hope your Memorial Day at the hospital was quiet. So thankful hospitals stay open and caring people like you staff them!!

      I'd love to know your thoughts if you have time, my friend:)

    4. Well, I am still trying to figure out who is my fave family! The Hatfields or the McCoys! I think I liked the McCoys at first because Devil Anse deserted but Randall was loyal to sticking the war out. But his loyalty sure did not carry into his family when it came to Roseanna! Terrible how he disowned her and then threw her hope chest out and buried it! I think that was symbolic of all her hopes being buried!! I liked how Devil Anse took her in!! So, you detest Johnse? Do you feel he is too arrogant?! So they don't have a happy ending huh? I didn't think so. I will have to see how it all played out tonight!!

      My hubby and I enjoyed sitting on the coach watching it together! I bet if we lived close we would go on double dates together. We all share the love of history! I had to smile about the part of you looking at the show through fanned fingers! Didn't bother me! Guess you wouldn't be able to work in a hospital my dear friend! I meant to tell you that I will be changing hospitals in a couple of weeks. It is in the same health system but it is so much closer to home. Instead of working in Women's Health I will be working Trauma! Plenty of blood there!!

      I look forward to tonight and then "talking" about it with you tomorrow!!

    5. Oh Stacie, You've brought out some wonderful points that I'd not mentioned. The HOPE CHEST - yes, what symbolism! That hurt! And I agree with you 200% - it really did represent her crushed hopes and dreams. When I saw that little button her daddy had given her when she was young I nearly cried. She is by far my favorite part of the movie. I am so sad about it, perhaps because I know the ending, and wish for better things...

      Yes, Johnse is too arrogant and such a womanizer! Ugh. I wish I could tell you how many times he was married in his lifetime but guess that's evven a spoiler right there! I don't think Nancy wooed him up in the woods like they showed. That's the only liberty I see taken so far though I could be wrong about this little sticking point. It didn't ring true to THE MAN either;) I have a dear friend in Pikeville, KY who contacted me this afternoon to ask my thoughts. Her great-grand was part of the posse who rode after those bad guys back then! Such rich history...

      I chuckled imagining you and hubs sitting on the sofa and watching together - so did we:) What fun to go on a double history date! If we could only erase the miles. And yes, I'm absolutely blood phobic and would make a terrible nurse! Which is strange as so many of my aunts and cousins are nurses, some in the ER and trauma like you and loving it. I can only do blood on paper!

      Can't wait to hear your thoughts about tonight's episode. WHEW! So thankful for finger fanning;)

    6. And most importantly, prayers with you as you transition again. You are wonder woman, I think!!

    7. Thanks for pointing me to your review Laura, I didn't think to look here on the blog earlier.

      I just finished watching the first part. I don't have cable, so I'm watching the episodes on the History Channel's website. I've always been pro-McCoy, which is the side my great-great grandfather was on. That said, I'm finding the Hatfields to be very sympathetic, and it's completely messing with my emotions, lol.

      I despise Johnse too, and Perry Cline is definitely a slimy little weasel. I think I almost despise him more than Johnse right now.

      The hard part about watching the series, is knowing the history, and knowing what is going to happen to some of these people. :(

    8. So glad you're here, Michelle, as you have unusual ties/insight into this history. Randy and I have always been pro-McCoy, too, but you're so right about this portrayal messing with your loyalties/emotions. I've just finished episode 2 minutes ago and even feel sympathetic to Johnse! When he tried to see Roseanna at her aunt's house (not sure this actually happened in real life), my heart broke a little over those flowers and his pathetic. thwarted attempts. I'm so surprised he made it out alive given his involvement and relative stupidity.

      You're dead on about Perry Cline. Weasel is the right word. He's afraid of his own shadow which makes him even worse. And like you, knowing the history makes watching even more painful. I'd love to know if you have any firsthand knowledge about Roseanna and her life in Pikeville. She's such an intriguing, sympathetic person and so little is known. The pictures of her (only 2 that I've found) are heartbreaking in contrast.

      So happy you're here and we're watching together so to speak:) Tragic as it is...:(

  13. Thanks for the tip on the upcoming mini-series! I've heard of the Hatfields and McCoys - but to be honest, I didn't consider that they were real people! I can't wait to see the movie.

    This weekend we've spent with family at my in-law's lake home. I took some great pictures of the lake (and my kiddos by the lake) last night and put them on my blog. The sunset was mesmerizing. Usually we have a Memorial Day bbq and go to my brother's lake home, but today we're installing a much anticipated fence in our yard to keep the twins at bay! We're also preparing for a big garage sale at my home this week.

    I've spent some time talking with my girls about Memorial Day and we'll be praying for the men and women who currently serve our country, and remembering those who have served and passed on, including my two grandfathers.

    1. Gabrielle, So glad you're taking time to teach your girls about the real reason for Memorial Day:) It's such a rich holiday but so easily overlooked now in our country. Somehow, the Hatfields and McCoys series seems to fit if only to remind us of how precious life is and how tragically it can be wasted. I can't wait to revisit KY history tonight but know it will be hard to watch!

      Your lake house sounds divine!! Oh, I can just imagine how much your family and those littles of yours enjoy that:) You're making beautiful memories for them. YAY for the fenced yard! Prayers with you and that garage sale - a lot of fun but a lot of work!

      Can't wait to see you pics - that's a Memorial Day treat:) Heading over now...

    2. Thanks for stopping by my blog! It's always so nice to "see" you there. :)

    3. You're so welcome, Gabrielle! Your blog is always a JOY:)

  14. They do not mention in the movie how Sarah and Randall are first cousins. Also, Ellison Hatfield the youngest brother of Devil Anse, was married to a McCoy. Floyd Hatfield who won the "Pig" trial, was also married to a McCoy. The sisters were married to Floyd and Ellison, and were first cousins to Sarah and Randall. I looked this up because my great great grandfather was Selkirk McCoy and I was curious how I was related. Asa McCoy was my great great great grandfather and Sarah's Brother and Randall's first cousin. It gets twisted trying to figure out how everyone is related.

    1. Dear Anon, Thanks so much for sharing this great info! WOW - you're a descendent of Selkirk and Asa! I've found it somewhat confusing trying to keep everyone straight and how McCoys and Hatfields overlapped and married, etc. Your "clues" help explain a lot! I will pass this on to my husband who happens to be at Bible study tonight and had to miss this 2nd episode. He'll catch up tomorrow and will be all the wiser, thanks to you:) Can you tell I'm just about giddy talking over this history, tragic as it is? I'm still grieving Ellison. I actually liked him quite a bit. Not sure why. Maybe because he was so kind to Cotton Top. But no spoilers here for those who haven't seen what we've seen yet...

      Bless you for taking time to comment. It means a great deal to us history buffs:)

  15. My dad knows about the McCoys and Hatfields- I think he was going to watch the show. He and my husband were talking about it the other day, actually! I'm not too up on it though. Trying to decide if I'm up for a tragic story right now. It's been quite a whirlwind the past few weeks here. For one, Rich's beloved Aunt Denise passed away unexpectedly, the van wouldn't start, and I lost my camera bag, all on the same day. Ella had a horrible poison ivy reaction- her entire face swelled up, and even one eye was swollen shut! And then last night she had to get stitches at the er because she ran into a door corner!! I'm ready for summer and your surprise!!!!!!!! Memorial Day was a blessing- to think about my own father, a Vietnam Vet, and then also of my grandpa Snyder, who passed away but had served in WW2. The kids played with so many of their cousins, and even had a water balloon fight and roasted HUGE marshmallows. They made so many wonderful memories.

    1. Oh Amy, I'm so sorry about all of the above! No, you don't need any more angst from the History Channel:( Please accept my deepest sympathies about Aunt Denise. That must be so hard, especially since it was unexpected. And poor Ella! You've been on my mind a great deal but I've not been on Facebook or blog visiting because of so many end of year activities so must have missed all this. Prayers with you, of course, as always!! I know how hard that must be for Ella with the ivy and stitiches - oh my!! I think it's time for good things to happen after this whirlwind. Am so glad you all had a good Memorial Day - cousins and fun and marshmallows seem to go together - lol! Some of my happiest memories are of my Kentucky cousins and the fun we'd have when young on holidays and dressing up and playing Daniel Boone...

      Am blessed to know about your dad and grandpa's service. So many of those WW2 vets are gone and they gave so much.

      So happy to know you're up for a surprise here! Some readers expect me to pop a new baby pic up - NOT!! I'm afraid that's all in the past;) But hopefully this will be sweet nevertheless.

      Prayers with you, dear Sweet P.

    2. Thanks for thinking of me, Laura. It means a lot. I'm in tears because I'm just TIRED and needed to hear your cheery voice. THANK YOU! I don't have any great blog posts up at the moment- maybe in a few days. I have something I want to share that Rich's Aunt Denise had written, and the story behind it. I'll let you know when I do. I think you'll like it!

    3. Amy, Lifting you up especially today as you are tired and in need of TLC!! Praying He gives you the special rest only He can give. So glad coming here helps you a bit. I look forward to hearing more about Rich's aunt when you can do that. Your blog posts are always moving and beautiful. Psalm 14:3 for you and your precious family at this time.

  16. ****SPOILER ALERT**********

    Hmmm, you know a film has made an impact when you lie awake at night thinking about it. Episode 2 was even more angst-filled and moving than the first 2 hours, IMHO. My thoughts/prejudices/emotions have been flipped like a corncake as far as being pro-Hatfield or pro-McCoy. I even feel a slight fondness for Johnse though he has moments of stupidity which mar his new shine;) Still grieving Roseanna (wish they'd let us see more of that baby!) and am mad at her aunt for throwing Johnse out, so to speak. Yet I don't blame her after the murder of those 3 brothers.

    Most moving moment ~ Sally's visit to her condemned sons

    Most terrible scene - Ellison's death. Of all the Hatfields, Ellison is my fav, not only because he's the handsomest but because he genuinely cares for Cotton Top, and seems to stay on the fringe of the feud.

    I'm becoming less and less fond of Levicy. I think her and everyone else's treatment of Roseanna is appalling. As for Nancy - she deserved that razor strap! Past due for a spanking...though I can't stand the fact that Jim Vance did it. Ugh. Somebody needs to take the powder out of his gun.

    Anyway, things are horribly out of hand so it will be interesting to see how the final 2 hours tie things together - or not:(

    On a lighter note, I ended the evening by watching Katie Couric's interview with the Royal Family. A much brighter topic:)

    1. I just finished watching the 2nd part, I'm running a day behind since I'm watching the streaming on the History Channel's website.

      Definitely have to agree with you about Sally's visit to her sons. :sob: I could not watch them being killed at all. I agree with you about Ellison too, and Cotton Top just breaks my heart. (I'm remembering his eventual fate).

      I think Jim Vance deserved the strapping more than Nancy did. If there's any person I'm wanting to see dead right now, it's him.

      Oh, the posse at the end, that was what my great-great grandfather was involved in. Warrants were definitely issued for them in West Virginia, but the governor of Kentucky would not extradite. However, ten years later there was a new governor, and extradition became a huge possibility. My great-great grandfather, and many of the others went into hiding. His brother went to Logan, WV. to check on the warrant. The only thing he was wanted for was a minor charge, and all his brothers paid his fine.

      BTW, I'm watching the Prince William and Prince Harry interview right now. Absolutely love Prince Harry!

    2. OH, so GLAD you're ending the eve on a lighter note with that Harry:) Everyone needs a prince like him after Devil Anse! I agree with you personally. He oozes charm, even moreso than William. I love that red hair and see so much of Diana in him, his voice and mannerisms. Very charming. Love that he said he wants lots of children someday. Sounds like he has his priorities in order:) Diana would be proud as she so loved children, too...

      Oh, this personal history of yours is so fascinating. I just read aloud to Randy who finished watching the finale with me an hour ago. The posse figures HUGELY in the last 2 hours. I thought of your great-great as I looked at all those men who had the nerve to ride after them. Not a feat for the faint-hearted. Cotton Top broke my heart even though I knew what was coming. I don't blame you for not being able to watch Sally and her boys. And let me tell you, steam was coming out the top of my head regarding Jim Vance. He was about the only one I couldn't remember what happened to. Needless to say, God is just. I won't deny you the terrible pleasure by telling you about it here.

      But I do need to caution you, you may not be able to get through this final episode. Like I told Stacie, it's just too dark. And they could have left so much out that was objectionable and didn't. We had to change channels several times to skip parts. If I didn't treasure KY history like I do, I couldn't have watched it.

      Spoiler - you may become smitten with Johnse! Heavens! Did they ever portay him glowingly!

      Bless you, Michelle, for taking time to "chat" - you're always a blessing!!

    3. You were definitely right about how they protrayed Johnse, I thought he ended up being the only one with a lick of sense. The scene were he and his father went fishing, it was just heartbreaking. When Anse rode about to the compound, and you didn't see Johnse at first, I was like oh no, where's Johnse. Never mind that I'd looked things up last night, and knew that Johnse would survive. The scene of Johnse taking flowers to Roseanna's grave, ::sniff::

      You were definitely right about the violence, I flipped to another tab to surf the internet a few times. That said, I was pleased with Jim Vance's fate. From what I'd looked up last night, I knew Frank Phillips was going to kill him. If there was ever a man who needed killin' it was Jim Vance. (Sorry, guess my Appalachian roots are showing there.)

      And Ellison Mounts (Cotton Top) ::sob:: I knew from the beginning what his fate was going to be, but that did not stop me from almost crying over it. That said, the attention to detail with the hanging just amazed me. In modern times, the site of the hanging is part of the University of Pikeville's campus, which means it's on the hillside. There is a historical marker up at the site, I saw it often from the windows of two of the classrooms I was in often during my college years.

      BTW, there is also a documentary airing on the History Channel Saturday, June 2 about the feud. It airs at 4 pm eastern, so I'm thinking that's probably 1 pm pacific. I believe parts of it were probably filmed at the feud sites in Pike county. One of my college professors was involved in the documentary.

    4. Michelle, I feel like I'm getting dessert for breakfast reading your comments here:) And to know about that documentary is GREAT!! In fact, Randy kept surfing the history channel last night trying to come up with something related. Guess we're both in Hatfield-McCoy withdrawal and need closure - lol. So interesting about the UP's campus and that hillside site. And the fact that your prof had a hand in the documentary. I will be watching it!! Thanks so much for that. Luckily I'll be home Saturday afternoon.

      You found the same scenes that I did very moving. I just qualied when Anse came back to the cabin and the camera didn't shift to Johnse till the bitter end. Lavicy knew what Anse was planning to do and her great relief was my own. I will say they did something so interesting with Johnse in this film by making him almost boyishly innocent and untouched by that Hatfield meanness. I wasn't sure whether to be tickled or irritated when he said he aimed his gun away during the ambush and murders and didn't take part. Kind of dumb but endearing. And yes, the graveside scene left me feeling pretty low. If only we could rewrite history. And then there's poor Cotton Top!!

      I will say, and I'm not proud of it, that my great-grandparents would attend hangings in Kentucky as just an outing. They were God-fearing Christians so am not sure what drove them there. Others at that time said they went for the entertainment value (really?!). Though I'm ready to condemn this as beyond the bounds of decency, our own culture/generation watches such terrible things on TV and elsewhere that I guess it's not much different. I do think the miniseries captured this when the family was seen at Cotton Top's hanging - the man said watching the hanging meant making history and the woman mumbled something about the legacy of violence they were leaving. No kidding.

      I've found an interesting blog called www.appalachianlady.wordpress. She claims to be a Hatfield descendent and has some very interesting posts and pictures this week about the feud, etc. I wonder if she's in Kentucky or West Virginia...or neither?

      Thanks so much, Michelle. Wish we could have watched this together but it's been really enjoyable sharing it with you here:) In spades!!

    5. Hope you enjoy the documentary! I'm hoping they put it on the website to be streamed too.

      Definitely agree with you about people going to watch hangings. It's just something I don't believe I understand at all. I imagine some of my family probably went to them too.

      Thanks for the link to the blog. Very interesting, I'm thinking she's in West Virginia. I found her thoughts on vigilante justice to be especially interesting. I think the same is true to a point in eastern Kentucky. I definitely know of cases were vigilante justice was offered to people. It wasn't taken, but the opportunity was expressed. I also found her thoughts on family loyalty to be interesting. I agree with her that idea that you do what you want to me, but don't mess with my family is still very true. My mom has told me stories of when she was in high school about my biological father's family, and another family fighting. If you fought one of them, you were fighting the entire family. I think as a people, we're still very clannish. Considering a lot of us are Scotch-Irish, it makes sense.

      It's been great talking about this with you!

    6. Michelle, You're so right about the clannish-don't mess with my kin side of things. I call it the feud mentality and like you, feel it does exist. If you think about it, this whole vendetta played out not so long ago. Those Scotch-Irish roots of ours are quite fiesty;) I'm amazed that I never realized "the real McCoy" and other verbage originated from that piece of history! And I'm still thinking of "tow the line" when they were shooting those rifles...

      My mother went to school with a McCoy and had some interesting things to say about the miniseries. She watched a bit but then turned it off. Having grown up in Madison County and being a lifelong Kentuckian she said, "Those cabins/houses were much too nice." Also, where were the gardens and crops, the music, etc? But you can only cram so much into six hours and they were filming in the fall, if I'm not mistaken. I did think Romania was shockingly like the real deal:)

      Yes, that blog is very interesting. Glad to know she is a W. Virginian. Maeks sense being on the Hatfield side. Fascinating that her oral history pegs Cotton Top as mentally ill and not slow. Even more tragic.

      For some reason I am just stuck on Ellison. Would you believe Cotton Top was his son by a Hatfield first cousin two years prior to his marrying Sarah Ann Staton and having 10 more children? At the time of his death, his oldest son, Elliot "Indian" Hatfield was 16 and their youngest baby Andrew "Kirk" was only 4 months old. I can't imagine what happened to his widow, then 38 years old, and all those children. Likely she remarried or the Hatfield clan took care of them. Can't find that info.

      You'll be happy to know Paul has auto-tuned (whatever that means!) the documentary for me today so I can watch:) Randy and Wyatt have gone fishing and Paul has to work. Randy is green with envy but it wasn't enough to stay home from that fishing trip. It's his 42nd birthday today and my gift to him is a book on Devil Anse:) It's written (ghost written) by one of his kin so hope it's interesting. All of our books on the clan disappeared. We loaned them out and now wish them back!

      Hope you get to watch, too, via the History Channel. I'll probably come back here and comment again after - lol! Can you tell I can't get enough of this history...

    7. Pls forgive the typos - Blogger needs a spellcheck for flying comments!!

    8. Michelle, The documentary was very well done - so much great info presented along with pics - and they really highlighted the truths of the feud. If Cade was your prof then she is a very articulate, interesting one:) Hope you can watch at some point if not today. It's very worthwhile! Thanks again for letting me know about it!!

    9. Yes, Nancy Cade was my professor. I took most of my classes under her, and love her to death. :) She's just wonderful. Doesn't look like the History Channel has it on the website. :( Maybe they'll reshow it sometime, or even better they could put it as an extra on the DVD.

      BTW, we were talking about what happened to Sarah McCoy, her tombstone doesn't even show the exact year she died. It just says 189? One of my cousins took her son up to Dils Cemetary tonight, and she posted the pictures on FB, I would share them, but her son's in the pictures, so I don't want to do that.

    10. Well, I can see why you enjoyed her as a prof:) Even on camera she appears very savvy and warm and witty and fun! I really hope they air this again or make it available somehow. I would think that it was watched by many. I must be a glutton for punishment but am going to watch the 6 hours again soon. Now that I have the family relations firmly in mind, there is so much I missed on the first viewing. Plus I have another nnovel series brewing set in KY again at the time of the feud. It may come to naught but...

      So sad about Sarah McCoy. It's as if everyone lost track of her and she sort of faded into history. Fascinating about that tombstone and so galad they went up to Dils! I so wish that I'd done that on my forays through Pikeville! But I was always in a big hot hurry to get my granny to Virginia... And I completely understand about sharing those pics. I have to be careful of that, too, and it's a good reminder that discretion is wise.

      BTW, I spent most of Sunday afternoon reading Randy's birthday present from me - lol! I'm tempted to order Altina Waller's "Feud" but am not sure yet. If you hear of any other good books on the history, I'd love to hear about them:)

    11. I came over here to respond on Monday night, but my response somehow disappeared before I could hit enter. :) I've been so busy, and tired the rest of the week, that I've not really had the chance to come back.

      Nancy was really a great professor, I'd say everyone loves her. Nancy asked my mom this week, if she'd watched the documentary, but my mom hadn't know it was on, so she hasn't watched it. My mom has finished the miniseries though, my stepdad hasn't finished yet, and she won't tell him what happens. She said she was shocked by the final hour.

      There are a lot of people in Pikeville, who are hoping the miniseries will cause an increase in tourism. When my cousin and her son went to Dils last Sunday evening, she said they met people who had driven four hours to come to Pikeville.

      I hope you've enjoyed Randy's birthday present, and he's enjoyed it too. ;) I've read Altina Waller's "Feud" and I highly recommend it. If I remember correctly, she's a little more favorable to the Hatfield side though. If you read it, pay attention to the last appendix, the one listing the political affiliations of the posse members, my great-great grandfather is listed in it.

      A little bit of news about me. :) You probably remember my work promotion from last fall. I have decided the job was too stressful, and aspects of it were not suited to my introverted personality. So I stepped down from it, as of last Friday, June 1. I'm in a different area of my department now, in a job that will allow me work from home again once I am fully trained. Needless to say, I'm quite happy about that.

    12. Michelle, So good to see you here on this sunny Friday night:) I've really been missing our back and forth. Guess I'm in Hatfield and McCoy withdrawal! I'm so curious to know what your stepdad thinks. It was so well done if not true to the actual feud in places. I will order the Waller book, thank you. I've been itching to do that. So neat to think your kin had such a role in that. It took a lot of courage to join that posse as it might have ended so badly. I also ordered the CD of the soundtrack though Amazon had run out. I had to get it elsewhere. Very catchy tune on the trailer but don't think it's on the actual CD.

      We're more than halfway through the Hatfield bio and it's very good. I've been hunting for Truda Williams McCoys account but it's out of print. We've always been sympathetic to the McCoy side and would like to read more from that angle. I had to smile at your comment about Pikeville's hopeful bump in tourism as I just told Randy today that we need to make a road trip to Pikeville and Dils before moving into Logan County over the river:) Would love to bump into Nancy! Of course that would include going home to Lex and Berea first!!

      Thankful to hear you can move into that other postion and work from home again. You've had enough time to know if it suited you or not and it sounds like it's wise to step down. So congrats on that:) I know it took courage to do that. Such things are usually very stressful, though in the long run much nicer when all is said and done! Working at home can't be beat. Praying for you as you get fully trained and can transition back home again. YAY!!

      It's getting late and I'm working late as we have to be away all weekend with school activities, etc. I keep waiting for things to settle down and they never do. Keep waiting for the sun to shine and that doesn't happen either here - lol. Not too much longer and the surprise here will be shared. So hope you like it:) Praying you have a restful weekend full of good books and Panera or Bella Notte or whatever!

    13. Actually, I must confess it is both sunny AND raining here today/tonight if you're wondering about my earlier comments. I SO MISS THAT KY SUN!!!!

  17. I am watching part 2 as I type to you! I dvr'd it because I had to work today and didn't want to stay up too late! I really liked what Devil Anse said to Randall about God choosing sides between the both of them. Randall believing God was on his side! That is an interesting thought. Neither one of them was right before God! It is interesting how each one of them thought they were right before Him! There are many of us like that huh? Thinking our way is The Way! May the Grace of God keep me always on God's side not my own!!

    There is a quote that I think of often. "What one generation does in moderation the other does in excess!" That is certainly true of the Hatfields and McCoys! I felt bad about Anse's brother too! (I don't want to put Devil in front of Anse's name anymore, LOL!!)

    1. Love your thoughts and the quote, Stacie. We're pretty much watching together tonight. Just finished the final 2 hours with Randy. Whew! I can't recc. it as it is the darkest yet. We had to change the channel a few times as it became too much. Some things are just better left out but of course that's not how Hollywood (or even the History Channel) does things. Thankful for clean, Christian books and films...

      Like you, I was struck by how very misguided both sides were in thinking they were in the right. The devil certainly had a field day with that 30 year fight, nearly eliminating both sides. It's a convicting portrayal of how the wages of sin is death, truly. But for God's grace, we all go astray...

      The most moving aspect to me was the Roseanna-Johnse storyline. I don't think that was true to life but like Old Anse said, it makes you wonder how things might have been different had they just let them marry like they wanted early on. Wonderful fodder for a romance novelist:)

      I hope work went well for you today and you're feet are up and you're relaxing. Bless you so much for taking time to reach out to this crazy, history-besotted author! Would love to hear the rest of your thoughts if you watch the final 2 hours...

    2. Dennis and I just got down watchin the 3rd part!

      Oh Laura!!! I thought Anse was going to kill Johnse for sure!! I kept saying over and over to my husband. "He wouldn't kill his boy would he"? What's sad is that Johnse thought most of his life that Anse would not have saved him if he jumped in and scared the fish. One of Dennis and Bryan's favorite thing to do together is fish. Tragic that Johnse probably never felt that way with his dad!

      Was Randall really this weak or did The History Channel portray him this way? He really got on my nerves by the end of it! For him to run out the back!! His poor wife!! I couldn't help but laugh at what she said about her sending her away so he and Perry could go to H*** together! He probably sent her away because his conscience could not stand it anymore!!

      I want you to write the Johnse and Roseanna story!! Who cares if you change things up a bit! I would love for them to get a happy ending even if there are major twists and turns to get them there!!

      I am glad I watched this! Did I tell you my Mammaw and Pappaw(Great Grandpa and Great Grandma0 came from Kentucky! They are from Paducah and Elizabeth Town or E-town as they would like to say! So, we share a bit of history! Isn't that fun!!!

      Well I could talk on and on about The Hatfields and McCoys but I agree with your hubby and would not want to watch it a second time! I am so glad we were able to review it together!!

    3. Oh, I was so hoping you and Michelle would update me when you finished watching - and you both did:) So interesting that we all cringed and cried (or nearly) at the same scenes. Yes, the fishing scene was truly heart-wrenching. Randy goes fishing with the boys like your Bryan and Dennis so it really hit home. I don't know if that was true to the historical record but the producers sure got a lot of emotional mileage out of it. Given Anse's nature, I do think he was capable of killing Johnse at such a vulnerable moment because he thought he was a traitor.

      As for Randall, I don't know what Michelle here would have to say as she's in McCoy country, but I do believe the film pegged Randall right. He was bitter to the end and did die of burns. His nature was more serious than Anse's who was one for tall tales and practical jokes (something the film did not show), etc. I wonder what happened to poor Sally after Jim Vance nearly killed her with that rifle to the head - and the other kids.

      Another thing that was hidden was Ellison's wife and 9 children who were left without a father after the McCoys killed him. Cotton Top was his illegitimate son but he had 9 others who must have been pretty destitute without him as he was only about 40 when murdered. Grrr. And Ellison was something of a peacemaker! They should have just gone after Jim Vance!

      Interestingly, according to Hatfield oral history, Johnse was not as portrayed in the film. He was a true womanizer (married 4 times) and really didn't care for Roseanna as we'd like to imagine. I so wish he'd been Costner's Johnse!

      Would you believe I was lying in bed last night thinking of how I could write a Johnse-Roseanna type story - and I have! Book 2 Ballantyne is it:) The similarities are startling, actually, which makes me wonder if my lifelong fascination for the feud actually bled over to this upcoming novel. But no spoilers for you, my dear reading friend!! You'll actually get a peek at this next pseudo Johnse-Roseanna novel as the first chapter is in the back of Love's Reckoning come August...

      Oh, love your KY roots!! I've been to E-town and Paducah. In fact, have some dear reading friends in Paducah. Great places! I am terribly homesick right now, especially as they've been having great HOT weather back there. Just raining buckets here...

      It has been wonderful to review this with you play by play:) Love your insights and thoughts, Stacie. You're a gem.

    4. I would agree with Laura, the movie definitely did peg Randall. He was broken by the Civil War, broken even more by the murder of his sons, and then I would say finally broken by the New Year's Day attack on the family's homeplace.

      In the after story before credits, it said Sally spent time in mental institutions before dying. I can't remember exactly what happened to her though.

      I'm now intrigued about Ballantyne book two. :)

    5. Sneak peek of book 2 - it's about "Gentleman Jack" and Ellie Ballantyne. With plenty of Hatfield-McCoy overtones. WOO-HOO;)

  18. Love these historical stories you posted. You are such a wealth of knowledge on this stuff...and I love hearing the stories :) I hope you had a lovely holiday weekend. Today is our *last* day of "school" then we will proceed to unschool for the summer. :) More writing time sounds heavenly right about now :)

    I don't have TV, but I want to see if I can check this out somehow. I'm very much interested in Appalachian history.

    I hope you have a lovely week :)

    1. Julia, YAY! I've been wondering when the school year would come to a close for you all and am so glad to know it's today!! Praying for some quality writing time for you this summer and a great time all around for your littles and C. I'm so glad you don't school year round. Quite a few people do that here but I didn't do that. It's so important for kids to have a break - and parents, too!

      And thanks for the thumbs up on these historical posts:) No wondering where my heart and head is on this blog! I do need to caution you though about this miniseries after finishing it with Randy last night. It's very hard to watch and is extremely violent. Very well done and historically accurate but brutal. Just thought I'd give a warning. I normally don't watch anything this dark but my Kentucky roots won out. My great grandparents and kin were very much aware of this feud as they lived nearby so it has special significance to me. But WOW! So very harsh. Love that you're interested in that history like me, dark as it is.

      I hope you have a lovely week start of June, too!

    2. Yes, school goes until the end of June here, but I wanted to start in August because it was my first year reporting to the district. This year I plan to start in August, too, because between beginning co-op and going to Dallas we will probably miss 2 weeks of school in September. Nice to have that flexibility.

      Chris is staying stable, a little lower than we would like but God has definitely been protecting him :)

      Thanks for the caution. I don't actually watch many movies that aren't for kids anymore so I really appreciate it.

      Hope you have a great week! Can't wait to see the "surprise" coming!

    3. Yes, that homeschooling flexibility is something I miss so much! I'm just beyond thrilled you're going to Dallas:) I should know by next month whether or not I'll join you. It's a great venue, Dallas, and I know you'll savor every single minute. I always do. Thanks so much for the update on Chris. It's interesting that the Lord brings you all to mind. I sometimes wonder if we could track it if those times dovetail with times he has appointments or the like. God is so good to prompt us to pray! SO HOPE you enjoy this upcoming surprise!! You're such a sweetheart, Julia!!

  19. Watched all 3 nights. I thought it was very good, but very sad. I learned that hate and unforgiveness can completely consume and destroy you. I just wanted to cry at the end.

    1. I had the very same feeling - one of overwhelming sadness. I wanted to cry, too, and nearly did at some of the more moving parts like Johnse talking to his dad while fishing and the horrible realization that Anse was capable of killing his own son, etc. My husband, Randy, said he couldn't watch it a second time. Now we need something uplifting to watch! Bless you for your thoughtful comments.

  20. For those of you who don't want to read through the above comments, I'll just say that no, I wouldn't recommend this miniseries because of the dark, violent themes, etc. But it IS an amazing period piece that stays true to the historical record (with a few liberties taken).

    1. I keep checking back everyday to see if our surprise has arrived!! What is taking it so long dearest Laura!! Your inquiring readers want to know!! LOL

    2. Oh Stacie, I'm missing you, too! The surprise is nearly finished and I'm so, so excited:) How's that for a tease?! I appreciate your inquiring mind (and heart)! I hope your June is moving along and you're snapping pics everywhere you look! And that work is going well. You're in my thoughts and prayers. Back soon, I promise!!
